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Everything posted by platy

  1. You could try finding the singles to buy on JP yahoo auctions. Won't be cheap though.
  2. aicle. and 9GBO. I'll agree with whoever said MCR, Three Cheers was their best material but the direction they were going in after Black Parade was interesting
  3. platy

    They have some incredible songs. There's a raw emotion to mejibray, sometimes it doesn't get translated well into their music, that's when you get the worst of them. But when it hits, it hits HARD
  4. platy

    Agreed. The thirst is real and it can be off putting. We're not gonna get married in the next month or so, chill.
  5. platy

    This will be a heavy listen it seems, maybe harder than adoratio
  6. platy

    To expand on the post above, the most interesting message I ever got was someone sending a picture of their spice and seasoning collection because they saw that I enjoyed cooking on my profile. We're irl buddies now. "Hi" is the driest conversation starter anyone could send. "How are you?" is barely any more stimulating. People will get hundreds of those a day, so really aim for something unusual. But not the weird kind of unusual. I was trying out this app and it'll send ice breaker questions when you match someone. It asked "how did you come out to your grandparents?" and this chick just replied that her grandparents were dead and even if they were alive (good thing they weren't) it'd be none of their damn business. The only reply I could muster was "damn". That ended right there. lmao
  7. platy

    Tzk's voice was messy to say the least. Either you learn to love it or you don't. Also because of their popularity blowing up, people got sick of seeing them everywhere. I'd also say, the fact that the bulk of their (western) fans seem to be forever 12 years old and extremely loud added to the hate.
  8. platy

    I should've stated, I'm not a man in the previous post lol But I know what you're going through. Don't take it personally and maybe don't spend so much time on the app if it's making you feel like shit. There's always that feeling of "the one I'm looking for could be the next match or swipe" but it probably won't be, that's how they keep you swiping for hours. Just to test it out, I liked every person I came across until I ran out of free likes and matched back with everyone who liked me. Out of hundreds, maybe 15 made the first move to talk, 5 of those were able to actually carry a conversation. Out of those, one might lead to a coffee/date. It's rough stuff.
  9. platy

    Tinder is always harder for men. There's studies on it lol There's 10 guys to every woman, so women can be picky. I'm not single, but I am in the dating scene and fuck, apps like this really knocked my confidence (and patience) down. It feels like people simply don't know how to socialise anymore and everything is very superficial. In any case, you're not the problem.
  10. platy

    I'm enjoying how simple these lyrics are. I can actually get an idea of the story without going into an analysis of philosophy, folklore and spirituality. Flashbacks to whatever hidauta was about.
  11. platy

    Somehow, in 2008, I came across Taion by gazette on YouTube. I might have been searching something anime related or listening to Do As Infinity on there. Anyway, I thought it sounded too chaotic for my ears but kept giving it a try until I ended up liking it. The rest is history.
  12. platy

    My anxiety can finally leave me tf alone. They still sound good and there is hope for future releases.
  13. platy

    I like that they hand out sick² condoms at lives
  14. Good luck to her, stay safe.
  15. platy

    I do a monthly cull of my social media follows. Do I really care about this person? Do I feel good/earn something from looking at their posts? Most of the time people are followed on impulse or friend requests are accepted because I want to be nice. After some time I realise it's not worth it and just delete a bunch of people. It's liberating and I don't care if they get butthurt, life will move on. It can get tricky with family members, so I just mute/unfollow most of them so I don't have to see their updates.
  16. platy

    THIS IS ITTTT!! In love with that song. My mind just couldn't handle so much greatness on the first go. I just wish there was more of that guitar at 1:32
  17. platy

    Thanks! that blog is really useful Azusa's slowness is annoying, but at least his cuteness is distracting lol Shu is cute, but why reiji? He seems like the coldest one of the brothers. Subaru is cold too, but he's just damn boring. As to why I like Raito, if I were in the protagonist's place, I would give him back all the name-calling and mind fucking that he gave me. I mean, I think I'd be perfectly able to handle his personality type and put him in his place and it'd be a hot love-hate relationship kinda thing lol Speaking of the protagonist tho, she's in my top 10 worst main characters. She's so spineless and bland, jesus.
  18. platy

    I really want to play this mess, I still hope there'll be a English port some day. I heard there are fan translations but they're unfinished/messy. Sure Kanato and Azusa are similar, but Azusa is so much cuter than Kanato, you can't even compare. Sad to hear that he isn't appreciated. His scenes in the anime always made me feel some sort of way, whereas Kanato scenes just had me thinking how badly I wanted to put him in a mental asylum. Still, Raito is my fav.
  19. platy

    I kind of feel bad hating on her too. Maybe she's actually lovely, but we're being given this edit where she's insufferable. But judging all the drama and consistent comments from other Queens about Silky being annoying af, I think it's justified. Anyone who goes out of their way to leave racist and hateful comments to her is a piece of shit, but we're allowed to be annoyed by her behaviour on the show. We have the right to dislike what we're seeing. I still think one of the intentions behind keeping her is that the fans needed a fat queen, lest they cry out on social media about fat shaming on rpdr, etc.
  20. platy

    If that lip sync wasn't an indication of what the hell is going on here with this silky narrative?
  21. platy

    The UK tour went on sale over a week ago and barely anyone heard of it. I wonder why there's so little promotion/hype?
  22. If I got to hear Headache Man I'd be more than happy!
  23. platy

    Kissing someone's ass because you fancy them isn't attractive. Find a better way to show it 🤢
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