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Everything posted by platy

  1. Exactly what I thought lol massive fan orgy perhaps
  2. Yoshiatsu really does have a thing for that word huh Anyway... Great news! Wonder how many songs in dadaism #3 will be past material?
  3. platy

    LMAO I never knew about them before all the disband drama, but this was fun to follow.
  4. platy

    i do think we'll be able to play pokemon on it in the future. The price isn't too bad, so I'll be keeping an eye on any future releases. I'm going to the Nintendo Switch launch event this sunday, I'm excited to get to play it.
  5. platy

    I just finished catching up with Prison School. This started off being in my top 5 favorite manga. The art is superb, the humour is great and although I hate ecchi and fanservice with a passion I feel like the author is doing a parody of the genre by being so over the top. Plus the fact that he's actually knowledgeable in anatomy makes it all the more interesting. Anyway.... the latest arc is being dragged along more than I ever thought possible. It feels like it's been several volumes. I know it doesn't seem like a lot compared to some series, but just imagine every anime's mandatory sport episode...being dragged out for volumes...just characters rambling about bullshit, it feels like the author is scrambling to grasp at anything that might add a little bit more life to the arc. I also feel like he's doing fanservice to actually just appeal to fans in the past few chapters. It's boring, nonsensical and lame. IT'S AWFUL. Can it please end already? I can't believe what a trainwreck it turned into, it's just a boring read now. /rant over. Otherwise I'm also reading: Blue Exorcist (I buy the volumes when they're released in my country so I read two volumes a year :c) Assassination Classroom Dead Dead Demon's Dededededestruction Tokyo Ghoul re: (although it's kind of confusing and boring so I might drop it)
  6. platy

    I like it! Not as catchy as the previous single but still fun. I think this lighter vibe suits them better than a heavier style, so I don't have a problem if they carry on in this direction.
  7. turns out avanchick is really good!


    I just listened to ' 明日もし世界が終わっても'. any more recommendations?

    1. Komorebi


      Well... the first like seven songs on the album are all their singles, and the b-sides weren't that impressive imo, but you can always try those.

  8. platy

    I'd guess either pixel art or picture manipulation. Looks pretty cool!
  9. platy

    Welcome! Die Antwoord is also a guilty pleasure of mine.
  10. platy

    - the Raid. is trash. The vocalist has such a punchable face. I'll never understand how they can draw such a crowd. -Fest Vainqueur > complete disappointment.
  11. platy

    @Carmelzors^LOL is that the singer from L'arc?
  12. platy

    My biggest peeve... -Definitely the mandatory jazzy song every band has. Even bands who praise satan and play the heaviest of sounds, will have a jazzy song at least once. Goddammit, at least make it not sound like the same song every fucking time?
  13. platy

    -I don't hate mejibray 100%, I fucking hate Tsuzuku's high notes. Even when he's hyping the crowd and he starts to speak in high notes (shout) it makes my ears bleed. It's just...the worst fucking thing I've heard. Also some live performances just have me mesmerised, whereas others are just goddamn awful. It's not ''this is an okay performance'' , it's either awful or great. It's so infuriating. -I also don't get the appeal of Mia??? When I go on his instagram there's girls writing love letters about his beauty, but he's just cringe worthy. Koichi and Meto are style icons to me, but mia? rly? -Gazette's dogma sounds like one song that lasts for 30+ minutes. It sounds like an insult, but it's actually the only thing by them that caught my attention in years. The dark atmosphere is consistent and lack of dubstep elements is a huge bonus. - I can't stand music where it's just a guy screaming like a rabbid dog. The songs end up sounding all the same, hence why I avoid good part of DEG discography. -SuG's '' SHUDDUP'' sounded like shit the first few listens, but now I'm huge fan of it.
  14. platy

    I'm in the exact same situation...but I managed to hold back twice now (!) Just imagine how much merch WITHOUT shipping fees and import fees you'll be able to get once you're there. You can do it
  15. I think zombie's new album really solidified their style. Their sound is very distinct and fun.  Overall it's a pretty great release, possibly my album of the year. 

  16. platy

    The song is great! Far better than the last three releases, just a lot more energy to it and creativity. I'm glad that the past singles aren't included in the new album, xaa's output is insane but I was already getting restless for more new material so i'm excited for a 100% brand new release. I'm still amused by the look, I just think it's cool that they took inspiration from something so trivial such as a paint rag.
  17. platy

    I do like the new look, except for kazuki's. I'm just really digging this used-to-death-painter's-palette vibe, haru especially. ps. don't hate my noob ways @anakuro ;-;
  18. platy

    I haven't seen anything official but just stumbled across this on a website. Fukou na Meiro (不幸な迷路) Album · 14 tracks · 2017-03-15 · Edit · Report 1. Iriguchi (入口) 2. Fuki no Hajimari (不幸の始まり) 3. Guchagucha (ぐちゃぐちゃ) 4. Haisui Kuchi (排水口) 5. Kidzuite (気付いて) 6. Hitogoroshi (人殺し) 7. Last Dance (ラストダンス) 8. Otoshiana (落とし穴) 9. Koubi wo shite yo (交尾をしてよ) 10. Yumeochi (ユメオチ) 11. Saigo no uta (最後の歌) 12. Deguchi (出口) 13. Koibito gokko (恋人ごっこ) 14. Yorimichi (寄り道) New album in march, plus their new look was revealed today. I'm already counting the days
  19. platy

    Done with newer anime for a while... Brazilian dub Yu Yu Hakusho is where it's at. commence binge.
  20. platy

    thanks for the heart attack... I thought I'd never see that thing again.... And yes, I agree with you.
  21. this is the funniest thing I've heard in a while. Points to this band for bringing the funny side back to VK i can't stop listening / giggling. If I were them I'd be packing my stuff to move across the world out of embarrassment.
  22. platy

    Last night I had a vision that Maria cross would make a comeback in 2017
  23. Makes me think if someone who knew he was into drag (maybe even a petty partner?) set this up as revenge or something of the sort by making an explicit post on social media.
  24. platy

    Halloween goth lolita costume - check cheap cosplay store ebay wig - check outfit made from the fabric scraps - check I like chickens so I'll stick around for the cool band name. they dont sound bad actually. The look is cool.
  25. Never heard of these jokers before. I wonder why they're known as attention whores. Any fans care to explain? Either way, this smells like desperation to me. See you guys next month in a new reiteration.
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