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Everything posted by 123Sandman321

  1. 123Sandman321

    Yes, of course I did, I put around 100 hours into it I don't think Yakuza will ever be able to disappoint me. The stories and overall atmosphere were always wonderful. What I'm a bit worried about, tho, is the combat and overall progression in Kiwami 2, those 5 kinds of EXP seem slightly weird. How does it work? Now here's hoping that Sega puts the rest of them on PC, too...(including Kenzan and Ishin, unlikely, but it'd be amazing)
  2. 123Sandman321

    While it's not bad in particular, it's just so plain and boring. Hell, even the shitty synths and autotune were the only stand-out things.
  3. 123Sandman321

    Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein und das heißt: Erika. Shit gets you pumped, with an off chance of invading Poland.
  4. This colloquoy compels an ingestion of bang-maize.
  5. 123Sandman321

    ...dangly monkey expander
  6. 123Sandman321

    This PV is pure poetry, damn, definitely one of the best, if not the best one I've ever seen.
  7. 123Sandman321

    Still not available, here, in this arse end of Europe.
  8. 123Sandman321

    After Metamorphosis, which was rather disappointing, I'm really hoping for a breath of fresh air, which these covers might bring. I just wish, they won't give all the songs the same technical deathcore treatment. Sena's guitar-wanking is getting rather stale.
  9. This EP is just beyond tasty. That perfect blend of technical and catchy makes for a wonderful, easy listen, while retaining that deep-cutting progressive edge.
  10. 123Sandman321

    They pulled their A-game, yet again. More on the mellow side, following LAMENT's suit, but really well put together and mature sounding. ...that blatant Pulse of the Maggots rip-off, tho to their credit, they waited 15 years, at least
  11. 123Sandman321

    This is not a question of right or wrong, no one can even attempt to answer that and think theirs is the only truth. But, thing is, compassion will never be an equivalent exchange. It's something you give without expecting something in return. A genuine helping hand shouldn't be followed by the second one, demanding. But that's beside the point, just a thought I had. You seem like a kind person, but too keen on keeping up appearances. Do you think that you, yourself, are a bad person or are you worried that your peers might perceive you as such? Are you looking for validation, here, to escape the lack of it from people actually in your life? I know, that I might be asking some nasty questions, for that, I'm sorry, but you need to learn to just not give a shit sometimes, I think I've even told you before and I wasn't the only one, but here we are I know it ain't as simple as that, but one day, you will burn yourself out, I know, for I've been there. In essence, you tried to help, didn't work, well, either try harder (if you want to or are able to) or move on (if you aren't). Sounds easy, right? It ain't but I believe that you are strong enough to find that balance, since you set out on the path. And whatever the ones affected might think of you? Well, tough luck for them. If I had to worry about what other people might think of me, because of my actions, beliefs, appearance, etc., I'd be fucking dead from stress, for years, now
  12. Shame that it was the 8-string guy who left, he had a fat fucking tone.
  13. 123Sandman321

    I like to keep it vacant
  14. Their melodies are simply beautiful.
  15. 123Sandman321

    Ah, well, I posted my reply before the tracklist was shared and I imagined that the album would have 'round 10 songs. My excitement is multiplied.
  16. 123Sandman321

    *cough* EP...cuz, y'know, DNA, Liquid Vain, Brilliant, Akaku Chirabaru Hana and Undo, plus the time span between the last single and the announced date... But, I'm excited for more, anyway Edit: doesn't really make that much sense, now still, I expect at least 2 SEs, so really...8 new songs............
  17. 123Sandman321

    Finishing Yakuza Kiwami, gotta get ready for Kiwami 2, coming in two weeks I'M SO EXCITED
  18. 123Sandman321

    The sixth track sounds proper FILTHY! This seems like it's gonna surpass everything on the full-lenght.
  19. 123Sandman321

    What is this?! The drums sound like actual drums, this time. Excited for more!
  20. 123Sandman321

    The wait is killing me, I constantly kept checking for any news, at work. This'll allow me to sleep, at least Fucking killer look, too.
  21. 123Sandman321

    Thing is, their A-side game is spot on, but the rest is generally lacking, nothing wrong with that, since they are marketed as singles, but I don't think that they could put out a quality album, which requires a coherent concept and can't really be built around a one song. Which I don't think they are able to do, at least within their current schedule. The way things are, my estimate is that it'd take them a year at minimum, for the album to not feel like a singles collection with some bullshit sprinkled inbetween the strong tracks. Right now, if we put their maxi singles together, as a full record, it would be insanely inconsistent. Looking back at 0, which was thinned down to two songs, it was perfect, can't say the same about their previous ones and Heisei, the b-sides I recall from those releases could be counted on a leper's one hand. I'd rather have only two strong songs, compared to an album or a shitton of singles of half-baked songs.
  22. It's quite hard to hide filler tracks in a full album, can't disguise everything as a b-side.
  23. 123Sandman321

    #MyMusicScaresPeople Blast that shit, don't be ashamed of what you like. There are only two outcomes, either people won't give a damn or you'll get an interesting topic for conversation.
  24. His cleans are always undeniably good, but everything else screams generic small-town post-hardcore.
  25. 123Sandman321

    Despite being so weird and experimental, I loved every second of it. That album is shaping up to be some genuine top-shelf stuff.
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