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Everything posted by platy

  1. platy

    lil' Berial. Quite creative looking at all the lil' somethings out there.
  2. platy

    To my surprise Lime's voice has been grating my ears recently, whereas I haven't suffered the same thing with dimlim. So I'll got with the latter.
  3. platy

    Crushing on people is hard cuz I would straight up just tell them if it was up to me but u know... societal boundaries.
  4. Already been done, friend. Some annoying, cuckoo feminazi who makes video essays on misogyny in video games (I forgot her name but she's very famous for her dumb shenanigans). Apparently Bayonetta is a nothing but a male fantasy, blah blah demeaning to women and completely unrealistic blah. If she took off her conspiracy glasses she would see that Bayo is actually the best case of female empowerment in games. I will fight anyone who says otherwise because she is what we were always waiting for lol
  5. I wish they made her more toned and gave her thicker legs, after all she loves kicking shit. She still looks good anyway and there are more things worth being outraged over.
  6. Lines are longer because women take 10 extra minutes to piss, then stop at the mirror to touch up make up and hair. I've given up and gone to the men's toilet a couple times.
  7. Ahh it should've been both. Replace Tomorrow Never Dies and be done with it. Hyena hypes me up like few other songs do, it would've been sick.
  8. In that case we might as well bring up all the cultures that kill or get rid of baby girls because it's not worth the effort of raising them (e.g. China). What you mentioned there are the very extremes of radical group.
  9. I can't believe you got hyena!!!! 😭
  10. @Zeus I knew that would get brought up. I don't have the answer to that because unfortunately the current trend is to shut men's voices down. I see it as a tsunami. Women were oppressed and abused for centuries (picture the wave retreating further and further into the horizon) until things finally turned on their head (see the tsunami hitting), so we're going through a very extreme right now. Eventually it'll settle down I believe, to a point where everyone has a say. My point still stands though, that if men want more victim shelters, etc. They need to help out each other. There's actually a very interesting feminist podcast I heard recently, where a group of men discuss the effects of toxic masculinity and how they're only learning to deal with the effects of it now well into their 30s. One of them is always hired to go into companies and give talks about harassment and how it should be avoided. If its a man to man talk, it's easier to relate and understand, as he said. The same would go for therapy. Anyway, it's not in English otherwise I'd love to share as it'd help get my point across better. Edit: also, just because we're going through these extreme times, does it mean we should stop trying to raise awareness to certain issues? Isn't that as good as giving up? And what good ever came from that? Social change happens from action, no matter how small.
  11. Feminism is necessary and it is a good movement. In most Western countries women have achieved what feminism is set out to do, I mean there are some wrinkles still that need or be ironed out but I'd say we lead pretty great lives and there are those (a small percentage) who are now looking to fill the void of no longer suffering under the patriarchy, so they go on the news to say that offices are usually cold because men tend to be in charge of the air con, making women, who usually wear lighter clothing, suffer. Therefore patriarchy is still in effect in their eyes. These people would be much better off seeing what ways they can be of use to other women who genuinely need help, perhaps listening to women who live in countries where they can't even leave the house by themselves, or those who suffer female genital mutilation, volunteering at charities that support those who have been domestically abused and so on. Those women do need feminism. I believe feminism in Japan is necessary, but like I mentioned in another topic, only Japanese people know which is the best way to approach it for them. Regarding the rise in domestic violence against men, I don't think it's a direct by product of women getting cocky cuz giRl pOwER. Men are ridiculed (by other men above all) if they try to seek help coz their partner is a psycho. It is much more common than anyone imagines. I come from a country where having a girlfriend that beats you up and controls your life is desirable because it means she cares about you and because "that's just girlfriends/wives do! The old ball and chain haha". I have seen a lot of men suffer quietly because they believe this is how things are supposed to be. If more cases are being reported that's good, because they sure as hell have been happening all along. It is surprising though that this is rising in Japan, although with the whole "herbivore man" phenomenon, maybe not so surprising. Considering that Japan is already a society where feelings and problems are hidden away by default, imagine being a man with all the added baggage that comes with "masculinity". Also, men can't expect women to do all the work regarding feminism. This movement is supposed to benefit all parties. They need to do their part also in dismantling unhealthy stereotypes which do more harm than good when it comes to divorce, custody and reporting abuse. Support each other, discuss your emotions, etc. The ones who create such toxic, harmful standards for men are... Men after all! The reason there are SO many resources for female abuse survivors is because women fought and worked their hardest to make these places available, no one would've done it otherwise. Men should work just as hard to make sure that these institutions and resources are there for themselves too.
  12. That was SO quick. I'll go again but really... Sukekiyo tour when 😢
  13. platy

    I swear we have 3 threads about the same topic
  14. GALLO's deathtopia gets better with every listen

    1. Manji 卍

      Manji 卍

      more than agreed.if there's a band that i have a lot of fun on every listening it is the gallo.

      if they include the last handful of singles and add more 6 or 7 tracks,we have an album for the next release,fingers crossed. 

    2. monkeybanana4


      Same here. Initially didn't expect anything, but I find it even more fun and addictive with each listen.

  15. platy

    I can't wait to suffer with their next release
  16. platy

    There are no details but tzk and Koichi kept acting out against their label and I think their contracts were terminated on very bad terms. They're not able to play on the usual vk venues anymore, hence why 8P-SB always plays on those middle of nowhere shacks (okay, venues, but still)
  17. platy

    Mejibray is gone. tzk and Koichi have been barred from the VK scene. So it is like that. They can't be in both at once lol Maybe one day we'll see them again in a rock project, but I think their days in vk have ended.
  18. I'm not liking the sound of this release at all. For the first time lime's voice sounds grating to me.
  19. platy

    It is subjective. I hate the industry too, but visually/aesthetically the kpop industry is very creative in my opinion. I find the use of colors, imagery and styling satisfying.
  20. Can't wait. Their consecutive releases are usually great.
  21. platy

    Whether Japan needs feminism or not it's up to Japanese women to come together, decide what they need and how to go about it.
  22. platy

    In high school I enjoyed vk by myself because all my friends were as normie as it gets. I mean, they knew I was into weird music, but the sound of a guitar was too aggressive for their ears. Luckily those people are gone 🙌🏼 As I got older I made a couple of friends who are more into metal music who give vk a try without judgement, say if there's a release I'm excited about I can share it with them. I also turned my bf into a vk weeb a few years ago. Otherwise, MH is the place to discuss it. Since some people mentioned kpop, I have relatives who are into that and they think vk is okay. We trade music occasionally.
  23. platy

    Twitter behaviour/culture
  24. platy

    Me at first few lines:😠🤬 Me at the small print: 👌🏼ghost hotel 👌🏼
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