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Everything posted by platy

  1. platy

    I'm not sure if this style has a name but it's a more of a thing in Japan than the west. Baggy, long and straight cut (not really accentuating any body curves) is how I tend to dress myself. It's an easy style to make more feminine or masculine or more formal/casual depending on the occasion.Most importantly it's super comfortable at all times.
  2. platy

    I finished LoU2 and really enjoyed it (although I still question the need for this sequel) then walked out into the world of the Internet just to see masses of cancerous criticism. That's enough Internet for the year.
  3. platy

    LoU2 - I can't believe the amount of people calling Abby a man just because she's jacked. Gamers are so used to questionable design choices fo female characters with bazooka tits that anyone who doesn't fit that stereotype is automatically a man? I'm butt hurt cuz muscly women deserve more love and also Abby is not only eye candy, I just really enjoyed her character.
  4. platy

    England being dumb as usual. Lockdown is being lifted ASAP and the prime minister couldn’t be vaguer if he tried. To summarise, go out but “be sensible” if you get the virus it’s your fault you should’ve given the pub your contact info even though we don’t have a working tracing system.🤡 https://apple.news/A_qVpmT6hRD2S2KapgOQEaw
  5. platy

    These MH trade-off posters I made in the past are still great so I'm gonna toot my own horn
  6. platy

    Opa, outro mineiro 😮
  7. platy

    I'm so excited to see Jolyne in action. I can only hope she's better than all the female characters I've seen so far up to part 4 lol Araki sucks at writing women
  8. Any ‘13 reasons why’ watchers here? Looking for people who’ve gone beyond the 1st season.

    1. secret_no_03


      I tried two episodes and couldn't get into it. It reminded me why school sucked so bad, nonstop drama.

    2. Seimeisen


      I shipped Zach and Alex during S2 so you just gave me a reason to watch S4

      thank you ^_________^


      Bryce's death scene was not too far imo, but it wasn't as joyous as Monty's death reveal. I would have loved to see Monty's death. He was a rapist, he showed no remorse, viewers who defended him and shipped him with that fucking weasel he slept with are all fucking delusional.


      IMO, Hannah's death was harder to watch that what Bryce did to her, for ptsd reasons. When I was a teenager, my sister had a cutting addiction started from a failed suicide attempt, so seeing that scene especially fucked me up. But don't get me wrong, the Bryce scene was still immensely fucked up.

    3. platy


      Hmm yeah this show has something triggering for everyone. I struggled with the start of s4 because they portray the journey into a mental breakdown really well and those things are still too fresh in my mind  😅 be careful with s4, Clay has been eyeing broken glass, I think he might start cutting FYI 


      To make matters worse Winston is now a main character and like I don't get at all how he could become so protective/vindictive over someone he fucked once then got beat the fuck out of?! I already hate his face. That's my issue with this show. They just have gay characters/'hotdudes' kissing to appeal to the ~irl yaoi~ crowd out there. The same crowd who makes amvs for Winston X monty. Having a f X f couple wouldn't bring in the horny wattpad teen bucks so they just keep sprouting gay hot bro characters. (Tony tho, he's great and has a lot of depth). Especially for a show that wants to StARt a ConvERSatIOn about everything, resorting to the "fell in love with my bully" trope was the last straw.


      I'll give them this, the zach x alex moment was sweet. But to me felt like it came out nowhere. But if they gonna make my boy Zach swing both ways I'll have to accept him in the team with open arms. 

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  9. platy

    But why is it so dangerously addictive 😩
  10. I think a little bit could be okay, but that 'little bit' will probably explode given the right amount of attention. I think it does stem from insecurities often within the person themselves that they're too afraid/unwilling to face or communicate to their partner. I've seen it give way to too many toxic things in a relationship and I also I come from a culture where jealousy and its bffs (paranoia, control and abuse) are heavily normalised as 'it just shows your partner cares' so I'm strongly repulsed by it If you are in a relationship where communication is open and healthy I don't think jealousy will show up and if it does it wouldn't get in the way of anything. If I were to argue pro-jealousy... well, in healthy doses it can keep people on their toes e.g 'I'll do my best to be a good partner so that we can keep our love alive and my partner won't feel the need to look for something outside the relationship'. Communication goes a long way in feeling secure in a relationship (feeling secure = little to no room for jealousy) TL;DR it's a deal breaker for me
  11. platy

    @ghostpepper @secret_no_03 prime example of why we have added rules to stay off this kind of topic. It isn't gonna go anywhere, so please take it to DMs if you wanna continue. ⚠️
  12. platy

    remember, it's okay if you develop a fetish for men in crop tops
  13. I got you I'm not sure this can even be called Engrish. I think sheena made up her own language but it still slaps.
  14. “Diamond is Unbreakable is a slice of life”




    *rapist eats a dog’s face on the 2nd episode*


    Jojo subverting genre expectations again I see.

    1. platy


      @Manabu I’m glad I watched all of SC, I laughed so much. It was great to see slapstick cartoon nods with the Mondatta and zenyatta brothers, Death 13 arc and feeding a baby his own shit, Polnareff and the never ending quest of finding a decent toilet was relatable and anxiety inducing because I have a irrational fear of toilets that are less than pristine lmao Was sad to see best man Avdol go :( basically, this is one of the most creative series I’ve ever seen. 

    2. Tokage


      i still think that YES YES YES part in SC is one of the best parts of that entire season lol

    3. Jigsaw9


      Glad you enjoyed SC, once it gears up there's no stopping it! :')))

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  15. platy

    As you get older you change and so do the things you like. Once upon a time I used to watch harem/ecchi anime and listen to the gazette after. Now there’s one of those things I wouldn’t touch if my life depended on it. So I think it’s only normal for people to let go of something they got into as teenagers. I also think that being unwillingly to explore other music will make you go off vk faster. In my later teen years I went off vk completely for about a year or two, I was just too busy to be involved with the scene, even after I came back to it I still had a year where I went in a deep search to expand my musical horizons. Now things have levelled off and I can move between western music, pop, Kpop, Vkei and everything in between. Another factor that makes people drop off: this scene requires time investment and the older you get the harder it is to make that investment. As your favourite bands die, the only way to keep interest going is by discovering new things in the scene, be it older bands you didn’t know or newer bands. Don’t forget, nowadays the average teen’s attention span is less than a goldfish’s so they’ll move to the next thing that makes them horny without a second thought and considering kpop merch is not only cheaper, but constantly being pumped out and more readily available than vk chekkis will ever be I can’t blame people for not sticking with vk for long. Kpop community is more active and widespread which does a lot to stimulate the senses. What keeps me coming back to vkei is the angst and artistic side of it all. You just can’t find it anywhere else, even if it is fake lol. I don’t know if I’ll ever let go of it completely, like Dispo said I’m in it for the long haul.
  16. platy

    I go for a walk or a shower and cry a lot, usually I feel better almost instantly.
  17. platy

  18. Happy Birthday ^_^ ~

  19. platy

    omg masc Kaya? 😳 +1 on femme fatale revival
  20. platy

    awesome style dude. What took you so long? Keep sharing!😮
  21. platy

    I had a bit of a disappointing product haul this year. Thought I'd try some new stuff, so I bought the following: Dear, Klairs Vitamin E Mask - Expensive for what it is. The tiniest pot ever. Can't really comment on effectiveness, but you can either mix it with other lotions/creams or apply directly to the face. Went with the latter, but I'll just aim for moisturisers that already come with vitamin E in the future. Etude House Soon Jung pH 5.5 Relief Toner - This toner just makes my face feel gross after. You're supposed to apply it and leave it on your face like some kind of lotion and I just feel sticky until washing it off and it can irritate my skin. I just use it as a normal toner (cleansing with a cotton pad) and then wash it off my face . I'm going right back to Secret Key Tea Tree Refresh Calming Toner once this one is finished. Etude House Moistfull Collagen Essence - Amazing reviews, but I wasn't amazed by it. What put me off the most is the fragrance, I've never used a 'perfumed' moisturiser before, and it's not an unpleasant smell, I just don't wan't perfume on my face lol Depending on the day, my skin definitely feels irritated by it. Good points are that the bottle is really nice and it has a pump which works great. Kao Biore UV Aqua Rich Watery Gel SPF 50+ PA++++ 2019 Edition - King amongst sun lotions. Didn't clog my pores, didn't make me greasy, no streaking. Tried and tested it under Brazilian summer conditions. The Ordinary 100% Organic Cold-Pressed Rose Hip Seed Oil - Two colleagues with similar combination/sensitive skin to mine recommended this product. I've been using it at night and seems to be good so far. It's pricey, but I can see it lasting for a really long time Also, I started following the curly hair care routine. I've been experimenting for a couple of months now and still have a lot to figure out but one thing I know for sure is that I've been horrible to my curls for the past...well, I dunno, most of my existence lol My hair and curls are so much happier now, all I need is a haircut and I'll be in the healthiest/happiest place I've been with my hair. Products I've been using: (All products no sulfates and no parabens) Garnier Ultimate Blends Hair Food Coconut Oil 3-in-1 Frizzy Hair Mask Treatment - It's everything-free, smells good and has so many uses. Love it. Cantu Shea Butter for Natural Hair Moisturizing Twist & Lock Gel - My hair isn't super thick, so just a little goes a long way. It smells good too. I've been experimenting with time of application. e.g just out of the shower = little texture, looser curls, after a bit of drying = more crunch and definition Shea Moisture Superfruit Complex 10-in-1 Renewal System Shampoo - I've tried a trillion shampoos, so-called organic ones, healthy ones,etc. Heck, even horse shampoo. This is the best one. It's super 'powerful', my hair/scalp never felt cleaner, it smells great and leaves everything super soft. Since it's so powerful I use once or twice (no more) a week and only wash with conditioner in between. Also experimenting with frequency of washing.
  22. platy

    For a while now my brain seemed to have calmed down and I couldn't remember my dreams, but looks like we're back on the usual programme lol I dreamt that I lived in a sort of 'trailer house' and there were some wet butterflies in my sink. Things are a bit foggy now, but someone came in the house and I wanted to keep the butterflies safe so I put all of them in my mouth and tried to sneak out, but it was just too much to carry and I spat them out. Then they all turned into people, except one. One of the butterfly-now-person said to get rid of it and it had now turned into an egg with a spring in the middle (??) so I put it in hot water (??). Then the next section of the dream, I was in some kind of drag race competition. I clearly remember seeing Cynthia Lee Fontaine doing some kind of performance and she looked pretty good lol Thing is, the competition has amped up quite a lot because this time, the competitors could turn into animals/insects and hunt for stuff. So we got into teams of three and went out into this desert-like area to look for something and I think a leopard nearly got me while I was zooming around as some kind of insect (lmaoing as typing this). This was only the first half of the task, the we had to perform and I remember seeing Ariel Versace in the opposite team. I kept getting something wrong so the dream kept looping for ages while I tried to correct it.
  23. platy

    I'm trying out this 'motivational quote' thing.
  24. platy

    I've seen a couple of j-vloggers who are exactly like that. Hate Japan yet exploit it for views and they love getting the attention they receive for being gaijin.
  25. platy

    > the price of my rent > bands switching a heavy sound for a pop sound > Visual kei being so stuck in its ways > The idol industry model > the focus of the anime industry > the weather
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