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Everything posted by platy

  1. platy

    Definitely an improvement from previous life footage. The cover by DPWO was pretty good too!
  2. platy

    If that's true Ultimate technique: 'Separating the artist from the art' ACTIVATE! What a scumbag.
  3. platy

    Umm.... In his (their??) eyes, it's probably like "look at how cute this dog's peepee is haha kawaii chinchin". You can tell by the response in the comments full of ☺️~ and cutesy onomatopoeia sounds ugh.... they’re all just laughing.But yeah, i'd never even consider doing that to one of my pets...ew.... @suji there's nothing explicit on the preview/thumbnail, so I've left it as is. Other mods can review it if they like.
  4. platy

    Here's an idea for those 'Ask Japanese' youtube channels. 'Do Japanese eat cheese?'
  5. Nooooo !! I'm wishing him a fast recovery. 😭
  6. REIGN are good live! Also look how they reign in the money as soon as they come on stage :o 



    1. plastic_rainbow


      i just watched grimoire's performance and it seemed like the vocalist was really starting to lose his voice at the end. i did see them live once during one trip but don't remember it being that bad. i'll watch reign's portion when i get the chance~ don't really know the other band lol

    2. platy


      @plastic_rainbow first time I saw GRIMOIRE live they were good. Rynk was having a very obvious bad throat day in this livestream, he even cleared his throat on the mic at one point just before a song lol I just wanted to give him a warm drink. The last band is sick²'s alter ego. I wonder what the vocalist talks about, because he sure loves talking. 

    3. plastic_rainbow


      yeah, i wasn't really digging that performance... :( ah, i'm not too familiar with sick², haha.

  7. platy

    I can't have caffeine in any shape or form. Many years ago, I decided to have a latte despite knowing I'm not good with caffeine and it was the worst experience of my life. Anxiety, jitters, numbness, pins and needles, hallucination...yeah so I even avoid green tea and energy drinks are a no go. I only like herbal teas (chamomile, rose, lavender, nettle, hemp, coconut,etc.) and without sugar. Most of the time will opt for water or hot water with lemon and honey.
  8. platy

    I can definitely get down with this 'animal' concept
  9. platy

    @ghost loving Allie X's videos, they fit so well into that tumblr aesthetic which I can't quite name Her music isn't bad either!
  10. platy

    I already bothered @CAT5 and @ghost about this, but I'll share it here as well. 😄 I just discovered this 'psychodelic pop' band Tempalay. I'm loving their sound and their MV production. There's always some otherworldly storyline in their videos and they're super high quality, like something out of an indie movie festival. Their spotify
  11. @WhirlingBlack said: Mejibray revival but they only play 8P-SB songs
  12. アルルカン's Shohei is a snack.



    1. saiko


      God, what a hunk he is.


      This is the first time I got this aroused by a bandoman's attributes...

    2. platy


      A HUNK indeed. Their drummer is pretty nice as well tbh, but not featured in the video.

  13. platy

    Did my hero academia seriously do an Animal Crossing reference like that
  14. platy

    That way is also stupid. It should be day, month, year. SMALLEST TO BIGGEST.
  15. platy

    I will support it
  16. platy

    A boa e velha discussao do "pirataria, sim ou nao?"
  17. platy

    More time for sukekiyo, yum yum
  18. platy

    hurr durr April's fool. The waifu stuff snapped me out of it.
  19. platy

    Ninguem aqui no forum (ainda mais admins) vieram com planos de fazer esse tipo de projeto. Todos estao ocupados com suas vidas, familias, empregos que chegam a sugar a alma. MH existe pra comunidade de fas de VK (uma comunidade moderada e cuidada no nosso tempo livre) nao pra ser uma distribuidora de musica ou parceira de gravadoras. Isso requer muito esforco e tempo, algo que ninguem veio preparado pra investir laaa no comeco do forum. Fatos. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Seja a mudanca que vc quer no mundo - que bom que vc apoia as bandas, etc. Mas entenda que vc nao vai conseguir mudar o jeito que os outros pensam. Esse eh o mundo, todos tem opinioes diferentes e fazem as coisas de maneira diferente. Se os mods/admins resolvessem fechar o aspecto de download do MH a comunidade morreria, porque infelizmente ou as pessoas nao tem dinheiro pra gastar com musica our simplesmente nao querem. O forum esta dividido quase igualmente entre pessoas que querem download e pessoas que nao querem/ou nao se importam. Pessoalmente, eu compro/uso streaming se disponivel. Mas nao vou mentir que ja baixei e baixo tbm. Cada um faz o que pode, outros nao fazem porra nenhuma. E a gente segue em frente. Vc pode continuar dando murro em ponta de faca, mas saiba que estara perdendo o seu tempo. As pessoas nao vao mudar simplesmente pq vc quer.
  20. I'll regret this but do you have any links for this?
  21. This is GOOD!! One of my favorites by them 😭✨
  22. platy

    No credit card and no debt for me. I prefer to pay everything up front and have been lucky to not need to resort to a credit card so far. I'm not good with numbers and finance mumbo jumbo so it's better to keep it simple 😅
  23. LIQUEFACIO is lit. Infinitum sounds even better live 😭 trust sukekiyo to be able to make their blip-bloop, synth filled work sound great out of a studio. 

    1. platy


      PS still hate dorothy

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