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Everything posted by platy

  1. platy

    Imagine all the most taboo and fucked up tags one could use in their fanfiction. Now times that by 70. That's sexsuna.
  2. platy

    "According to Uta's wishes Kyo rids him of his virginity and after that also saves him from fainting. In the middle of the night, in his bahroom Kyo finally decides that Toshiya's toothbrush has to go and give room to a new one belonging to Uta." who wrote this. Reveal yourself
  3. platy

    Mamo (R-Shitei) and Jojo? I bet they're both wild when it comes to fighting. I definitely wouldn't go there, but would love to see it. Also, I'm adding Mashiro (paradeis) to my list. Easy win.
  4. platy

    Have you never looked at an actor and thought he looks way better now that he's older? For example, Leo DiCaprio was a pretty generic looking dude as a teen, now that's he's in his 40s and his looks have matured, I dunno, I think he's a lot more handsome. I don't have a particular attraction for older men, but some people just grow into their looks over the years. I think Uruha is aging like fine wine, and yeah at some point they need to take it easy with the make up because there's no point in trying to hide anything. There's something attractive about someone who confidently embraces their age.
  5. platy

    Love it. I don't have any new ideas to add, I think it's a great idea as you presented it!
  6. platy

    All these people underestimating the shorties. Y'all have seen Kyo's six pack and muscly arms, right? 😂
  7. platy

    As a small person, I dislike this comment. I hope Kyo puts up a fight 😄
  8. Who do you think you could win against in a fight? How would you do it? Even if you couldn't win, is there anyone you'd like to fight? Personally I'd love to challenge gosan's vocalist, just to wipe that smug look off his face. He's all talk, so it wouldn't take much to beat him. A broomstick to the groin would leave him out of commission for a while.
  9. platy

    The part of the anime community made up of people who enjoy base level series with lolis and self insert protagonists. Similarly,the hentai fandom. Drag race, Steven Universe and kpop. The white wine fandom (literally just people who base their life around drinking wine. Actually, make that people who adore alcohol to the point where their lifestyle is based around it)
  10. platy

    It still puzzles me that I got to see them live before I even enjoyed their music properly. How did they pull that off? I hope more than anything that they'll tour Europe again when they released another album (probably in two years 😭)
  11. platy

    Yea there's even queues to perform npc duties in the main storyline. The server must be bursting at the seams.
  12. platy

    Logged on to FF14 to check out what's new after the massive update. My mains which are Summoner and Scholar... It'll take so long to get used to the new skills/removal of other skills. I'm not sure I like how they're both summon focused now. I'm so confused lol
  13. platy

    I've been listening to infinitum more and more. It sure took a while to digest it, but it it's not going up any higher on my list just yet.
  14. platy

    So they'll probably be in one venue while a big screen streams the whole thing on the other venue.
  15. platy

    I don't believe in any human notion of a god, but I'm open to the idea of a higher universal force. I was raised Christian and what I hated the most was being dragged to church. People getting exorcised isn't something kids should be exposed to tbh, so my relationship with religion is a bit weird. I love blasphemy and religious taboo stories even though it's scary, I suppose it's a thrill for me. I used to pray everyday in my early teens, when I realised I did it out of fear, I was freed. Worship out of fear of punishment just doesn't make sense, after all this God is supposed to be all loving. Another thing that makes no sense is a passage in the bible in which God says we shouldn't worship other idols because he is a jealous god. Is there anything more human and flawed than jealousy? Doesn't sound like an omnipotent, omniscient all powerful being to me. Not to mention how petty God is in the old testament, then someone just goes and changes the story like that into the new testament? So which is it? Lol no thanks. If people need religion to get them through the day, that's cool. But most use it to justify their prejudices. The teachings at heart are good, but humans of course, shit all over it. That's why churches are cesspools for some of the worst scum on Earth, its the easiest way to manipulate and use poor people who use faith to survive. See: Brazilian churches selling holy socks and holy brooms for hundreds of $, bullying those who can't offer their salary to the church. Still, I'm interested in religions and love learning about them. Some stories in the bible are actually quite entertaining.
  16. platy

    She'll just hand a dollar bill for each Japanese person to dry their tears with.
  17. platy

    I can't handle any more juicier than this. I thought last season was good, now this season has literally blown my brains. Characters who were just anime clichés for over 5 years have now earned my respect. I'm so scared of who's gonna take over AOT next season. No one else can achieve the level of greatness we've had up to now.
  18. He looks like an auntie. Honest mistake.
  19. platy

    The latest episodes of SNK have had so much plot revealed I'm struggling to process...
  20. platy

    Yeah that's gotta be bad editing, he doesn't look like Mahiro at all
  21. A piano version of the original theme, complete with vocalisations
  22. That old lady is so lucky, The Legend Yoskiki's scarf slapped her face 😭✨
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