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Everything posted by emmny

  1. oh my god kazuma's outfit is so beautiful i need those boots
  2. LMAO im dying to see how they style him as a dezert member
  3. lmao of all people vivi? wtf from an oshare band to art kei to fuckin alt metal crazy hair pulling? slay.
  4. emmny

    the kaoru thing actually hit me surprisingly hard i hate reading about it and i hope it heels i love roasting dir en grey but i really dont want to see them pause activities they'll always be one of my all time favs
  5. this and the kaoru news are fucking awful like i didnt realize how much i love karma until i saw this. i really hope he'll recover and that his mentally fucked up schtick doesnt extend into reality and end up affecting his health any further im gonna throw up oh my god
  6. i cant even joke about this i really cant imagine not hearing kaoru play sjkhjskahjk i hope he gets better
  7. emmny

    https://www.facebook.com/direngreyofficial?fref=nf GUYS PEEP THE NEW STATUS!! they posted a setlist of their japan last show on their pump-up post for the NA tour so im hoping they follow through with a similar setlist because they're basically saying the setlists should be modeled after the jp tour and as we've discussed that setlist is fuckin awesome
  8. emmny

    kyo is WILD
  9. emmny

    hehe > thank u but ur way cooler !! <3 <3
  10. emmny

    i put on a wig today and felt really pretty and accidentally ended up looking a lot like kazuma (HFP, merry go round)
  11. bring on the questionable english and gaijin BLOOOOOD
  12. emmny

    im practising my cat call and death growl for toshiya already
  13. not necessarily, i got into visual kei later (17/18) and i liked the music as much as the looks interested me. no one in visual kei identifies as agender either, im just interested in the androgyny of certain musicians in the scene bc they're fucking beautiful to look at. so i dont identify with them at all (except wataru really LOL), but aesthetically i think its awesome. note that androgyny doesn't necessarily imply transness; some cisgendered people like playing with gender expression and they're still comfortable with their gender. i find a lot of younger kids in the vk fandom (insta ppl mostly) identify under the trans umbrella in someway, and even if its a phase--which its likely not--then just let them do them and find out what works for them. i understand the concern for where vk blurs conceptions of gender in the first place and why every 16 year old from brazil identifies as ruki but its easier to let them figure themselves out than to say they're doing it to be cool. then again im not familiar with your vk scene, just going off of what i've seen.
  14. emmny

    why does he remind me of kiryuin satsuki's mom im so mad
  15. i identify as agendered, im cool with any pronouns. i started really questioning my gender when i got into visual kei actually so its interesting to talk about this on a vk forum. long rant ahead about gender lol
  16. yes im starting to organize my end of the year list. yes im 2 months early. yes im gonna bomb this exam thursday.

  17. emmny

    cuz im prolly the only person that cared for it LOL i dont even think its been played abroad before. edit: its been played 2x LOL
  18. emmny

    ^^ yeah, im hoping they decide to give toronto a weird old one-off song even though they mostly stuck to the standard setlist last like they came in 2011
  19. emmny

    https://rateyourmusic.com/list/vinidamazio/suspicious__inspiration_and_plagiarism_in_visual_kei/yo who's responsible for this awesome page some of these are reaches, chorus chords can overlap without having to yell plagarism but some others are identical and hilarious LOL my favourite is old mejibray copying royz....what kind of mess.
  20. emmny

    LOL hey add some gauze oldies for good measure. im curious to see the setlist, thanks ^.^ (a live review would be cool too hehehe) i dont think anyone else from MH is going to the toronto date im so disapponted
  21. emmny

    me except with zakuro instead of aint afraid ^ i really wanna hear glass skin, ware yami tote, diabolos and different sense too (i know, let me dream)
  22. emmny

    half of social justice tumblr makes practical sense and the other half of it still makes some sense, its just fucking stupid. i have a love/hate relationship with political correctness
  23. i've been using MH on firefox where i have a script blocker because i was scared that this site had something on it but its good to know its just from google searches and otherwise there's not much to fear. it really deterred me when i first stumbled upon the site a year or so ago, its a shame they targeted the kind weebs of MH.
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