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Everything posted by platy

  1. mysterious
  2. Joker is a fantastic movie, but I'd recommend anyone struggling with mental health to avoid it or approach with caution.


    No, I'm not buying into the hype. I usually have a pretty high tolerance to stuff, but this got too personal towards the end and almost sent me spiraling. It shouldn't be rated as 15. It's an R rated movie if I've ever seen one, and not because of violence. 



      I agree. I think they've done a really good job of depicting mental illness, so much so that it hit much too close to home for me as well and I had to leave the cinema about halfway through the movie. I've been (consciously) struggling with depression for half my life and I'm currently in a phase (in therapy) where things are looking up, I feel more connected, more awake and present and therefor much more vulnerable and sensitive towards depictions of mental illness, addiction and so forth.


      I wouldn't necessarily say it's a question of age though but rather how sensitive you are and whether you've struggled with similar issues in your past or not.


      Hope you feel better 💪

    2. Manabu


      I agree entirely but sadly I think some of the themes, questions and messages the movie is portraying will fall on deaf ears, quite ironic.

  3. platy

    I totally agree, hence why I stated in my previous comment that dimlim and mamireta aren't on the same level lol like the latter, dimlim might be a one or two hit wonder (or rather, 2 release wonder) so as incredible as they have been so far, we should never be too hasty to call anyone a savior in this scene.
  4. platy

    Remember when people were saying mamireta were the saviors of VK and a copy of their 3-month consecutive release was going for $100s? That was only last year. Not that DIMLIM and mamireta are on the same league, but it's just an example to not put all your eggs in one basket too quickly.
  5. What kind of theme are we feeling for the October trade off? 

    1. platy


      Yessss the anime OST one was great fun 

    2. CAT5


      I loooooooooooove soundtrack-related themes!


      Not sure if this is exactly what @Zeus was thinking, but perhaps since the seasons are changing - maybe a theme about life and death???

    3. Seimeisen


      @ghost we actually did the horror film soundtrack theme back in 2015


      That being said, I'd be down for another soundtrack theme, or a spoOoOky szn theme

    4. Show next comments  63 more
  6. platy

    I'm in love with the beginning/end part.
  7. platy

    Only one guitarrist: fine. No bassist: no hope
  8. platy

    Aggressive marketing can be a good strategy sometimes
  9. Happy birthday! Hope you have a great day, many blessings. :)


  10. platy

    @Komorebi block her. Doesn't sound worth it all and clearly she's not willing to invest as much energy on you as you invest on her.
  11. platy

    It's that time of the year when everyone is coughing and sneezing. I refuse to get ill so I'm wearing a surgical mask because I can feel the start of an itchy throat. You fuckers staring at me on public transport can learn a thing or two. Would rather walk around in a hazmat suit than breath in your fkn cold virus 🤢
  12. platy

    Hey, you might find some useful information in this thread
  13. Best Disney movie is Emperor's New Groove 🦙👑

    1. Himeaimichu


      That movie along with the show it spawned was my childhood

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      One of the best!


      Another fave is Sword in the Stone for me.

    3. platy


      @psychonnect_rozen up is a classic, but is it the best? No ma'am!! 

    4. Show next comments  63 more
  14. One of them is actually wearing sandals. That's different.
  15. platy

    I agree with you. I buy digital versions whenever I can. I'll put money aside for a single or two when a band I like announces stuff. It's just a matter of planning one's spending. Edit: I've said it here before, it'll sound reductive but if we sacrifice the weekly/daily take out or weekend pint, that's all it takes to be able to support a band digitally.
  16. platy

    Let's start a movement by buying dimlim's next release, digital or physical... Doesn't matter. I understand most of us are broke but this is for the greater good. Issei's (possibly having a) smug smile on his face gives me cramps.
  17. platy

    Dear All, Please don't take anything in this thread too personally. Whenever you find yourself getting too invested in the posts here, re-read the title. It's something we can all practice a little more.
  18. platy

    I don't watch many ASMR videos with people. My favourite channel is ASMR Rooms, she does a lot of Harry Potter themed cinemagraphs (images with small animations, particle fx and sounds). There are quite a few channels doing that kind of thing now with different ambient themes. Of course, the most famous sound is fire crackling, but I think it's overused. Homey/nature sounds boost my productivity and concentration when drawing or writing. I'll link a couple of my favourites below. I used to think those mukbang asmr videos were gross, but then I fell into the Instagram hole of accounts that just compile snippets of videos in that genre. I got addicted, not only for the sounds but because I also love food and it's a good opportunity to see/imagine what certain things taste or feel like. I've been on an Instagram detox for a month now since I was spending way too much time watching people eat. edit: ignore the double text
  19. platy

    Falando do post quotado lá em cima, oq mais tem nesse fórum é gente que ama bandas mais antigas, encorajo qualquer um a fazer tópico pra discutir assuntos assim pq vai gerar bastante participação
  20. platy

    I tried listening to vanitas - white- and just burst out laughing in public. Some parts were really nice, but this is weird. I'm scrapping my fantasy of having Sho whisper in my ear.
  21. platy

    Happy Birthday, Great One. May you achieve many great things in the coming year :)


  22. platy

    How can we help? I'd kill to see them live over here.
  23. platy

    @nullmoon that's ridiculous. Sounds like she has no filter. Headphones are great, but I'm starting to get sick of listening to music or podcasts. It's no longer for enjoyment but for the sake of my sanity. Why should I have to be plugged in for 8 hours a day when others are being a nuisance? That could be something to bring up with your manager if you ever get one on one meetings with them. This woman is disrupting your work and sharing overly personal details. Sounds like a justified complaint. Wishing you lots of patience to get through this Friday 😛
  24. platy

    He isn't, when we get a few moments of quiet he'll be humming, etc. Plus, he talks a lot too and contributes to the noise. Dude, there are little advantages to open space offices but I'd rather be isolated in a cubicle at this point. My brain is so fried by the bullshit I gotta put up with daily lol.
  25. platy

    The office I work in is noisy af. People who talk non stop coz they're afraid of silence. Anyway, I put up with it. Then this guy right next to me has been whistling and humming all week (non stop) and that's just too fucking far. Those actions are objectively annoying. I finally ask him to stop and he just tells me to put head phones on and turn the music louder. I've been in a murderous mood all day 🙂 why can't people be more mindful of their fucking surroundings.
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