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Everything posted by platy

  1. platy

    I don't follow MUCC but would be a shame to miss this
  2. Dezert's new album gets better with every listen. It's going in my top albums of 2019. What a come back. 


    (I'll definitely miss Chiaki screaming tho :() 

    1. ricchubunny


      I'm  on the same boat

  3. platy

    It's miles better than TODAY. I'm not mad about it at all, plenty of good tracks. I'd say Chiaki is leaving his slump.
  4. Hoping Hikaru Utada and Shiina Ringo will release a full collaboration album at some point. The two tracks they've done together so far are really great :o

  5. platy

    Mix acabou em 2017 se nao me engano 😕 Duraram bastante ate (10+ anos) Talvez esse topico te ajude:
  6. Dadaism#5 is a solid release. :thumbs:

    1. IGM_Oficial
    2. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Yeah it is. Day By Day is frickin' good!!

  7. platy

    I LOVE ITTT 😭 Why didn't they achieve this aesthetic prior to disbanding. It's a lovely picture, but I hope we get some upbeat song and not just soppy kira kira ballads.
  8. platy

    CHAI have some interesting ideas and sweet tunes and I love everything they stand for but the singing style can be so hard to stomach sometimes
  9. platy

    @hop3 bem vindo~ alguma banda recente que te chamou atenção?
  10. vk is dead. There is no hope. This is the end. #RiPLimďim

  11. platy

    It wasn't a serious comment.
  12. platy

    I think there's barely anyone left with those delusions in here
  13. platy

    Is this where @Duwang shows up and gives some insider perspective and turns out we're all making a big deal over nothing
  14. platy

    Miyavi is more beloved by the west and still doesn't get this level of exposure, so yeah there is some financial witchcraft behind it all.
  15. platy

    The previous release was a more pleasant and memeable mess
  16. platy

    Yuk, it's so messy compared to their usual stuff. Now they've gone and completely erased the vocalist's chin. I really want to know if it's that bad under that chin mask.
  17. platy

    All mainstream porn is gross and unbearable imo, Japanese even more so. However, amateur Western stuff is where it's at and some Japanese porn from smaller studios has creatively satisfying scenarios. Amateur Latin American stuff is good too and usually feels more spontaneous.
  18. platy

    AOTY contender
  19. platy

    PSA to cough and sneeze with your mouth covered, especially in the colder months of the year 🤧 it's basic manners. The beast next to me at work came back from a holiday with the worst cough and has made 0 effort to not spread it to all of us. No amount of vit C and propolis can save me from reckless dumbasses.
  20. xaa-xaa have a solid reputation, no one will fight you for this 😄
  21. platy

    How is the archiving going to be done?
  22. platy

    Great song, hopefully the rest of the album follows along
  23. platy

    xaa-xaa's heavy songs always hit the spot 😩
  24. platy

    I'm scared tbh
  25. platy

    Twitter is literally a cesspool of never ending pointless arguments. Whenever I decide to have a look at my timeline (or whatever the twitter version is) it's just hard to believe how toxic of a place it is. 98% of arguments on there are pointless as no one is willing to listen, but rather toot their own perfect horn. It's all irrelevant in the end as the opinion of illogical strangers shouldn't be taken seriously. Cutting it out of my life was the best decision. You will not find acceptance there, if anything you'll hate yourself more for not fitting the standards and micro-rules people create for every single label of society. Those people are far removed from the world. You'll only find despair and hatred for human stupidity the more you get caught up in Internet politics.
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