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Everything posted by platy

  1. I've had a crush on Reika (D=out) for about 6 years now, maybe it's more admiration because he's one of the best bassists in VK scene in my own opinion, My most painful crush right now is Koichi (Mejibray). This is the first time I have ever bought someone's chekki online and I'm embarassed. I want him to walk me through his wardrobe so we can swap clothes and then maybe we could even braid each other's hair. But my endless crush will always be Emiru (a.k.a Suzuki Satoshi) From Aicle./Yeti.
  2. platy

    I've had my break from the VK scene and have come back full-force for the past year searching the piles and piles of new bands for some hidden gems. There are some good groups out there music wise, you just gotta go in with an open mind. No, the music isn't the problem for me, the thing i'm bored shitless about are the visuals. I keep seeing the same stuff over and over, like these bands are not even trying anymore. It's called visual kei so of course I'm gonna be judging what these people are wearing and every time I see someone who has blatantly 'borrowed' a look from mejibray I roll my eyes back so far I can almost see my brain. Now, I'm not some insane Meji-fangirl. Far from it, I've only just got into their music after finding out theyre awesome live. But i've followed their looks for a few years now and they've always caught my attention for having some fantastic looks and i've noticed quite a few other groups/member basically doing whatever Meto wore last release or sporting whatever hairstyle Koichi threw away last week, I spotted a new band where this member had an painfully similar look to one of Meto(2014) down to the contacts and hairstyle and he even went as far as doing the whole 'I'm not going to speak, I'll whisper to you and you speak for me' thing. Of course VK bands have been recycling looks for decades and pretty much nobody is original, but I just feel like the scene has become extremely stale look wise, not just music wise. People are afraid of doing their own thing and just sport whatever has been done and tested. Heck, even Dir En Grey who are pretty much out of the 'visual' side of the genre look better than most bands out there. A little bit of eyeliner speaks volumes, eh Kyo? Xaa Xaa only have a super subtle look and yet it's effective. I also realise that fashion trends come and go and the band i used as an example (mejibray) seem to be setting the trends. But still. Anyone wants to correct me, feel free. This is just what i'm seeing on my side. I hope I don't get my head cut off for my views on the scene, I just really needed to vent. tl;dr There's plenty of bands doing the kind of music that I enjoy, but it's time to get creative , people.
  3. I'll 2nd this. They have a darker sound and although it isn't as melodic as some of the bands you mentioned it's still one of the only recent bands that I'd recommend
  4. platy

    I can't get over how generic this sounds, I'm so disappointed it doesn't sound very mejibray-like. Such a dark look for a happy-go-lucky song. Agitato Grimoire was great, but i keep seeing people say this song is refreshing. What are people's thoughts?
  5. I'll date anyone that has an open mind and is culturally educated if that makes sense. I've been with people who are completely ignorant of other cultures and everything I did was weird to them because i'm foreign, that's just a huge turn off. I'm attracted to pretty much any looks/race/whatever but have a slight preference towards mixed race people because i find it easier to relate to them than to purely caucasian people. But in the end, as long as they're aware that there's more to the world than just their country/whatever that's a bonus. I can't be with ignorant, dumb or close minded people either, just like the person above said. very small example, someone who looks at visual kei and becomes angry/uncomfortable when i tell them 'nope, they're all guys'. We can be friends, but that kind of reaction tells me a lot about you already.
  6. platy

    したいだけでしょ?is this group's weakest release so far, even the flashy look doesn't suit them too much. But every band needs their one jazzy song so I'm hoping it's an exception. I have high hopes for Xaa Xaa and the new single is sounding great. I'm going to see them live in July, can't wait to see what kind of vibe they give off in live shows.
  7. platy

    E ai galera? Sou de Minas Gerais, prazer
  8. platy

    Hello everybody I have been following the visual kei/ Jrock scene for several years now and thought it was time to interact more with the community. My favorite bands include Aicle. (even though they are no longer with us :c ), Sukekiyo, Mix Speaker's, Inc. , SuG, D=out, 9GOATS BLACK OUT, Plastic Tree, DADAROMA and mejibray. My hobbies include cooking and playing games. I also like to keep an eye on the fashion trends in the visual kei genre. I study Games Art at university and currently watching mejibray live helps me unwind from the stress Nice to meet everyone ~
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