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Everything posted by emmny

  2. emmny

    im feeling a UGLY comment video ruki look, except i dont wanna wear a wig. i think i'll stick with inside beast, still a sexy look but it'll be more comfortable to wear clubbing ^.^
  3. emmny

    i have the second song from the preview lodged into my head omfg i cant wait to hear this
  4. "chain smoking squeaky toy with a cold" im surprised i didn't come up with this brilliant roast myself (lol i love ryuutaro though)
  5. i'll go listen to the scapegoat and pentagon based on the reviews, sounds cool ^.^
  6. emmny

    the plastic tree shuffle 4 tonight is POPPIN
  7. this look is sickkkkk i dont follow them but i saw this look on the tanuki twitter and fell in love. its a shame its a one off :/
  8. emmny

    zzz deathcore zzz where's the clean vocals the instrumental is too flat to stand without it zzzzz
  9. why is no one talking about this shitkei bandname lol wtf
  10. emmny

    cant wait to hear all these, i love MORE !!
  11. emmny

    keel get better with every listen, i used to be eh about their first album but now the songs i didnt initially like grew on me alot SO if in doubt listen another time!!! im back to hype up fanfarle though, the preview is crazzzzzzyyyyy
  12. emmny

    2/4 of deadman and no covers? smfh
  13. emmny

    nah its cool @cat5, dw; thank u for the advice and willingness 2 listen )
  14. emmny

    angst-kei in 3, 2, 1... im good until i see ur fucking face then i realize how badly i'd wanna slash u up u fucking piece of shit yet i dont have the will to remove u from my contacts and cut u off because you'd be upset and i dont wanna hurt u either because ur too fucking stupid to know any better that u hurt me.
  15. emmny

    well thats one hell of a look...dam thats some good shit y does kuina look like sugizo tho lol
  16. ^ the tea is boiling ooooo also did anyone see ruki's UGLY comment video? i saw the gifs on tumblr but i have no clue where they're from (he looks amazing tho)
  17. have u had a chance to listen to their first album? was it similar to the demos ???
  18. i'll likely never hear this but yes kazuma slay queen fuck it up
  19. the vocal for depain/savage is so godawful i love him so much

    1. Elazmus
    2. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      haha the original Black Bother Barbarian is my jam!

  20. emmny

    ok cats open up the gates of hell ok cool technically im a bit more biased towards DIR EN GREY because of the uroboros, dss and arche trio of DOOM but i still fuck with the older stuff really hard so aint no way im deciding between either, i just love my DEG ! ^.^
  21. emmny

    they announced their disbandment a long time ago and to leave a huge brick of time between the release of gypsy and their last live makes no sense. like if they're still touring and shit they might as well release a single while they're at it and make the fans happy while paying their bills. my one erk is the price like lol rlly dawg??
  22. yeah wtf is up with dezert and food bro
  23. insert memory sounds like 3 songs at once and its fucking awesome
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