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Everything posted by platy

  1. platy

    Linking arms? This should be tagged under hardcore on xvideos
  2. platy

    Don't forget Tomo and Takashi from Dadaroma, although they've calmed down they had a straight up romance going on in the early years of the band. I think it's unnecessary and annoying. It makes my eyes roll every time I see band members pretend kiss or whatever. It helps them generate some much needed income though, so what can I say. I'd rather see solo fanservice, like (again) Tomo from DDRM did that photoshoot semi naked with his bass.
  3. platy

    Welcome to MH, we house some of the oldest vk fans around. I'm sure you'll find your stay comfortable and pleasant.
  4. platy

    That logo is crazy. I hope they make good use of the concept since it offers a lot of potential
  5. platy

    So what changed...?
  6. platy

    It's almost impossible not to compare a band's portfolio though. I'm used to always expecting something new with sukekiyo, even without comparing the new album to Adoratio or anything else, infinitum is still my least favourite. 💁🏻‍♀️ It's very much a sukekiyo release, meaning there's tons of experimentation but still, underwhelming.
  7. platy

    I've been listening to Adoratio on repeat after the new album came out. So here's a personal ranking of sukekiyo's stuff Adoratio Vitium Immortallis Infinitum
  8. platy

    Those last few seconds were a mix of anxiety, suspense and awe. I wish it had gone on for longer, with a gentle fade out. But on the other hand I'm almost thankful they blue-balled us like that, oh, and hatever Sho is doing here in this track fkn slaps.
  9. platy

    The discussion has already started and finished bruh
  10. The live was fantastic. I'm pleased with the set list even though when Tomorrow Never Dies came on I was instantly bored lol Apart from that, it was non-stop headbangers with a short break for sonokoe wa moroku, which sounds even better live. Like Zeus said, it stole the show for me. Ruki was flawless, I was actually impressed by his screams. His clean vocals are powerful too. I think I've been disappointed too many times by VK vocalists who sound great in studio but can barely hold a note at a live. So I couldn't get enough of Ruki's performance. Due to some sound issues, Reita's bass almost deafened me at some points, but it made me realise that he's a pretty decent bassist. Uruha was really going for it, Kai was great and Aoi... Well, he wasn't "there". He had one of those polite smiles that you put on when there's unwanted guests in the house and you're pretending to be nice. Musically he was great regardless. I don't wanna make the usual comparisons, BUT not long ago I came to the same venue to see Dir En Grey. Looking back at it, it was empty in contrast to gazette. After being a fan for over a decade, finally seeing them live and experiencing how seasoned they've become as musicians was a really special experience. If Uruha had been dressed as a nun I would've given it a straight up 12/10. I'll make sure to see them again at the first chance I get, hopefully in Japan so I can hear some of the old gems.
  11. platy

    Finally gave this album some listens. It's not my favorite, but it isn't awful. It did take quite a few tries for it to sink in. Tada, Mada, Watashi is great and Kimi wa Mukidashi, pretty sure uta composed it, is incredible. That one and waizatsu are my favourite tracks. Dorothy hasn't clicked with me, but it gives such a Stranger Things vibe. It's a shame that so many songs have technically memorable parts which are super short and only played once and then forgotten, like that solo in waizatsu.
  12. Queueing to see gazette 😭

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Lucky you!! Have fun!

    2. platy


      @ghost I dropped one headbang for every active member of MH 

    3. monkeybanana4


      The line was monstrous, lol. So glad you were still able to see them on stage, though :) 

    4. Show next comments  81 more
  13. platy

    It's great to see so much positive feedback regarding FF7R. Even the cesspool that is YouTube comments is pretty much just positive reactions. Considering how gloomy and hateful so many people have been about anything regarding FF. Personally, I'm not mega hyped for it, but I do look forward to playing.
  14. Night out in Tokyo with Takeru (SuG). He seems pretty kinky so hopefully he'd show me some cool bdsm clubs in town before I promptly ditched him for some hot mistress.
  15. platy

    My favorite is that Ryuutarou from plastic tree has a raging fetish for smelling the scalp of women he sleeps with. Also Meto and another member from a band I can't remember started fighting or smth and fell out of a window together??
  16. Good. Both should disband and stop trying to make this work. Put it out of its misery.
  17. platy

    Their first release is pretty cool. I didn't know what to expect, but it's stuck in my mind.
  18. platy

    I used to go on this internet personality gossip forum religiously. It's been a month since I've last been on it and I use my time much better lol
  19. I have more hope for the B sides. This was okay, just okay.
  20. platy

    Hmm interesting... But, considering that live dvd ddrm released sounded awful (on yoshiatsu's part) and the time I saw them live I wasn't impressed, I'll pass. But fingers crossed that opens the gate for touring abroad 🙏🏼
  21. platy

    Takeru from SuG starred in a movie. Was probably garbage, but hey.
  22. platy

    The look isn't bad. I just hope it's more than simply a mediocre release.
  23. platy

    Better to quit while I'm ahead
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