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Everything posted by platy

  1. platy

    Based on my own recent experience, after two weeks the withdrawal symptoms should ease. Heck, I'm even able to listen to top-40 spotify stuff for an hour without cringing. At the end of those 2 weeks when I put on whatever vk band was suggested on my youtube as I was about to draw my last breath, it was like receiving a shot of adrenaline straight into the veins. It was worth it.
  2. One of 2017's resolutions: 

    Organising all my music. 

    I have duplicates across 4 different hard drives/ memory sticks and so many things that I haven't even listened to it yet. (probably most disbanded by now).

    One band's folder down. 9999k  left to go.

    1. IGM_Oficial


      Holy shit, good luck

    2. reminiscing2004


      My goal too! I finally got a 3TB drive, so I'll be able to aggregate stuff from my old computer and current one. Best of luck. Out of curiosity, what music player do you use?

      I'm struggling to decide what to do, because .wav's dont save metadata, but some media players (like iTunes blegh) can save it within the program. So, do I try to get everything in iTunes, or convert all the .wav's to alac/flac.

    3. platy


      @reminiscing2004i'm no music/tech expert, i'm also struggling.  I'm actually transitioning from itunes to spotify for listening to music and using itunes only for audiobooks. itunes always pissed me off and I found out spotify does the job without annoying updates, plays most file types (as far as I'm aware), nicer interface and i can connect it to last.fm too. 


      I also wanted to burn all my music to CDs because I don't trust drives, they can break at any given point. So I'll start looking for suitable discs soon. 


      good luck to you too :) 

  3. platy

    I re-watched 'The Boy' - This is more of a suspense movie, rather than full on horror. It's quiet until it nears the end, when shit hits the fan. I loved the twist here, but the characters brought this movie down for me. There's only one jumpscare for those who hate this kind of thing, I would recommend this movie! 7/10 As Above, So Below - I loved the concept of this movie, it was almost artistic in a way as the story goes on. It plays around with historical, religious and mythological aspects while the main character being a tomb raider, searchers for the philosopher's stone. I didn't expect it to be one of those movies filmed like Paranormal Activity, but they did it well. Not the scariest movie I've seen this year, but somehow I thought it was refreshing. 7/10
  4. platy

    X-men Apocalypse: I always thought I hated superhero movies, but while I was watching this I realised that I actually love the x-men series. Everytime a new one is announced I count the days 'till release, specially the recent trilogy. Really, I just hate The Avengers since every character in that series puts me to sleep. This movie isn't perfect, as usual there's a super OP villain who turns out to be just another regular dude to be defeated. Regardless, I really enjoyed this movie, specially finally seeing the character NightCrawler. My favourite aspect was finally meeting all the characters which make up the old trilogy of X-men, but seeing them as teens and how they joined Xavier's school. I love every performance in this series, I wasn't disappointed in this movie despite some small flaws in the story.
  5. platy

    I definitely agree. It was just a thought that somehow it would generate interest. vk's roots could even be traced back to kabuki performance (read that somewhere). At the end of the day it isn't a matter of looks or merch, the genre just needs a musical and creative revival if we have any chance of bringing new people to the darker side. Although I don't think it's a necessarily a bad thing if it stays small, some genres are just meant to stay that way.
  6. platy

    Don't know if it's worth mentioning but there's an idol group of Japanese trans men who are gaining some popularity lately. As for your slipknot comment: aren't they seen as manly and cool regardless of how crazy they look? Whereas VK is usually met with comments of 'um gay'. The difference is also that most western people can understand slipknot whereas the language barrier tends to put people off vk. It's a combo of things. Maybe bandmen should stop wearing ugly wigs (*cough that dude from MORRIGAN) a try having nice glossy hair.
  7. platy

    One of the issues that stand out the most to me is the difference in promotion. Kpop goods are easily available and for every release there's a huge PR campaign around it, as if it was the release of the century. They create insane hype, my sister always goes on about ''so and so is having a comeback'', here I am thinking they haven't released anything for a year or so, but it's more like they haven't released anything for a few months and it's celebrated as a comeback. In VK they release a teaser and announce 20 different CD types. Guess what? Those CDs cost an arm and a leg. Whereas in kpop you get a photo book, stickers, this and that plus the CD at a SUPER affordable price! Of course this is likely because Kpop is POP therefore they make enough money to be able to sell stuff cheaper. I think VK was appealing back when scene and emo was huge (like other people mentioned) but now scene fashion is dead, so is the interest in vk. The look scares people and it seems to be getting more extravagant/stupid by the day. I saw a bandman basically cosplaying voldo (Soul calibur V) for a release a while ago. Let me tell you... Very few people will be comfortable enough to approach a band where a member is voldo. In the 80/90s glamrock was a thing, men with make up and feminine looks were seen on daily basis on mainstream TV and androgynous get ups were almost accepted. So maybe VK was embraced more then. But just a few ideas: - there's a new rise in interest in gender non-conforming ideas in the new generation. This could *possibly * bring an interest to VK in the future as the new generation is more curious and open to '' weird looking men. '' Rather than embracing rock as a rebellious phase that will go away once they reach adulthood, it will be something they embracing out of taste and a connection to... ? I'm not sure how to word this. - the biggest trend in Western mainstream music is dance music right now. Maybe if we had more VK groups experimenting with that, getting creative then we'd get a revival in the scene. Look at Purple Stone, they're already having some fun with mixing dance music & VK. If they get the boost in popularity they deserve they could reach out to broader audiences. There's massive potential in 'panic panic'. -I already mentioned the fashion, but look at GazettE, an cafe, diru etc all the bands that were huge in the west back in the day. They were popular around the time their looks were more laid back, nothing too crazy. It just makes me think vk is too extravagant/theatrical right now to appeal to western audiences. How many people are gonna look at Arlequin and not laugh at the singers hair and get up? Whereas you can look at soft emo GazettE from back in '06-' 09 and easily accept the look. Kyo back then had blonde hair and less make up than ever before, now that bitch is dressing up as a nun. (I'm all for that, but other people slowly back away when I show them) This could be just a bad period for the scene, we'll look back in years and say ' remember the great lame period of '10-'16?. We just need to keep hoping for those few bands in vk who will dare to be creative and their risks will pay off.
  8. DADAROMA,  xaa-xaa and grimoire are touring together.  ONE OF MY DREAM LINE UPs

    It's like life is laughing at my face... 

    Inb4 when I travel there 2 out of those have disbanded by then. 

    1. anakuro


      seems pretty recent. a friend on twitter who went to that live (which was all timely bands tbh: DDRM, xax, RAZOR) that platy mentioned was the one who brought it up because she was happy GRIMOIRE is on timely 


    2. Atreides


      I could fuck with Xaa-Xaa and Grimoire, but I'd probably step out to get a beer/some food on Dadaroma's set.

    3. platy


      @Atreidescmon, dont you wanna see Yoshiatsu having a fit on stage?

    4. Show next comments  264 more
  9. platy

    MEJIBRAY disbands MiA and Hizaki join forces to release a super guitar battle single to see who loves themselves more MiA gets even more plastic surgery Koichi releases a clothing label DADAROMA's Yoshiatsu will go back to being a clown/ or wear something so ridiculous we'll forget the strand of hair glued under his eye in their December2016 release GazettE will go darker, deeper and edgier than before. GazettE will release a fine art movie directed by riku Takeru (SuG) will get a mohawk and Yuji will gain 30kg, showing off his beer belly in the next PV / Or SuG will suprise us and go back to being oshare Ryo's (ex- 9GBO) projects will all disband LACK-CO will disband
  10. I love Emiru being all chill and stuff, but I miss aicle. so much. They had so much potential to explore. I don't hate oshare, but they made the genre easier to swallow and always kept me surprised by the next thing (until they started going soft). Now that they're not in the scene, it's always like "oh, here come another song with amai/chocolate/princess/christmas/love" in the title.... zzzzz We need oshare bands to start getting creative, think outside the small box of generic themes for once otherwise the genre will remain dead. I'll be checking out everyone else mentioned in the post! Just hope I don't get too attached.
  11. I want to save money but I want to buy the new sukekiyo stuff.

    Sukekiyo and saving money are complete opposite words. 


    I want to support more artists this year.  Zonbie new album will be the first thing. 

  12. DLN and taion! I'm looking forward to this. They're missing some crucial ballads here, I wish for these re-recording albums they'd only focus on their older stuff(2009 and before)
  13. Can't wait to get out of this grey, cold and wet country. #partiuBRAZIU

  14. -Facebook, to see what family are doing and to use the messenger feature since my friends are too lazy to actually talk to me. -I have instagram which I check once a month for VK bandomem pictures and twitter so I can see what indie game devs are up to, also I follow tons of bird and chicken pages. -I got rid of all my tumblr insp and porn blogs because tumblr is now more cancerous than ever, but just created a new page to upload my art /sigh. -I'm always on Pinterest for art-y stuff and recipes -LinkedIn because my university made me do it -Lastfm because I can't get myself to let it go -I'm on snapchat because it's hilarious and I'm tryna keep up with the times
  15. platy

    I feel like SuG should be here. 21 singles and 8 albums in 10 years. Their most active time was between 2008-2012 where they had 18 releases, including 4 albums. My count is probably a little off, but they released 103 songs around that time. It may not be as much as the bands listed here but it they were like a plague back then, needles to say the quality of most of those releases was mediocre/bad.
  16. platy

    exatamente esses que eu curto. Raramente da uma vontade de escutar DSS. Se eles fizessem mais musicas estilo ARCHE seria otimo
  17. Time for my daily dose of SICK. 'rain'


    20 times per day, that's my goal

  18. platy

    So curto dois albums do DEG. Agora, sukekiyo eh outra historia.
  19. The only reason I gave Arlequin a chance was because of the vocalist's stupid hair.

    I listened to QUALIA non-stop and my favorite song is 「私」と“理解”

    can't bothered to try their other releases.

    1. IGM_Oficial


      "Douke no hana" is simply beautiful.

  20. platy

    Holy Performance Holy Hair Holy Sound I need it
  21. platy

    My friend completed it a couple of days ago and said the story left him completely clueless. He doesn't understand most of what happened. I told him to watch Kingsglaive before playing and he didn't listen. I hope the patches and updates will make the confused players a little more satisfied!
  22. platy

    Eu gosto deles a cada dois anos, quando a lua azul sobe no ceu. Serve?
  23. Unfortunately...yes I should have found out before I fell in love with them.
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