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Everything posted by platy

  1. Yoshiatsu channelling Ruki. It's too normal for me, but it's a cool concept for a 2man. SuG did the same.
  2. platy

    I had to stop buying it because it seems like it's gonna be never-ending and the story's going nowhere (at least when I still read it). But now I'm curious what you mean by it going in a direction you're not fond off 👀 Care to tell me under a spoiler tag?
  3. platy


    Welcome Feel free to join any discussions. I'm liking Nazare more with every release I hear.
  4. platy

    Here: https://www.monochrome-heaven.com/forum/26-monochrome-heaven-market/ If they're active on the FB community then also make a post there.
  5. platy

    I don't watch this series, the characters were too unbearable for my taste. But I keep up closely with any trainwrecks related to it lol
  6. platy

    If only they had a larme look
  7. platy

    oh BOY, wait till you get to this. https://images.app.goo.gl/kRsskevZSePrXdL56
  8. platy

    The more "adult" my life becomes the more I resort to escapism. 🐸
  9. platy

    They'll have more luck trying some other south american countries
  10. platy

    😩👌🏼 How to make a battle theme that doesn't give players ptsd
  11. Whenever I think about Zenitsu's first time releasing his full power, I weeb the fuck out. One of the best anime moments 2019. (Kimetsu no Yaiba) 

    1. platy


      @CAT5 what moment exactly?

    2. nick


      The spider kid reminds me of Ruki (the GazettE) tho.

    3. CAT5


      @platy That last scene in episode 19, where Tanjiro has that flashback and he and Nezuko launch that (seemingly) final attack on Rui.


      Of course the moment you mentioned was bad-ass too. If Kimetsu gets another season, they're gonna have a lot to live up to from just a directorial perspective alone.

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  12. Aoi's look screams "I'm here against my will" and I'm here for it. Uruha was never my favourite in terms of looks, but the older he gets the better he is 😭✨
  13. platy

    The Kyoto arc anime season was great. I couldn't stomach anything previous to that though, so I'd check it out any adaptations they release in the future. I'm guessing it'll take a while though as there isn't enough material to to work with yet.
  14. platy

    Just bought volume 22 and 23. The story is getting so good, I love the art and and where everything is going with Yukio. The anime simply doesn't do it justice.
  15. platy

    Excuse me, where is the yellow cap?
  16. sleepyhead really released a single with 46 tracks - all the same song just different people in his contact book performing it.

    1. platy


      The song isn't even good. 



    2. seys


      that's a power move

    3. chemicalpictures


      I loved the idea, unfortunately the song sucks, indeed

  17. platy

    Mahiro has always experimented with his singing, that's one of the obvious selling points of kiryu. this isn't that. I'm gonna wait for the single to really judge, but he just sounds bad.
  18. @Aferni I was going to recommend you some songs, but my work computer keeps blocking the dadaroma thread as adult content lmao Guess it really is time to finish my DDRM b-side review. I'll try to do this in the next week or so.
  19. Agree with this. If they keep churning out oboreru sakanas then people will complain they have no variety. Actually, if you listen to their output since oboreru sakana you'll find plenty of heavy tracks. It's better to give up on dadaroma at once if you're still hoping for that same song after six years. They've shown what direction they'll be following very clearly for a while a now , it's been consistent, so nothing surprising here.
  20. platy

    what if it had something to do with the agency punishing the members (you know who) for whatever reason? "We'll reduce marketing/promotion but we won't let you disband"
  21. What was the last DDRM release you listened to?
  22. There are still plenty of good B-sides. But the pop-punk teenage rebel clown shtick gets old real fast.
  23. we can hope for something heavy, but my bet is punk pop like their previous stuff in the past year.
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