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Everything posted by emmny

  1. emmny

    ^yeah wtf moran have had a really awkward disbandment like either make up ur mind or never break up (plz the latter)
  2. emmny

    (wondering when cheap-suit kei will end) im confused lol are they disbanding on the 21st or oct 11th?
  3. ah yeah thats interesting^^ im curious as to who would actually purchase the tapes outside of their big fans. is there a tape collecting culture among japanese fans or is that just the ppl on MH? lol
  4. yay koto!! nice to see angrayse are staying active because i really hope they dont stop anytime soon.
  5. their album doesnt come out for another month, its likely for that and not the tape.
  6. plastic tree's one bleepbloop song makes me wanna bash my head in uh RES - re-birth is also fucking awful sixty nine and mirror by d'espairsray really grate on me too rosario by emmurée is borderline unlistenable i honestly try to forget it exists merry go round also have some really annoying songs i hate evilly by lynch. with a passion also #rantover
  7. i cant get over the new emmuree song its so fucking amazing

  8. ^maybe they'll be a dropping a digital single sometime?
  9. yuannaaaaa play dat guitar yas
  10. emmny

    macabre>vinushka tbh but i like vinushka more cuz headbang ^.^
  11. emmny

    cool setlist, hopefully it carries onto the NA tour
  12. emmny

    all diru long songs slay except mazohyst i hate that shit diabolos basically got me into dir en grey LOL
  13. emmny

    for my makeup i get a lot of bits and pieces from different bands, looks and PV's i've seen. fashion wise im aligned a lot with current DIR EN GREY, emmuree and kazuma (HFP). i wish i could dress more like goth-era MM and mako but their looks arent too practical for day-to-day life (
  14. emmny

    tsubaki looks goooooood
  15. friendly reminder that the new TBS single is probably the best single of the year

    1. Elazmus


      it IS fucking great.

  16. eh the look isnt all that bad! the tzk/yuuki look suits him a lot.
  17. emmny

    i hate being such a jealous person, its such a fucking pathetic trait to possess. im pretty sure i pity myself the most out of anyone else lol
  18. emmny

    yuuki and rito should never wear suits or pants ever again
  19. emmny

    aw i was just listening to sel'm when i saw this hope he gets better.
  20. emmny

    gackt is the closest descendant of satan but damn he looks good here!
  21. emmny

    HIME SAMAAAAA. nice to see you finally joined; everyone check out her killer cosplays^^
  22. gorgeous look, awful titles; they sound tacky af
  23. yeah the remakes are definitely highlights.
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