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Everything posted by platy

  1. platy

    It sucks when you need to ask people to grab stuff for you in the supermarket, or when going to a gig ends up being a suicide mission. On the other hand I find that being small means people are nicer and/or more likely to let me get away with stuff. Take what you can from it. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  2. platy

    Pet Sematary (2019) - don't spend your money on this. Cheapest horror tactics and awful pacing. I don't get it. The source material is right there and it's great, the job is already half done. How can you fuck up and create someone so hollow and boring?
  3. platy

    Nooooooo Scarlet was so charismatic in her lip sync Yvie is amazing, she didn't turn her condition into a sob story and delivered it despite everything. I hope I can see her live at least once before she inevitably retires
  4. platy

    I'm having fun this season, but the last episode was underwhelming. At least Ariel went, her mannerisms were too cringey for me. Silky should've been in the bottom too, but it feels like the show is keeping her to fill the fat queen quota since Nina isn't big enough. Brooke and Vanjie are a cute couple. Brooke is worth a shag based on her skillset alone lmao
  5. platy

    @Gesu it is possible to enjoy things without becoming invested in the fandom. I have no contact with vk apart from MH. Even if the community here was unbearable, or certain musicians made me seriously reconsider what I'm doing with my life (the raid, gosan) it'd be simple to take what I need and go. Steven Universe's fandom is actually diseased, yet it's easy to fully enjoy the show and theories without making contact with the demented parts of the fans. Just imagine wearing a hazmat suit. Mute, block, ignore. Enjoy what you will.
  6. platy

    Yuchi is even wearing a BERET! This is peak artistic//avant garde kei.
  7. platy

    The Miseducation of Cameron Post. No. Just no. This won a couple of awards? It's nothing but a few pretty scenes with indie music. I really wanted to see Chloe Moretz have lesbian sex, and turns out those are actually the only good scenes in here. I'm annoyed because the book was so rich in its world building and message. Cameron's development and her journey in finding herself and dealing with traumas was reduced to the bare minimum they could get away with. They literally made a movie out of the last third of the book, ignoring everything that got her to that point,there's 0 character development for an hour and a half. Even my bf, who hasn't read the book thought it was meh at best. Wasted opportunity for a good lgbt movie. Well it's pretty and somewhat charming if you like drawn out scenes and dry attempts at humor. Would rather not have spent £3 on it though. Easy A - just got curious about this because of Emma Stone. It's alright except for all the extremely shitty characters and constant prostitute jokes, I know the premise of the movie relies on that but still, cringe. Didn't laugh once, but Emma Stone sure is charming.
  8. platy

    I'm reading The Achievement Habit by Bernard Roth. I went through a phase of buying motivational/life skills audiobooks before realising how boring they are, but pushing myself to go through it
  9. This better not be an April Fool's joke
  10. platy

    Finished Sex Education today. Loved every moment of it, the characters were so well developed and I enjoyed seeing where each storyline was going. Except for Adam and Eric's, I've seen that cliché a lot. Glee did it over ten years ago, it wasn't cute then and it isn't cute now. But apart from that, it brought something new to the table regarding the teens vs sex theme.
  11. platy

    @Tokage the camera on the Huawei I have is great for outdoors and portrait. Now trying to FILM something? For some reason it applies a yellow tint to everything at the slightest change of light or facial movement. Plus it can't focus on small details at all! Annoying AF
  12. platy

    My Xperia phone from 2016 has a much better camera than my (supposedly top camera in the market) Huawei from 2018. This is why I never invest in the latest anything.
  13. The last track has some potential but otherwise this is very bland. Meh.
  14. platy

    Credit to lukeroppi on Instagram
  15. Uruha looks like a chaotic evil milf. Also nice of them to acknowledge they've neglected London for over a decade #foreversalty
  16. I won't expect a lot, if they could play hyena and/or dogma//ominous I'd be satisfied.
  17. platy

    Sadly, can't find their stuff on Spotify anymore. Buuut people really should check them out! It's a fusion of Japanese folk music and Latin American elements.
  18. platy

    Capacity of 352 people I think
  19. platy

    Us - not the kind of horror I was expecting. It's weird, unsettling and has a brilliant soundtrack. I'm finding it hard to not keep thinking about all the details in the movie. I'm counting the days 'till the next Jordan Peele project.
  20. platy

    Shuga's look. That's all. (oh, Mercedes was super relieved to leave)
  21. Remember when everyone was willing to pay hundreds for mamireta's sold out singles? That was only a year ago.


    Things sure changed quickly. 

    1. 123Sandman321


      @tetsu_sama69oh, I'm not surprised at all, I just never liked the concept. Also, could you cut the patronising, oh ancient one? :D 

    2. Doesn'tEvenGoHere


      They've only been around for 2 years, so a year ago is half of their career. I  do feel like people are too hard on them though. They're still technically a baby band but because they started off strong, people expect masterpieces from them even though they've only been around a short  while and this is their first band (except Karu). 

    3. 123Sandman321


      2 years is already well past the average VK band life expectancy. They should be collectiong pension and feeding ducks by the pond, by now.

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  22. platy

    I never expect anything new from gazette lately. Especially not this close to a world tour.
  23. platy

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