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Everything posted by emmny

  1. emmny

    takumi played support keyboard? wut
  2. emmny

    the 2 voices that always calm me down when im feeling shitty are mako and temari's; i call them my angels for a reason yeah i sound crazy suck my ass
  3. im a huge fan of redeemer for the lighter side of d'espa's discography. it rocks pretty hard but is less metal/goth than their prior efforts, its almost vaguely happy sounding but i love it a lot (slightly biased because its the album that got me into d'espairsray LOL)
  4. emmny

    literally every session in this thread is amazing and has at least a few kickass members
  5. emmny

    the second temari opened his mouth tears welled up in my eyes my angel the band looked amazing, rami and koto especially wow ^.^ its a shame i dont have the means to purchase this, the camera work is really good and the performance is amazing. rip amber gris
  7. emmny

    im someone who prefers buying band merch over actual music/dvds so i totally understand the logic of cheki. the idea of seeing my fav member in different looks and cute poses in pictures i can hold and play around with is totally cute. i just dont get when bands charge upwards of 1000yen like uh ???? its a fucking polaroid
  8. emmny

    i really wish they were wearing the beautiful dresses from their last look, but i doubt that would have been practical to play in. edit: their look is actually kinda similar to what they wore for their fatima days with the tight pants and patterns. lol what a throw back.
  9. emmny

    i've been jamming to grieva for the past 2 hours, screaming along with kyouki and occasionally laughing like a maniac this is too much fun
  10. woooot wooot !!! edit: this will go either well or it'll bomb and flop with generic and shitty metalcore. hopefully it'll hold a candle to NEGA's best, even though they were more of a singles band (which is precisely why im worried).
  11. emmny

    pretz tzk and akane BOTH lol let them smoke in peace they're fucked up wwwww
  12. emmny

    PLEASE TELL ME ALL THESE WILL MAKE THE ALBUM! all those new songs wow.
  13. emmny

    i held up on listening to them because the xaa-xaa fandom on here is annoying but they're amazing. wowow.
  14. lol grieva went from my most hated visual band to one of my current fav active bands.

    1. Chi


      i never followed them, just had their music dl'd and listened from time to time but the newest look is too good to pass

    2. emmny


      i saw their look for the triple single they did earlier this year and thats what made me reconsider them at the time, give 'em a listen. they have some of the best looks.

    3. Jigsaw9
  15. emmny

    why does everyone wanna drag tzk when it comes to mejibray? even if there was another vocalist, they'd still sound like potato because of mia. mia's a barely competent guitarist at best, most of the choruses on their singles follow an almost identical chord progression. outside of some hizaki wannabe lead wankery, leda worship metalcore riffage there's really not much to his technique. this doesn't change the fact that he's done some amazing work for mejibray, but his technique is largely a rehash of better guitarists. tzk has some stupid vocal shit he does, but i personally don't mind the annoying stuff. mahiro from kiryu does similar stuff which i find even more annoying than tzk but since he doesnt venture into actual dirty vocals (br00tal) no one really calls him out for it. i feel bad for koichi bc he deals with these crackheads on the daily, he just plays his bass pretty well and looks beautiful at all hours of the day.
  16. emmny

    the remakes sound identical to the originals -.- its basically their first single with 2 new songs being called a mini album...thanks starwave >
  17. emmny

    yay i love live albums ^.^
  18. wtf was up with that cheap lookin preview? smh
  19. emmny

    pretz kuroyuri is one step too "nu-metal", but i get what you're saying. unsraw and nega both played within the nu-metal/core sphere but they definitely leaned closer to the core side, ya feel? its kind complicated but listen to BIRAN by savage and you'll get the kind of vibe im envisioning. edit: the girugamesh song works for the sound i have in mind but giru's still too alt/nu metal
  20. emmny

    unpopular opinion i love the core bands, infact i love the dirtier sounding core bands now that remind me a lot of their older counterparts. i defend SAVAGE a lot because their best material reminds me of the sloppy aggression that NEGA and UnsraW brought to the scene in the mid-late 2000's, even if they're kind of a shitty band. Dead Children also have a bit of this vibe, although they're kinda boring. its hard to find new bands that have this sound, as most (as said above) incorporate a tighter deathcore sound or just more polished metalcore with electronic leanings.
  21. oh wait haru looks the best in the video, hisame comes a close second though hehe ^.^
  22. emmny

    cancel the music, that look is so awful i cant even focus on what im listening to
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