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Everything posted by platy

  1. platy

    Who's taking a toddler to see gazette? Please don't do that.
  2. Two-man with xaa xaa, seems a bit random but I'd definitely go.
  3. I expected something a lot worse, guess I need to check them out
  4. This was their one chance to go full on cocaine-fuelled-rave-clown-kei and they didn't. Ah well, I'll check it out as always.
  5. platy

    I'll give them this, at least it'll be easier searching for "モア" than "more"
  6. platy

    Happy birthday ! I've said it before and I'll say it again, really glad to see you so active in the forum  *hug emoji*


    Hope many blessings come your way. :yay:

    1. CAT5


      Thanks, platy! Much love! :D 

  7. platy

    Everyone in vk needs to take creativity workshops before naming their band.
  8. platy

    👵🏼: You sure are young
  9. Same. Reminder that we have a 2019 predictions thread, where we guess who will disband and what other shenanigans will happen in the scene this year.
  10. I had to check because it felt like a 7 minute song. It sure drags on with all those broken rhythms.
  11. platy

    What a mess. Ra'jah should've gone, her look was bland, boring, pedestrian. I also hoped more than one queen would be sent home.
  12. Would you reject someone because their toenails were slightly grown and unvarnished? 

    1. platy


      Absolutely. It was still funny tho. 

    2. Gesu


      Oh, God. I'm not even gonna pretend I didn't watch the first episode of that because I did. I just can't believe it didn't end after the first season.


      Also... it must have been about three-ish years ago, but I still distinctly remember that, after the woman chose the man she wanted (based on his fucking feet/dick, ofc) she... ran up to him, jumped on his waist and hugged him tight. Like, completely without warning. And this guy didn't get a boner (not even a semi, he was completely flaccid throughout the whole thing) or stumble or owt. Bear in mind, she was quite pretty and she wasn't big or anything, but she looked like she could have at least made him backstep a bit if she was gonna do it that suddenly. Idk, fsr that just made me not believe any of it, tbh. Mayhaps that makes me the shallow one? Lol.



      No need to call yourself shallow for not drowning in shallow water!🐒


      (does that makes sense? lol)

    4. Show next comments  99 more
  13. platy

    If you're looking for a specific place in the forum where you'd like to spark a certain discussion though, you could always just make a status saying you want to debate over X subject, or make a thread over at general discussion or feel free to post about any news topic!
  14. Every band is allowed one mistake. Maybe b-sides will be good. I dunno if I can forgive the suffering of the fish though
  15. platy

    https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/03/08/vegan-pie-scoops-top-award-causes-outrage-among-culinary-elite/ "A vegan pie? Give me a break. “The oldest culinary art form left in the world and the vegans have taken it away. It’s a disgrace. “The millennials have taken over. “We should all just retire now" Extra extra, Milennials mercilessly destroy the heritage of pie baking, is there anything they'll spare from their shea butter smelling hands!
  16. platy

    Oops, I always get them mixed 😭
  17. platy

    I thought this was one of the most entertaining episodes of drag race in ages, Yvie and Scarlet were really vibing off each other and they're both my favorites since the start so I guess I'm biased lol. Regarding the challenge, for once I actually understood the jokes. Also Vanjie was hilarious. Kahanna is possibly the most entertaining lip syncer in the history of the show, but sadly she was lacking polish. I vote Ariel to fuck off next and why was Honey causing all that drama? Saying Yvie was criticising her mug when she just had her eyebrows on lmao calm down. Bonus points for Ru actively taking part in the gossip between Silky and the other team.
  18. platy

    Even though I prefer heavier music, I still listen to all sorts of genres. Pop might fit my mood better sometimes, or I just feel like listening to something with a catchy beat. Different vibes = different music. If I need something to fill the silence, but I don't want to have some dude screaming his guts in the background this bland bubbly shit//or preferably some good soundtrack will do the job. As a meji fan, I like 8P SB simply because it's tzk and koichi. They've been stirring shit up in vk ever since mejibray was a thing and I'm just tagging along to see where this endearing trainwreck is gonna go.
  19. platy

    Is he a Final Fantasy XIII fan? Pretty cool that he's doing this!
  20. platy

    Whoever runs that page is either a damn hypocrite or a super previleged kid who assumes everyone else also has enough money to never pirate vk. Where's the tea?
  21. platy

    Not for long. Our hero FAKKU is working on bringing HH back. Meaning we'll probably have to pay for stuff and I honestly don't mind since everything FAKKU has done so far is top quality. Back on topic, my favorite anime include Samurai Champloo, Kill la Kill, Space Dandy, CardCaptor Sakura, Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood and Made in Abyss
  22. platy

    Can we have previews already? 😭
  23. Happy birthday, hope you had a good day! 🎉🍰

    1. colorful人生


      Thank You! Happy -belated yourself :D!

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