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Everything posted by platy

  1. It's always a clown thing. The question is it gonna be a tasteful pierrot or deviantart coulrophilia fuckery?
  2. platy

    Just listened to the song. Dunno what the hell is going on here, but I'm almost convinced Mahiro retired on the down low and been replaced by an untrained "" "look-alike""" coz this ain't it. He sounds weird af.
  3. Ughhh my wallet, my heart 😭♥️
  4. platy

    After Mahiro's surgery, his face looks different in every single piece of media they've released. Wondering when it'll settle down.
  5. platy

    https://www.elephantjournal.com/2020/01/compassion-is-not-convenient-it-is-not-business-as-usual/ @CAT5 I thought you might find this interesting.
  6. First case of coronavirus confirmed where I live 😷

    1. CAT5


      Stay safe, platy. Will pray for your protection as well~

    2. platy


      Now I'm glad I wear a face mask on my commute. But I'll wear it in my workplace too. REMEMBER TO ALWAYS COVER YOUR MOUTH WHEN SNEEZING/COUGHING AND WASH YOUR HANDS OFTEN FOR fuck's sake. This stuff is making me so paranoid.

    3. platy


      @CAT5 thanks, appreciated :)


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  7. platy

    Might check out: Arte Gal to Kyouryuu Nami yo Kiitekure Kakushigoto - I will probably regret this because it's bound to have a disgusting fandom. But apparently it's one of those deep commentaries hidden behind a simple story. Just giving a shot to anything that is remotely different. Hopefully these titles will drop on crunchyroll since I've decided to subscribe for a bit.
  8. platy

    His fucking mind...
  9. Hating on Kisaki seems to get people heated because, unfortunately, he was involved with some great projects. Not sure how unpopular this is but, comparing dimlim X dir en grey. Does Gosan indoctrinate their fans to hate on Mathilda? I like to think so. Also if anyone knows if gosan has a fanclub, what is it called? What's the beef with gazette vs dir en grey?
  10. platy

    There are people with health bills, children and other dependants who still love visual kei but unfortunately have to skip lunch/transport to save that money for bills and other necessities. If you are able to devote those coins for your favorite bands then you are extremely lucky tbh. I totally agree that we should support bands we love and that if you can sacrifice that weekly McDonald's trip to support artists its a win win situation, but it's not that simple for everyone.
  11. Can the French get a date already so I can at least have a chance of seeing them in Europe
  12. The song is actually not bad. Now, just start releasing stuff properly.
  13. platy

    @Komorebi I heard that cold cream is a savior for super dry skin. Apply it heavily before taking a shower and it works like a moisturising treatment, but actually it's sold as a make up remover. Some people sleep with it on and remove in the morning. It looks like this. I tried it for a while to remove make up and it's true, my skin felt very soft after compared to other make up removers which would usually leave my skin irritated. You can also use coconut oil to remove make up and it's a lot more effective and less abrasive than other products. But for example, cold cream is a lot heavier than coconut oil so it's a deeper treatment. Maybe worth a try if you can find it in SA.
  14. platy

    You could also just copy paste the link to one of your instagram pictures if you don't mind giving that away. Sometimes images from imgur don't embed properly, so what I do is copy the BBCode and remove the [ img] Then it usually works. [img ]https://~imgur.cxm/BNoBBM0.png[/img]
  15. platy

    I thought it would have come in that cool little white bag, judging by how they advertised it
  16. platy

    📯1. We’ve changed.now it’s your turn next & 6.+&− The first SE is actually a nice little jamming session. The latter is like if Snail House tried to make a heavier track but got too scared of losing fans, so went back to their sparkly shit. I don't mind it. 🔇2.MIST I like parts of the chorus. ✨3.真夜中に私を連れ出して This one gets it right. That section starting around 2:30 is oof 😩 I think these light ballads suit dimlim IN MODERATION 🔇4.Funny world "Have you every thought your dirty birthday? "No idea what Sho is saying, but I hate it. Please, stop the Engrish. Once again I like the little breakdown/section around 2:30. Cool ideas that are surrounded by meh. Would be cool live. ✨5.What’s up ? Quintessentially post-issei DIMLIM. Sho's voice doesn't sound too constrained and the guitar work is pretty good. Drums come alive. 🔇7.For the future meh. 🔇8.Tick tak Alright. ✨9.気付かない者たちへ Completely unrelated name in the spotify version?? TO FOOL. Lovely ballad, could do without the sfx tbh. ✨10.Before it’s too late Gives me strong early Linkin Park vibes. It's kinda cringy but fun. ✨11.Out of the darkness We don't hear this too often in vk, it needs polishing but has all the right elements. 🔇⚠️12.Lament I lament how unmemorable this song is. Holy shit the bass is NON EXISTENT. It's a very newbie vk band type of song, I've heard it a million times before by lighter bands with shitty vocalists that need to fill space in a release. Ugh, the Engrish is the cherry on top... From 4:20 it gets interesting. It reminds me of Nikusyu to hanshoku to hukaikan (from Rijin) because of the complete style change in the last few seconds of the song and I find myself loving this tease. But yea this song is a no from me. Actually I hate it. I voted for "Underwhelming 2*", I don't hate MISC. and I'll probably keep coming back to some tracks. By all means, it isn't a bad album. It's just kind of flat and in desperate need of more bass and less SFX. I hope the boys can develop on some of the better ideas in this album in the future. When I listen to CHEDOARA, Rijin and heck... I even started to try some stuff from Issei era... All of these releases make me feel overwhelmed in a very positive way. For example, Hito to Katachi. They DID THAT. But with MISC. only select few songs and sections provoke any emotion from me, so I gotta give it 2* cuz it's a step down. Even if I were to look at the album by itself, it isn't remarkable. Like someone said, if they were a newcomer band then maybe I'd bookmark them to see this potential develop. But, either way, there's plenty to work with for future releases and hopefully it has been a massive learning process for the band. Whether they decided to continue and improve or break up after this.
  17. platy

    Can someone post pictures of the physical copy they received? I'd like to see what it actually looks like.
  18. platy

    I wish it would mean something interesting. But it's probably just another pseudo intelectual stunt about the essense
  19. Don't wanna support NAZARE but their bassist is a fucking fashion icon 

    1. platy


      he has very short fingers for a bassist though tf

    2. BrenGun


      why not want to support?

  20. platy

    I don't know what's worse. 'A' or 'More'
  21. platy

    I can't vote on the poll yet cuz this is gonna take several listens. But what's painful here is that in some tracks Sho's voice is so obviously constrained to fit the songs. He has to use 10% of his skills to be able to fit into what this album is going for.
  22. platy

  23. platy

    Truly awful live singing, but seems a lot of fun overall.
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