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Everything posted by platy

  1. 0 debt. I got gifted a credit card twice, I just cut them up and went straight in the garbage. I'm not good with numbers at all, so rates and interest and that kinda stuff is very confusing. There was one time when I went a few hundred £ into my overdraft but thankfully there was no interest (because student accounts have an agreed overdraft amount w/o fees) and eventually I managed to pay it back. I'd rather use a debit card. Money comes in, money goes out. Simple. I only started to budget recently, after bills I have a set amount of money to spend on things that really matter to me like books, food, my health and supporting artists on kickstarter lol. I'm trying to cut on random spending by only making purchases which I'd planned before. Everything else goes in savings. A car would be cool, but in the grand scheme of things it's extra spending that I'd rather put into public transport since I have the choice. I also use finance apps to keep me on my toes. I guess I'm in a privileged position where I'm young, childless and don't have a mortgage and live in a country that doesn't have a fetish for putting people into debt. I know that in many cases people don't go into it willingly and it's a trap that's hard af to come out of, specially if you have health issues and/or a family. Edit: I just realised that I have near 30k in student debt, but I'll only start paying it back once I earn over a certain amount per year and after 30 years it gets written off, so to me it doesn't even exist. And yeah there's interest on top of that too, but it doesn't impact my life in any way so far.
  2. btw that release title has been bothering me. I'm almost sure it's hinting at the end of the band "begin end roll" aka roll the credits coz we're done!
  3. platy

    I'm partially sad but not surprised. I hope Chizuru joins another project were he isn't whored out like a kpop idol. Remember when goemon said POIDOL was gonna be part of "the big 3". How's that going? Will POIDOL be pulling pentagon numbers any time before their disband? lol
  4. platy

    ^clearly unaware of the numbers they were pulling at lives
  5. platy

    I wasn't always a fan of kyoani's moeness, but there's no one around that's on their level. Without a doubt a massive loss in the anime industry and such a tragedy. I wonder when we will see anything from them again. I expect heartfelt anime-short tributes to start rolling in by the end of the year.
  6. platy

    I wish I hadn't googled that lol. It looks like some cheap hentai. I'm not here to convince you otherwise and I totally agree that the animation nowadays has lowered in quality considerably. It's a shame animation has become a business which the faster you shit out the product the better just so neckbeard, basement dwelling otakus can get their fill of whatever questionable fetish they have (in case you browse myanimelist profile, I know this sounds hypocritical af but that's a debate for another day). This is definitely a craft that takes time, lots of sweat and tears and doesn't fit today's 'fast food' model but alas. There are some fantastic narratives out there hiding behind the gross use of cg. For example, Made in Abyss is beautiful and so well crafted in every aspect of itself. I was going to put it off because of it's 'kiddy' look but the series was far from being kiddy friendly or your run of the mill shounen. It restored my faith in anime. There are studios out there that care. They're just buried under the garbage heap and unfortunately, bound to get overlooked because as you said as adults there's less time to waste on this stuff and teens aren't out there exactly looking for quality series
  7. platy

    Shame. There's some great stuff out there... ...and blood lad was not one of them. I read your rant in the other thread. The fanservice was the downfall of this series, otherwise it could've been a fun little adventure.
  8. platy

    That's not unpopular, that's ignorant. TG anime is pure, uninspired garbage. The manga is genuinely great. Series from the golden age haven't aged that well either but TG was never meant to compare with them in the first place lmao
  9. platy

    You seriously think TG: route A was "great" ? Now that's an unpopular opinion. I'm...
  10. platy

    I love ziyouu vachi. What did you think of their latest album?
  11. platy

    Croissants are great
  12. platy

    @psychonnect_rozen I'm surprised you liked Black Butler at all. The first season was animated so fucking badly, not only that, why did they make Grell so annoying? That blonde girl was also a pain the ass. I had to drop it by episode 12, it was just garbage. And yeah I will be that prick that says the manGa iS beTTeR because at least the moronic trio (maids, butler and gardener) got very little time in the panels and the art is incredible.
  13. Annnd how do you know it won't mess with time and space? 👀 What I'm saying is we literally don't know what they have there lol most of the information there probably most of us wouldn't understand not because we're simpletons but because, I don't know about you but I'm not well versed in military jargon, military science, weaponry or whatever other experiments they have going down there. Plus, look at the state of humanity right now. People will put their lives in danger for the sake of a selfie and Instagram clout, we can't even handle social media or phones, a new technology that's become integral part of our lives. Some things are better left alone. It doesn't take something as sophisticated as a time machine to create a mess lol Edit: Oh and don't forget, there was a a FB event in the US last year I think, where people were gonna gather to shoot at hurricanes so they'd go away. It really did happen, despite the police issuing warnings to go somewhere safe and not shoot the fkn hurricane. Don't underestimate the dumbness of (American) mankind.
  14. Oh yeah, just allow hundreds of thousands of people inside the base full of secrets we're not even capable of understanding. I'm sure no malicious person or spy would take the opportunity to sneak in with the tourists. lol And wouldn't be beyond the American government to shoot down hundreds of people as they approach the base and then create an abduction conspiracy or cover up story.
  15. @YuyoDrift I'm not invested or pissed off at the topic of discussion, I was simply presenting a different perspective as to why other people might be. At the end of the day Hollywood will be Hollywood and it's not the only source of movie making, although it does have a bigger social power than we imagine 🤷🏻‍♀️
  16. platy

    SuG's Vamp Vamp Vamp and SweeToxic. Vidoll's heroin, not sure if it's about sex but it sounds like Jui is having a real orgasm at the end.
  17. platy

    I'm waiting for that nemu pic
  18. @YuyoDrift I see your point. Plus, putting an unknown lgbt actor in a movie about lgbt subjects might scare the mainstream away, so placing someone like Scarlet as the star at least makes it more digestible to people who wouldn't even consider a bowl of rainbow flakes for breakfast. In a way, it could be beneficial in the long run. The thing is, sure the challenge of playing a character that is completely different to your being could be a great experience for the actor. But there are people who have lived these struggles. They are out there and ready to show others their story, or the story of their queer idols, if only they had the chance. Even if a more unknown lgbt actor applied for these roles and did a fucking great performance, Scarjo is available and she brings in the money with her pretty, harmless straightness regardless of her performance. You could almost say no one else stands a chance and I'd argue that this type of "ally" does more harm than good. It's all well and good to have a sexy cis actress play a trans man, we can all pretend we're okay with "them" as long as they're appealing to our eyes and just pretend. Try placing an actual trans person who might not be as well manicured and Hollywood-fied in front of the same audience and see them grab their pitchforks and recoil in disgust.
  19. platy

    I hate air conditioning. Anytime, anywhere. It just makes me ill and tends to make the room way colder than it should, plus you can just smell the dust it blows around and it helps spread colds. Honestly, death to it.
  20. platy

    Nemu? Does it show his chin? Please share.
  21. platy

    I hope they'll find the right members to make their work god-tier.
  22. so aesthetic. I hope the sound doesn't follow or it'll probably be mega generic and soft.
  23. platy

    I have high hopes that they'll do an European tour soon ✨
  24. platy

    Lightning Returns has an incredible soundtrack and it's sad that people simply dismiss everything about this game.
  25. platy

    If someone's childhood can be boiled down to one movie or a few cartoons then I feel very sorry for them. People are way too fucking protective of this notion of "childhood", acting like crybabies over it constantly. Okay, the fact that the Krabby Patty secret ingredient is crab is fucked up but should anyone really be developing Freudian traumas over that?
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