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Everything posted by platy

  1. platy

    See below. Plus they only have three members and are decided on not having support members to replace drums & bass (correct me if I'm wrong). I think they've basically gone indie but without knowing the very basics of managing a band.
  2. platy

    I finally found THAT Nicky Minaj meme song. It's been a long search
  3. platy

    Actually, that makes sense lol
  4. platy

    what the hell is XING?🙄
  5. platy

    There's a lot of nail stuff happening on series I watch plus social media. It's a massive trigger for me and it seems like I can't escape it. I wish people would stop talking about fingernail gore // and for the love of God, don't put graphic images on your video preview.
  6. platy

    Best Overall Artist/Band: gulu gulu Best Album: DEZERT - black hole Best Single/Maxi-Single/EP: DIMLIM - rijin, ザアザア - 水没 (XAA XAA - Suibotsu) Best Newcomer: gulu gulu, Rakuxgaki Best Veteran: Gazette Saddest Disbandment: Pentagon Most Overhyped Band: NAZARE Most Overhyped Release: Dir En Grey - World of Mercy Most Anticipated Release: DEZERT - Black Hole Band that Changed their Sound for the Best: DEZERT, Band that Changed their Sound for the Worse: マチルダ (Mathilda) Band that you spent most of your money on in 2019: Gazette What the hell were they thinking!? Award: Yoshiki Best PV: sukekiyo 「猥雑」 (waizatsu)
  7. platy

    Making this list actually helped me keep listening to music during a year where I almost stopped caring. So here's for another music filled year and it's starting with all my favorites releasing albums 😍 ~last update: 04/12
  8. platy

    The manga has a beautiful style and the short has adapted it well into animation.
  9. platy

    They're gonna end up sounding like Screaming Inside Can Kill aren't they? RIP. Good or bad, it'll be entertaining to see the aftermath of this album.
  10. platy

    Agora adicionamos um novo emoticon.
  11. platy

    Can't say it'd be much different in EU.
  12. platy

    Is it cheaper to bring a band to SA than Europe??? Or is it a matter of audience size? I'd say a decent crowd is guaranteed in SA.
  13. Lemme know when one single good band name shows up this year

    1. platy


      @YuyoDrift neither. It's just whenever a new band shows up they have a dumbass name that makes me embarrassed to say with my own mouth lol

    2. YuyoDrift


      Well I read your status completely  wrong then haha.

    3. platy


      I think many people might have. I'm not one to complain about new bands in terms of sound, I've found plenty I like in the last few years. 

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  14. platy

    They confirmed they're coming to Brazil on Instagram stories. I can't post a screenshot atm.
  15. platy

    Dimlim confirmou que vão pro Brasil. inveja
  16. platy

    I still want that Yoshiki X will.i.am collab
  17. platy

    My bf woke up to weird noises outside plus the sound of a very distressed chicken. Now I'm paranoid af and can't sleep especially after we binged 'You' season 2. Note to self, don't binge violent creepy shows when visiting a violent country. Edit: ffs the distressed chicken sound he heard was just the morning cry of the cockerell lmao he didn't expect it at 3am and got spooked
  18. platy

    Someone needs to let her know that not wearing make up doesn't make u man, having a moustache doesn't make u man (hell, I can guarantee that one with my life), wanting the company of other dudes doesn't make u a man. When will society reach a point where we can just do things without attaching a gender to it? She's a confused, ignorant individual and she's making good coin off of it. Gender police YouTube and her will argue each other to death, or before she gets tired of this stunt and moves on to say she's adopting 8 Somalian kids.
  19. platy

    "Like the new dezert" Is this TODAY dezert or black hole dezert because the difference is HUGE
  20. platy

    I believe the singer is known for his edgy homophobic comments.
  21. platy

    I really don't like one ok rock, and that title doesn't hype me one bit. I'll wait and see
  22. Wonder if it will change their sound? Happy to see that they'll stick around 🥰
  23. platy

    The whole point of that is that adults are usually too caught up in their shit to think of different routes or ways to achieve a result. They're too close minded. Unlike a child. I agree that this trope it usually annoying as fuck, especially when it's a bunch of 16 year olds disobeying for the sake of LoVE, but here Lyra is one of those children destined to change the world so she should listen to her gut. The adults don't know that they're being an obstacle in her completing her mission by thinking of her safety first. Lyra is supposed to be insufferable though, even in the books she's a smart ass, talks back to everyone, knows everything and lies her way through any situation. The girl in the series is toned down in comparison.
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