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Everything posted by platy

  1. That production. BM came very far, it looks like an amazing show.
  2. platy

    How do I do this pls
  3. platy

    But tbh that post wouldn't be beyond him
  4. platy

    ✔️Neo Latin american pedo 'stache ✔️ Short Shorts paired with smart casual top half Now give this man a bowl cut and send him to some indie hipster band where he belongs
  5. platy

    Let's is a maniac. Just look at this video. Hiroshi is taking the piss, he can barely take the questions seriously himself (see 55 secs, just after they cut off a child's scream lol) . This video series was without a doubt Let's's idea. Hiroshi was asked why they chose Shibuya Womb as a venue and Hiroshi literally said because it was the only venue that wasn't fully booked LMAO (also they wanted a venue with a screen). He was also asked why there was a 3 month gap between the release of MISC and their first gig and his answer was because all venues were booked... I can't. 1:54 - What the fuck? I can't tell if this is supposed to be funny or what. Who's filming this and why are they having a stroke? This band's tone is so skewed between their essence and suits and wanting to get away from the corruption of visual kei and these shitty, amateur attempts at marketing. 1:54 - 2mins "why do you think 'What's Up?' was the hardest song to record?" "Ride cymbal is xxxxxx CHIN CHIN" WHAT Last question "what does love mean to you?" "the putty in-between... " He doesn't believe a word of what he's saying, let's be honest. Get Retsu away from these men before they're humiliated even further.
  6. Raid's vocalist sure looks 100% punchable in their new PV. 

    1. Bear


      His looks were almost as bad as the music itself, and that kinda says a lot. This is some sort of a parody joke band, right?

    2. platy


      @Bear I can't tell anymore. 

    3. seys


      Yeah I don't know, the music was as jarring as his face lmao

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  7. Maybe he couldn't take how quick the fame hit them
  8. platy

    Two members with eye related problems? What are they doing to them at BP Records?
  9. Thanks for the report, it was fun reading it Glad to hear xaa-xaa are still crazy live. I wonder when mother will reveal their proper looks. Are they waiting to gather more fans so they can buy higher quality outfits? When you say fanservice, what do you mean? Members winking at each other or something?
  10. platy

    Yes. I managed to watch it 'till the end. Cool premise, amazing background/environment art but it's turns into a trainwreck fast. I think I ended up rating it as a 3 or 4 outta 10.
  11. platy

    When your grasp of a language is basic, maybe try to answer questions about your favorite foods, what you want to see in the countries abroad, music inspirations... Why go for deep shit like the essence of a human being
  12. platy

    That's a cosplay of another old band whose name I don't know. Love it.
  13. platy

    Sukekiyo fans, unite!
  14. Where do you find subbed jdramas? English, Spanish and Portuguese subs are fine. 

    1. plastic_rainbow


      you can try avistaz, but they're an invite only. i don't have enough points to invite anyone atm ><

    2. BrenGun


      still d-addicts forum? 

    3. cheesy_VK_Freak


      https://www6.dramanice.movie dis site has a good selection

  15. He probably just had a family emergency. It'll be fine.
  16. platy

    Kyonosuke gave me vibes of that weird ass drag queen who looks like an alien and has a bizarre instagram. It's a cool look. edit: this one https://www.instagram.com/salvjiia/?hl=pt
  17. The centaur is the most handsome, I wish he didn't have such a humiliating costume 😢
  18. platy

    He would make so much money, it's not even funny.
  19. platy

    AOT soundtrack is too fucking insane. Hiroyuki Sawano couldn't have made a better OST
  20. Parabains atrasado 🥰

    1. chemicalpictures


      yaaayy muito obrigado! 🥳

  21. Better than Takeru's version, but it's still a boring song especially as it constrains keiya's range. It's nice to hear him again tho 😢
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