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  1. Like
    platy reacted to Nighttime Jae in Corona-related Livestreams / Concert Videos   
    Tomorrow is Clack inc.'s live stream. They're gonna start at 4 PM JST and possibly go on all night since they're planning to drink 100 drinks in order to cover for the livehouse expenses😂Watch bandomen getting shitfaced (LIVE!!!)
  2. Like
    platy reacted to saiko in キズ (Kizu) new single, "地獄" (jigoku) release   
    Now you mention it, some users and I discussed this hypothesis a months ago, and the agreement was over the fact that it may be true.
    It is almost impossible to explain other way how a group of little to no known indie musicians (yeah, I know Lime was in Lezard, but anyway... who the fuck are them?) launched from night to morning a project with such level of excellence both in music (compositions, recording), looks, videoclips and overall advertising campaign (remember the whole thing of the telephone number where bangya could talk to Lime to make catharsis of their suicidal thoughts? Crazy!).
    They definitely had a ton of money behind them to do such, and if someone risked that amount of money for funding a band of nobodies in an currently almost dead genre/scene, I think it's obvious that those investors still now take every chance and tool they have acces to to make Kizu deliver profit in the most effective and eficient way. I'm still amazed about the fact that someone decided to take said risk; if I had the money I'm not sure if I would do it considering the situation, tbh.
    And I'm not against it at all, because it was Kizu the band that (along Dimlim) retained the dignity of VK all this time within a scene full of ultra cringe-worthy newcomers and slowly-dying big fishes...
  3. Like
    platy reacted to Himeaimichu in kiryu - another side original PV?   
    They released PV spots for Another Side and Shigoumizakura, but never full versions. They remain on Niconico if I am correct, and watermarked versions can be seen on YT. These were made very early in their career, way before they got the record deal with BP, however I don't think full versions were ever made. If they do, then hopefully someone uploads them lol
  4. LOLOL
    platy got a reaction from Total Saikou in VK horror stories extravaganzaaaaaaaa~~~   
    I'll regret this but do you have any links for this? 
    I'm here for this.
  5. LOLOL
    platy got a reaction from Total Saikou in VK horror stories extravaganzaaaaaaaa~~~   
    @WhirlingBlack said: Mejibray revival but they only play 8P-SB songs
  6. LOLOL
    platy got a reaction from suji in VK horror stories extravaganzaaaaaaaa~~~   
    @WhirlingBlack said: Mejibray revival but they only play 8P-SB songs
  7. Like
    platy got a reaction from colorful人生 in Corona-related Livestreams / Concert Videos   
    tricot have posted one song from their live perfomance (with no audience).
    On the 13th of April, they'll put on a live online gig which you can buy tickets for 1,000 yen. I'm definitely supporting this.
    tricot SARUSHIBAI 7pm
    April 13th
    Ticket: 1,000 yen https://tricot.zaiko.io/_item/325384
  8. Like
    platy got a reaction from gret in Corona-related Livestreams / Concert Videos   
    tricot have posted one song from their live perfomance (with no audience).
    On the 13th of April, they'll put on a live online gig which you can buy tickets for 1,000 yen. I'm definitely supporting this.
    tricot SARUSHIBAI 7pm
    April 13th
    Ticket: 1,000 yen https://tricot.zaiko.io/_item/325384
  9. LOVE!
    platy reacted to ghost in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    I haven't watched a new anime in YEARS. Not counting things like movies from Studio Ghibli or the Nickolodeon Avatar series, the last new-to-me Japanese anime I watched was Yu Yu Hakusho in like 2007. That's about the time I fell out of anime. While I was digging around for new music I came across the OST for Made In Abyss and absolutely fell in love with it. This made me want to find out what the source material was like because the music painted such a vivid imagery. 
    And wow is it good. It took me a moment to get into it but when it picks up it really takes you for a ride. I did not expect to get shaken up emotionally but I got pretty invested in the characters and the trials they go through. The main draw for me though is the lore and world that's built around the story. I think a similar reason I loved an anime like Yu Yu Hakusho is the sense of discovering a dark and unknown frontier. The show just feels alive when there are maps and characters talking about creatures they've discovered or when they come across something brand new that's been undocumented. This is the first time I started to read the original manga because I enjoyed the show. It certainly isn't perfect, but for a short 13 episode season I think it's pretty solid. And that music *chefs kiss*.
    I'm bummed the sequel movie "Dawn of the deep soul" is put on hold for US theaters. I found out it was supposed to show 2 weeks from now : (
  10. LOLOL
    platy got a reaction from Gesu in VK horror stories extravaganzaaaaaaaa~~~   
    @WhirlingBlack said: Mejibray revival but they only play 8P-SB songs
  11. Like
    platy got a reaction from jon_jonz in Corona-related Livestreams / Concert Videos   
    tricot have posted one song from their live perfomance (with no audience).
    On the 13th of April, they'll put on a live online gig which you can buy tickets for 1,000 yen. I'm definitely supporting this.
    tricot SARUSHIBAI 7pm
    April 13th
    Ticket: 1,000 yen https://tricot.zaiko.io/_item/325384
  12. Like
    platy reacted to JRD in MEJIBRAY one-day revival   
    I literally was shocked then I realized it's still April Fool's Day. I was not ready, now it's just a disappointment, but hey, 8P-SB still bops so haters can exit stage left.
  13. LOLOL
    platy reacted to KrumpingChihuahua in random thoughts thread   
    I have to say it somewhere 
    After 7 years of not really following up on dir en grey i come back to realize kyo is finally a man 😱 And not a schoolgirl-gremlin anymore
    (Please dont hate me for this 🙏)
  14. Like
    platy reacted to saishuu in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
    e tem gente por aqui (ninguém que tenha visto aqui nesse tópico) que acha importante e uma atitude louvável deixar de comer e de gastar dinheiro com coisas essenciais do dia-a-dia pra comprar CDs com preços absurdos lol é fácil falar em apoiar a cena quando você mora na europa e ganha em euro. comprar CDs aqui do Brasil, pelo menos de forma constante, só funciona de você for rico e tiver dinheiro de sobra todo mês. comprei horrores e enchi uma prateleira enquanto podia, quando o dólar tava abaixo ou próximo dos R$2. agora? nope, sem remorso algum
  15. Like
    platy got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
    Ninguem aqui no forum (ainda mais admins) vieram com planos de fazer esse tipo de projeto. Todos estao ocupados com suas vidas, familias, empregos que chegam a sugar a alma. MH existe pra comunidade de fas de VK (uma comunidade moderada e cuidada no nosso tempo livre) nao pra ser uma distribuidora de musica ou parceira de gravadoras. Isso requer muito esforco e tempo, algo que ninguem veio preparado pra investir laaa no comeco do forum. Fatos. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
    Seja a mudanca que vc quer no mundo - que bom que vc apoia as bandas, etc. Mas entenda que vc nao vai conseguir mudar o jeito que os outros pensam. Esse eh o mundo, todos tem opinioes diferentes e fazem as coisas de maneira diferente. Se os mods/admins resolvessem fechar o aspecto de download do MH a comunidade morreria, porque infelizmente ou as pessoas nao tem dinheiro pra gastar com musica our simplesmente nao querem.  O forum esta dividido quase igualmente entre pessoas que querem download e pessoas que nao querem/ou nao se importam. 
    Pessoalmente, eu  compro/uso streaming se disponivel. Mas nao vou mentir que ja baixei e baixo tbm. Cada um faz o que pode, outros nao fazem porra nenhuma. E a gente segue em frente.
    Vc pode continuar dando murro em ponta de faca, mas saiba que estara perdendo o seu tempo. As pessoas nao vao mudar simplesmente pq vc quer.
  16. 悲しい
    platy got a reaction from Euronymous in MEJIBRAY one-day revival   
    I wish
  17. LOLOL
    platy got a reaction from CAT5 in MEJIBRAY one-day revival   
    I wish
  18. Like
    platy got a reaction from monkeybanana4 in MEJIBRAY one-day revival   
    I wish
  19. Like
    platy got a reaction from Arkady in DIMLIM gt. retsu Departs   
    That way is also stupid. It should be day, month, year. SMALLEST TO BIGGEST. 
  20. LOLOL
    platy got a reaction from Total Saikou in MEJIBRAY one-day revival   
    I wish
  21. LOLOL
    platy got a reaction from suji in MEJIBRAY one-day revival   
    I wish
  22. Thanks
    platy reacted to chemicalpictures in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
    A parada é que MH não se propõe a isso, nunca se propôs. É um fórum de 50 cabeças que tão aqui desde sempre, conversam sobre os mesmos assuntos a 10 anos, xingam bandas velhas e novas e gostam de uma coisa ou outra nova. Uns saem e voltam, uns novatos entram e curtem, muitos não ficam, e é isso. Não acho que seja a intenção crescer e virar algo com um objetivo maior, já tem lugares propondo fazer diferente por aí. Aqui é tipo o safe spot da comunidade ocidental pra falar besteira dessa coisa nicho do nicho do nicho chamada VK.
    Quanto a downloads, as regras daqui são as mesmas pra música no mundo todo, não acho que tenha que ser diferente. Baixa quem quer, compra quem quer, faz streaming quem tá afim. Cortar o acesso pra tentar forçar uma compra ou coisa do tipo só serve pra alienar uma galera de curtir a música.
    Nurié por exemplo, eu me amarro demais no som dos caras. Eles estão no Spotify, então 100% do tempo eu ouço por lá, apesar de ter baixado pra caso um dia não esteja mais disponível. Pretendo comprar os CDs quando o dólar não tiver fucking CINCO REAIS E TRINTA CENTAVOS, mas mesmo assim porque gosto mesmo da banda. Dar 70 reais num single de 3 músicas é uma maluquice surreal pra maioria das pessoas, a verdade é essa
  23. LOLOL
    platy got a reaction from Gesu in MEJIBRAY one-day revival   
    I wish
  24. Like
    platy reacted to ghost in ghost's drawings   
    Been working on this one since the beginning of this year. The scales on the fish took forEVER.

    Some close-up details on the plant and koi:
  25. Like
    platy got a reaction from seys in DIMLIM gt. retsu Departs   
    That way is also stupid. It should be day, month, year. SMALLEST TO BIGGEST. 
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