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Posts posted by suji

  1. 3 minutes ago, Reikatsumi said:

    They have never complained about anything tbh

    and I’m not sure if they are under pressure as you think since they often release songs they wrote several years before like they did in the last album where is one song Takemasa composed in the past so I don’t think that BPR force them to compose anything ASAP

    They are a popular band in a big label that makes a lot of money, and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want to risk losing their jobs just cuz they want to speak out.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Reikatsumi said:

    So what?

    this single will be released by the end of March, it’s a lot of time, it’s not like they are real easing it right now so why does it matter that they released the album recently?

    You don't have to take every single comment about Kiryu personally. People are just understandably concerned cuz they just released an album not too long ago. Nothing personal, just a simple observation.

  3. Spoiler


    Best Album:

    Doremi-fa - 御伽曲第88番

    Ryutaro Arimura - demo #2

    Marco - Lalala


    Best Look:





    Vulgaruine Red (ex-ZRAYD Tawashi solo project)

    but seriously tho:


    MARCO (Lalala)






    Best Newcomer: 

    Doremi-fa (new band of LOST WORLD, their music is still great as ever and continues where the former left off! I'm so glad these guys are back & telling new stories! One of the few osare groups I genuinely enjoy; I hope they're around for a long time!)

    Mathilda (the osareness kinda turned me off at first, but after actually listening to more of their music, I like them!)

    Marvelous Cruelty (barely a day old & w/ shite production and already getting love from old-school daddies!!! #goals)


    Best Veteran:

    MERRY (coming off of a hectic nationwide tour + a fanclub-limited DVD, then announcing a NEW EP????? YAAAAAAAASSSSSS BITCHES)

    David (releasing his mini-album this summer & a distributed single later this year, Sui proves he's still got it)

    Junno (DAV, ex-boogieman) (dun come & gone in a span of 5 secs of their lifespan. we stan a Legend)


    Saddest Disbandment:

    BABOO (they were starting to gain a lot of potential especially after getting that DANGER CRUE record deal, but it all fell apart </3)

    Gossip (RIP Ains, except Diaura of course)

    リヴェーナ (Levena) (from what I heard from their live-limited mini-album, they had a really great sound. Sad that their music wasn't spread any further before they broke up.)


    Most Overhyped Band: KIZU, 8P-SB, Dir en grey


    Most Underhyped Band: Marco (I'm gonna keep saying this till i die lmao)


    Most Anticipated Release:

    MARCO - Lalala (not quite AOTY, but to know that a minor band like them was able to release a full album really makes me happy & it was good!)

    MERRY - sheeple (i don't give a damn if this was live-limited/digital only but this made up for M-ology and i LOVED it!!! a fitting anthem for the band!)


    Band that Changed their Sound for the Best:

    Karma (Avelcain -> Rands) (if that counts LOL)

    Seth/Z/Seiji Miyoshi (his voice is truly beautiful and I'm glad he's expanding his abilities to enka music ♥)


    Band that Changed their Sound for the Worse:

    Labaiser (their singles this year have truly disappointed me with their poor production quality and sound and I'm losing faith in them)

    Satsuki (...this is AMAZING)




    Band that you spent most of your money on in 2018:

    MERRY (mainly pamphlets & shit, but I also spent $30+ on sheeple LMAO x) )

    David (in my defense I only got the deluxe edition of his mini, & that nearly killed me)



    What the hell were they thinking!? Award:

    KISAKI 🤔

    Sunawachi Saga. (DRAMA - losing 2 members in a span of 2 months (of their fucking lifespan btw), & it's bad enough when the bassist stops showing up LMAO)

    GzNDLH (how the fuck do u go from Singapore Gum-chewing 50,000 yen-something to just smashing in random letters??? inb4 kaisan 2k19 x )


    Best Revival/Returns:



    DuelJewel (in 2019, but it's a miracle that they're coming back after initially disbanding cuz of the vocalist's health!)



  4. 6 minutes ago, zetork said:

    but a last oneman does not mean that they are going to separate or hiatus


    Then why are they calling it a "last live"? It's indeed strange how they're not actually saying they're disbanding, even though it sounds a lot like it.

  5. Magistina Saga will collaborate with various artists for their collaboration CD, "COCREATION BANQUET", which will be released on January 18 at their live at Bigtwin Diner Shovel and through mail-order for 2000 yen.


    "COCREATION BANQUET" tracklist:

    1. Promise (Magistina Saga)

    (lyrics: Iori, compose: Urugi (Magistina Saga)

    original by Magistina Saga)

    2. Real (Magistina Saga & ラガディ (RGDY))

    (lyrics: 條蒐, compose: 條蒐, 㮈灯 (RGDY)

    original by YAMAL (Magistina Saga))

    3. Realize (& LA bate)

    (lyrics: Yanagi (LA bate), compose: Urugi (Magistina Saga)

    original by Saw (Magistina Saga))

    4. L'oiseau Bleu (& The Ghost Inside of Me)

    (lyrics & compose: BAN (The Ghost Inside of Me)

    original by YAMAL (Magistina Saga))



  6. oh lord. there's a bunch of bands with terrible names, especially new ones. i'm gonna challenge myself and list 20+ from the top of my head (they're not ranked btw)


    1. Houts
    2. Chicktak
    3. Chic Boy
    4. An Cafe/Antic Cafe??? cuz I never know what they're actually called
    5. Xaoce (pronounced CHAOS)
    6. LA bate
    7. RIMCAT
    8. Rides in Revellion (...)
    9. nuvɔ:gu (new vogue)
    10. D, S, M, etc.
    11. Sadies Marry
    12. nano Mother ted
    13. [email protected]
    15. SUPER BOYS
    16. Black Gene for the Next Scene
    17. Initial'L
    18. Tear City
    20. Frantic EMIRY
    21. グラビティ↗↗楽しさ♪FULLVOLTAAAGE!!!
    22. *

  7. 17 hours ago, suji said:

    I love how 90s sounding this is (especially Deep Inside), but what kills it for me is that whiney voice and lack of oomph in the production. I hope they improve after this release.

    and of course it's growing on me. my critique still stands tho, but I'll still check it out if it leaks.

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