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Status Updates posted by reminiscing2004

  1. team no sleep, pls channel ur energy to me


    ill help u out next time ty

  2. This has probably been asked, but can anyone name VK bands that got better towards the end of their career? (Not counting bands that were only active for like 2 years)


    I'm trying to honestly assess if I have an everlasting nostalgia hard-on, or if bands just tend to lose that youthful passion they needed to once prove themselves once they've already made it. With literally every longer-lasting VK band I like, I favor their earlier/first releases (Versailles, Vidoll, Matenrou Opera, Mucc, Nightmare, Kagrra,, 12012, Ayabie, Miyavi, blah blah).


    I feel like the GazettE might get mentioned, and I fucked with them for the most part until DIM, but as I get older I find myself caring less about their high-budget modern metal sound (which they continue to pursue, arguably quite well?) in favor of many of their early recordings that may have been slightly rough around the edges in some way, but oozed with passion and desperation. This all despite the fact I discovered GazettE around the stacked rubbish area and didn't care for much before it until many years after.


    Thoughts????? DO bands ever get good™ again??

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. reminiscing2004


      thx for your comments everyone. will definitely check out/think about a lot of these examples you guys gave :banjo:

    3. The Moon

      The Moon

      dolly. their earlier releases were pretty hit-or-miss but their last two albums are excellent

    4. nekkichi


      oh and I'm not sure it counts (because they seem to be active and going strong), but DIAURA's latest ablum is a huge step-up over their previous discog (which I only have a fragmentary knowledge of, but from what I've heard it's p mediocre until recently.)

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  3. vaporwave hate thread, anyone?

    ... ok thats probably not a good idea

    1. Himeaimichu


      There is an official thread dedicated to turning people away from Indie bands, so if they won't let a Vaporwave hate thread fly, then something is wrong xD. 

      Ah go for it, it's not like there aren't a crap ton of hate threads here anyway xD. 

  4. ダリス! What an exciting find

    : o

  5. @admins tradeoff pls ily

    1. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      I second this. How about a nice holiday theme or something centering around snow or the cold :music2:

    2. platy


      Please vote, I can't decide.

  6. a video tradeoff sounds really interesting. same concept as the standard mix tradeoff, but your mix is made up of music-related video clips. can be all music videos, or all live bootlegs, or all pro-shot, or anything in between. definitely might take a bit more effort, but I really like the idea of trying to make a consistent theme across a bunch of clips

    1. suji


      that sounds like a cool idea!

    2. platy


      I love that idea :) 

  7. after listening to them since I was like 9, I saw Symphony X today. super satisfying. russell allen was nothing but good vibes

  8. after pretty much listening to the same maxi for a decade, i'm FINALLY diving into the rest of Dolly and omggg i can't believe it took me this long 💯

  9. ahahah, pressed control-z to undo a word i had pasted in my review and deleted that last 6 paragraphs, niiiiiice

    1. IGM_Oficial


      Too bad that the internet doesn't work the same way as notepad

    2. YuyoDrift


      I spent 5 1/2 hours typing out a well thought out take on deadman, all to just have my browser crash and lose the entire draft lol.


      I feel ya.

  10. alright MH, what's the saddest Kagrra, song?

    1. The Moon

      The Moon

      hifumi imo!

    2. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Utakata, definitely.

    3. monkeybanana4


      As @Ada Suilen mentioned, Utakata for sure! Shiki and Shiroi Uso are some pretty sad songs as well.

  11. ALSDEAD was cool..

    1. lichtlune


       Always liked this one. 

    2. Axius


      Wow i acually didnt know about this one. 

    3. reminiscing2004


      @lichtlune That song makes me Nostalgic of listening to Cure's short-lived online radio station in 2009 (curemediausa.com). The DJ (was his name Shion?) wasn't shy about his taste and would basically play DELUHI, ALSDEAD, アンド and similar bands over and over again.


      That was an exciting time and it really felt like those bands were all going to blow up in popularity..

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  12. alternate universe where slipknot was a wildly unsuccessful visual kei band.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Komorebi


      Do you mean gazette? XD

    3. whitegrey


      He meant the new supergroup Deathgazette *__* (scnr)

    4. Shmilly


      You know if they were VK they would be Sripnot

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  13. and so the list of albums i WANT to enjoy but are tainted by fake (sounding) drums grows...

  14. Any diehard fans know what G.A.L.D. or F.T.O. stand for? I've just noticed I never really tried to figure it out

    1. IGM_Oficial


      Urban dictionary knows it all

    2. Zeus


      F.T.O. = fight the order
      G.A.L.D. = giving all love dearly

      these are just my best guesses

  15. any tips for max ganbaru-ing? must;work. can't;sleep

    1. platy


      Eat some tasty food, do some stretches, wash your face with some cold water and GANBARU!

    2. emmny


      stop listening to mineral

  16. Anyone know much about Atmos*note?

    1. suji


      All I know is that the singer transitioned to a woman after they disbanded, I believe.

    2. reminiscing2004


      Ahh, interesting. I've been enjoying their songs on the Shock Edge 2003 and Decadence 2004 V.A.'s. Will reply back here if I ever find more, besides the generic info on vkdb/last fm. Thx!

  17. anyone on AvistaZ? 👀

  18. bands that should have had a live album: janne da arc

  19. Best/favorite GALNERYUS album? Hit me with it, MH

  20. Bury my body in the holy land, C.C. Lemon Hall

  21. caught myself listening to due le quartz and just watching gordon ramsay cooking videos on mute for like 20 minutes

    1. Himeaimichu


      Imagine Gordon Ramsay, singing Due Le Quartz. 

      Someone needs to make that. That'd be some funny shit

  22. couple d'ange is the best two song band ever WTF

    1. fitear1590


      YES, I agree! It sucks that they didn't release more.

  23. craving another plugdj sesh :o

  24. DELUHI was SO fucking good

    1. Wakarimashita


      I know, RIGHT? ;__;

    2. Atreides


      I should listen to more of their stuff..

    3. reminiscing2004


      I was binging live clips last night. It's just crazy how tight/good they sounded live. Every solo is nailed, the switch between harsh and clean vocals -- I could go on forever. Too good!

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