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Everything posted by platy

  1. platy

    ARGGHHH I love this band so much. They're right, I wish more VK bands would come up with amazing choreography like that. I'd never heard of Purple Stone before I saw them in a live and although their visual didn't catch my eyes too much, when Panic Panic came up and Keiya was doing the dance as well as singing my mind was blown. They're so much fun live and the PV is just precious. Now I'm really curious about the lyrics of panic panic. If anyone has the translations,please share! Here's to hoping they'll have a long, fruitful career in the scene. I wish I could've gone to their one man ;_; @hirokithank you for translating!
  2. platy

    Last concert was 27th July, so I don't remember a lot. It was my last live in JP, after spending most of my time there going to those long-ass 8 hours gigs so I was super exhausted. Had to take a lot of shit from some annoying fangirls who kept talking about me behind my back 'coz they thought they couldn't understand. Plus, even though I got the best possible tickets of the whole venue, it didn't mean anything because I don't know how to negotiate with the top-dogs to ensure that I can indeed stay in the best spot. Pentagon - Had no idea who they were before this trip, but I was pleasantly surprised. It was my 2nd time seeing them in a week and I would've seen them again if I could.They're a lot of fun and get the most crowd reaction I think. At one point the girls at the very front bent over the rails and other people were like throwing themselves against them, the guitarrist climbed this tall thing in the venue as if he was scared and stayed there until the end of their setlist. (I'm actually confused if this happened this time or the first time I saw them). Either way, these guys are addictive from their look to their stage presence and the music is a lot of fun to furi to with everybody. The raid. - Also my second time seeing these guys in less than a week and to me it was torture because I can't stand them. They don't sound too bad live, they get the crowd going. But the singer's voice isn't powerful and their music is not to my taste. (and the singers face annoys me to death) Fest Vainqueur - meh. They were mediocre in every way, but at this point i think the venue was having some sound issues and it was painful to stay in the room BULL ZEICHEN 88 - These guys were the oldest to show up on stage and they didn't fit in with the rest of the line up. Their sound and look wasn't VK at all. They really stood out like the odd ones. They got a huge response from the crowd but I couldn't enjoy them much because the sound issues were still going and it was painfully loud in the venue. Stuffed my ears with toilet paper. SuG - It was nice seeing them live again. Takeru announced they'll be playing at Budokan next year Felt proud of them. Good setlist. ダウト- Kouki's voice is sultry and just beautiful live, reika and hikaru have amazing stage presence and I really enjoyed their setlist. Caught Hikaru's first pick Also gotta say Hikaru still looks like he's in his 20's whereas Kouki...loks very very different from what we see in PV's and stuff. Not sure if he was having a bad week, all i know is that the lighting wasn't doing him any favours. Either way, they're amazing performers and I'd definitely go see them again. Their fans were the nicest (mostly older women). Also at one point they grabbed Yuji (SuG) and dragged him on stage to sing a song with them (I think it was hanasaku Beauty) but he didn't know most of the lyrics and just hummed and then ran away. So dealing with crappy bangya, plus sound issues, plus seeing the raid. again and a couple of other mediocre bands and me being exhausted made for an alright experience overall.
  3. platy

    We already have Mix Speaker's, Inc. thx nah, these guys are alright i guess
  4. Goddamn the face of the singer from pentagon looks like it belongs in one of those silent movies from the 1920's.


    1. IGM_Oficial


      So specific lol

    2. platy


      I know LOL but his face is really unique. It totally doesnt belong in this century.

  5. platy

    I missed the discussion when everyone was going on about Kyo's vocals. So what do people have to say about how Kyo (in DEG) has struggled to hit notes or sound remotely good in a lot of lives (gotta say the last two Budokan lives were on another level though). But in sukekiyo he sings perfectly, I haven't found one performance that makes my ears bleed. How can that happen? Does he just hate the DEG material that much
  6. platy

    DEG taking longer breaks and Kyo focusing more on Sukekikyo. I second manterou opera.
  7. platy

    That's an interesting line up!
  8. platy

    Oh? What are those? Live-only singles or something? I would love to get my hands on those too. As for the PV, I really loved the look. Will take me a few times listening to it to love the song though.
  9. platy

    I did go to their live at the 24/7. I saw over 25 bands during my two week stay and xaa-xaa were my favorites for sure, I was just blown away by the stage presence, the concept and them sounding flawless (specially Kazuki's screams on 青いレインコート). The setlist was spot on for such a short appearance and I was not expecting the crowd to go as crazy as they did. Kazuki always gives off a weirdo vibe from pictures, pvs,etc. But seeing him upclose he really is weird guy. I loved when he just stared at the people in the level above for ages and told them not to be scared, xaa-xaa's appearance may be scary but theyre nice guys. They won't bite. xaa-xaa are my favorite band as of now (seriously guys, I don't know why this is happening) and I nearly headbutted a desk when I realised they had an instore event the same day and I was in the area but missed it. I really wanted to see them again before I left and even considered delaying my flight back, but alas, it didn't work out. I'm really interested in their merch , if anyone feels like helping a brother out. I bought a couple of releases and got a cheki of the whole group, I would trade it, but I'm no expert in the cheki-trade so I don't even know if it's got any value. But in regards to their look, I love kamisori, it's very striking. The whole concept of the consecutive releases is awesome with each look representing a despair in some way, I'm curious as to what the yomei look represents. But dosuguroi (excuse if I translated it wrong) is the most promising to me, if the look represents the music, I can see this being dark, aggressive and angsty which is always a good sound for xaa-xaa. I'm still butthurt that I can't attend the Kazuki x Yoshiatsu tour, specially since i really enjoyed seeing DADAROMA too. But I bought the SHOXX issue with the interview with the two vocalists and what's with Kazuki trying to be a sphinx and never giving direct answers? He really does like to be edgy and vague. It's a pain to translate what he says lmao. (Like saying he's 2m30cm tall. srsly? )
  10. platy

    Exactly what I thought, in fact when I saw them live (unwantedly) I felt like i was watching the gazette's early 2000's stuff.
  11. platy

    I have this Miyavi official photobook from his 08' - '09 Tokyo Samurai Black Tour. The cover has scratches and stuff, but the pictures are still very nice and are in pretty good condition as the cover took most of the damage. Someone pls pls take it. Just pay shipping. PM with your country so I can send you a quote http://imgur.com/ZL23NVw http://imgur.com/EFDWBnF
  12. platy

    How has nobody brought up this absolute mess?? @itsukoii this version of -XV- is what got me into meji hnnng so bad but so good @Alkaloid the vocalist is awful and the music is hate inducing. But that's one thing with most oshare bands, they're triggering but somehow we can't help but like them
  13. I stopped following 己龍 for a few years and found irodori downloaded on my computer. I hate this saying but...IT GAVE ME LIFE. Now I look into them and they're playing at Budokan twice in less than a year?? Wtf when did this happen??????? Time to listen to new album

    1. IGM_Oficial


      It's worthwhile.

  14. platy

    This is the most awful teaser I've come across to date
  15. platy

    do koichi's long bony fingers have a fanpage
  16. platy

    Someone ripped the audio for ARCHE @ Budokan, so for anyone curious, here's the first part
  17. platy

    @Duwang sounds insane! I love when bands can interact so personally with fans. Any tips for gigs in Japan? Any vocab you guys can share so I'm not completely clueless and shame the name of gaijin gig-goers ?? I have no idea what you look like, but I checked your piercing descriptions, if anyone matches them, I'll approach them assuming it's you haha. These are the shows i'll be attending during my two and a half weeks in JP 17/07 Sukekiyo (I'm so annoyed at how expensive tickets are...but I still bought them -sigh.) 24/07 xaa-xaa 28/07 ダウト/SuG I'm also seeing Mix Speaker's, Inc. But I forgot the date. I wanted to go to see 己龍 live as well, but i have already spent around £170 on tickets alone so maybe next time ;-; And not many bands seem to be active during July But maybe next time. Going to live shows is definitely one of my hobbies, but at least in England 2016 has been the quietest year so far in term of vk/jrock bands. Think we only got BABYMETAL so far.
  18. platy

    It's just two awesome bands in the same place in one night DDRM is (a bit) bigger than xaa-xaa, but not for long I think. @anakuro yeah, in tokyo on the 24th July.
  19. This is exciting, hope to hear some stuff soon
  20. platy

    THIS!!!! 2016 just doesn't stop giving. I wish I could go SO much, I can only hope there will be a DVD or some footage, just anything I can't wait to see xaa-xaa in July, I just wish it was a oneman. But some xaa-xaa still better than no xaa-xaa. They sound fantastic live. Also can't wait for more stuff on the consecutive releases.
  21. platy

    Their latest album is great!! Don't get me wrong, the main vocalist is very talented and I hope she will go on to do her own solo stuff if babymetal do break up. But to start, she definitely doesn't have that Kawaii face that most Idol-like groups look for and she will be in her 20's soon if she isn't. I just get the feeling BABYMETAL might become a group where the girls 'graduate' and they bring in more to carry on the band. If it doesn't I will be pleasantly surprised
  22. In case no one has seen this yet
  23. platy

    I'mma guess A9 HOLLOWGRAM because Ryo can't sit his ass still for a fucking minute 己龍 won't last that much longer I think. Just a feeling in my gut (EDIT: Just caught up with kiryu and they're playing twice at budokan in less than a year. I take it back) GOTCHAROCKA put my money down on this. Partly because I want Jui to be in another group like vidoll Not so much VK but, BABYMETAL because the girls are getting old now. They will probably replace them with fresher ones. MEJIBRAY not because of THE END titles or whatever. They're a rock band, 'the end' is just an obvious title to use just like idol groups love the words 'kira kira' 'fuwa fuwa' and 'sora no hoshi'. I think they'll disband same reason as someone said about Diru. Doesn't seem like the members get along. I remember hearing about Mia and Koichi hating each other? Dunno. UNiTE
  24. platy

    Good to see Kyo's hitting them notes
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