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Everything posted by platy

  1. platy

    I hope the look doesn't reflect the sound.
  2. platy

    Uta always has a closed expression. I think he specially hates being in the spotlight. I might be wrong but you can tell music is his element, everything else that comes with it is a chore lol
  3. platy

    It's still up to watch if you make an account. It will disappear within the next 24h unless they decide to save under their profile.
  4. platy

    There's so much to unpack in this song. Every listen makes it better 👌🏼😩
  5. https://m.facebook.com/B7Kpage/photos/gm.780334665696855/2535337599819002/?type=3&source=57&ref=m_notif&notif_t=admin_plan_mall_activity London Merch
  6. platy

  7. platy

    10 MINUTES TILL THE MV!!! (I hope it's the MV...)
  8. platy

    They couldn't make this artpus any drier. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  9. grimoire disband  will happen this year. 👀

  10. platy

    When ur drawing in a public setting and there just has to be someone who acts like a condescending cunt "awn you're drawing haha" "that's cute" etc.
  11. Ugh! Can Japan stop protecting scum like this. He's actually gross and I hope kaitou memes him to hell and back.
  12. Sukekiyo as a stylist so I can brush and touch all that luscious black hair...🤤 Oh, and make them look as pretentious as possible.
  13. platy

    ALL HAIL OUR NEW QUEEN Silky talked smack again and didn't even come close to delivering it. Akeria, she didn't even know the words. The final lip sync was obvious from the start, so I wonder if silky and akeria lost on purpose. Conspiracy theories cuz I can't believe people can talk so much shit and then fuck up like that.
  14. platy

    Gazette never fails to have awful engrish. Props to them for managing to at least make sense in some dogma songs. I can't remember which band it was, but this lyric said "woo I'm a geeg" and I still wonder what that means to this day.
  15. platy

    Kazuki might as well take after senpai and come clean about the kids and wife. Enter the VK family man revolution.
  16. platy

    DIMLIM were playing at a local church in my town. They were wearing T-shirts and jeans, no make up and Sho had black hair. A few metal fans came, very few. We were sat on these tiny stools and the rest of the crowd were just old people who attended church. The band must've been a meter away from the audience lol they played half of two songs and left along with every young person there, then the vicar came to start the sermon. I heard the songs clearly, so I think it's time to listen to chedoara again.
  17. platy

    Please refrain from showing off so we can avoid desperate people clogging the thread. The album can be found [MH PREMIUM ACCOUNT ONLY CONTENT]
  18. platy

    Oh damn, my curiosity is peaked!!
  19. platy

    They look pretty fkn good
  20. platy

    Just came across this thread on Twitter. Some more thoughts on the subject
  21. platy

    Love and lust are two different things that often go hand in hand. Lust can still be followed by respect and responsibility. There can be love without lust and lust without love. But at least some level of care for the other party/ies will always be present. Well, in most cases. Edit: there are many levels of romantic love. It isn't just do or die, black or white. After recognising that, maybe the separation of love and lust might make more sense. It is unrealistic to think sex will have no consequences (emotional, physical, spiritual, moral etc.). Some people can manage that, but for the majority? It just ain't like that and you're not faulty if you can't handle casual encounters, you're just human. We're messy like that.
  22. platy

    "You only listen to post 2010 VK? I, an intellectual individual, avid connoisseur of the Visual Kei scene with peak music taste know that only obscure 90s bands with unpronounceable names count as true VK"
  23. Opening a help line for anyone who lost their shit after the latest ep of Attack On Titan.


    Let's screech together. 

    1. CAT5


      I gotta catch up. Started season 3, but trailed off.

    2. platy


      @CAT5 it's been slow, but man... It fucking paid off. Hands down best ep of AOT ever aired. 

    3. CAT5


      I thought Season 2 was fantastic, and a huge improvement over season 1 - in just about every regard. I even started to warm up to some of the characters, whom I previously considered 1-dimensional as hell. Season 3 def. seemed slow from the outset, but i'm glad to know things picked up.

    4. Show next comments  84 more
  24. The vocalist looks deranged af
  25. Y'all can't wait for a bad production, weak ass vocalist, echo-y guitar, repetitive ass song structure band to show up so you can call it old school visual kei and stan it it to death.

    Speaking of Rands here. 


    The album art was good. That's IT

    1. platy


      @CAT5 yea, SPEAK UP BITCH 

    2. Tokage


      you could take out the bit about old school vk and this could be about literally almost any nu-vk band lmao

    3. The Moon

      The Moon

      How DARE you drag me like this. Hahahah.

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