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Everything posted by emmny

  1. emmny

    r'lyeh slays their first album in case you need a reason to listen. KEEL r the shit
  2. emmny

    9 years ago? im EXCITED bring on the VULGAR !
  3. emmny

    they've played zakuro in recent years too, i would have sold my soul to hear it. who am i kidding i'd be crying hysterically LOL whoops
  4. that was awesome! hisame is one my favourite onnagatas, he's so fucking PRETTY
  5. emmny

    ^^from what i've heard on here, its usually a repeat of the europe setlist +/- a few songs i really hope its a continuation of the setlists they're playing for their current tour, its a really cool mix.
  6. the amount of kagerou on this thread this slightly sad, but im not necissarily surprised, their music is kinda culty for me, idk how else to explain it. HOWEVER, if there is one song that you should listen to, please listen to their last (and best) song which is one of my fav vk ballads of all time.
  7. 1 track in and D.A.R.K. is slaying everything

    1. Chi


      omg i forgot to listen to it, here i go

    2. Abelcain


      BEAST not bad

  8. emmny

    i lost my breath for exactly one minute and 11 seconds. this song is just amazing ughh
  9. emmny

    i never noticed the shitty production, which i usually pick up on with western metal lol i think vk ruined my ears? playing DSS in the car is fun because the album is really punchy and not necessarily obnoxious. whenever i think of shitty production i think of lynch, i've never heard a worse sounding album in all my years listening to music seriously than inferiority complex like what the fuck is wrong with that muddy ass mess
  10. yo-ka looks amazing wowowoowow
  11. emmuree, more and lynch. all drop new material in 2 days WOOHOO

    1. CAT5


      This is gonna be a great month!

    2. emmny


      oh AND keel! im so excited.

    3. CAT5
  12. emmny

    only 2 new songs? kinda lazy. i'd like to hear the remakes though.
  13. emmny

  14. emmny

    saw a shedia song i liked on youtube only to found out they're disbanded but that all members are now in KRAD LOL. the previews for the new single sound awesome, im hype to hear it!
  15. my casual interest in mediena and malisend has officially turned into obsession.

    1. fitear1590


      Mediena is gudd. Need to check out Malisend!

    2. emmny


      ^please do, if you're into mediena you'd like em a lot.

    3. Elazmus
  16. emmny

    PPF cuz TGADS & DIMM!
  17. emmny

    lil generic but im excited to listen 2 it
  18. emmny

    t.....o......m......o what a BEAUTIFUL MAN
  19. emmny

    today's one day addiction is savage and depain sooo heavy soooo gooooodd
  20. emmny

    this is such a funny beef lol i love ryuka's irrelevance like at least go at bands in ur own tier you've been in a band for like 7 years and u barely have any fans smfh whereas karma has an actual cult of cracked out fans
  21. outside of visual kei i listen to nothing but midwest emo, slowcore, and scramz lol

    1. emmny


      ^^MIDWEST EMO = ONLY REAL EMO !!!!!!!

    2. doombox


      I had to google it. But lol last.fm "This genre doesn't sound anything like the real emo..."

    3. CAT5


      haha, yeah, midwest emo is a thing.

    4. Show next comments  369 more
  22. meto's look is seeeeexy, im not fanatical about his looks like everyone else but he looks gorgeous. he took the cake off venoms too, athough MiA came a close second. tzk baby, what a lazy look? koichi too, ur slippin.
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