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Everything posted by emmny

  1. ok but do u guys realize how fucking sexy shohei (arlequin) is? damn boyeeehhh

    1. hiroki


      he always has the same expression though XD

    2. doombox


      It's a hot 1 expression tho.

    3. emmny


      ^^ his stone faced expression makes his jawline look even more prominent w o w

  2. emmny

    it was a festival, they always shorten the setlists for those so dont worry ^>^
  3. emmny

    ^^^yep. like die's name has changed like 5 times in the foreign fandom depending on what tanuki's saying which is totally dumb. their real names are lame anyway brah
  4. emmny

  5. the vocal has such sexy veiny forearms omfg is this 2016 fan service
  6. emmny

    cool taste! yay to MBV & YLT! fav sludge/doom and BM bands?
  7. emmny

    sorry to double post but hey we should start hyping the NA tour, it starts the second of november which is super close. im still undecided about whether i can go because if i have a lab friday night im fucked, if not im going to be attending the toronto date (11/13); i also want to hold up until i see the setlist. comment below with which date(s) you'll be attending and what songs you'd like to hear ^.^
  8. emmny

    this is literally the biggest fucking news im so dumb LOL how have 2 ex-RES been up to amazing things while satsuki is fucking around with trash pop. ugh.
  9. how much did the swedish vk wannabes pay to hang out with mia? comment below with your predictions

    1. Elazmus


      Mia is an expensive boy[2]

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      tsuomasu is personal friend with some of the guys in mejibray, so probably nothing.

    3. Show next comments  363 more
  10. the drug threads are never as fun as the sexual-orientation speculation threads, bring 'em on im sure everyone knows of akane's love of da herb
  11. I hated deluhi minus 2 songs but this djent-kei is exactly what can replace the void left by MBHI disbanding. ps leda just killed every single deathcore/metalcore visual guitarist in just over 4 minutes; sorry nokubura fans. there's a reason so many guitarists in the genre have a leda influence (some more than others--cough mia--cough).
  12. theres like 5 people in the audience lol no wonder they disbanded
  13. emmny

    whoops that was pretty quick
  14. i love their final look, its so messy and beautiful
  15. emmny

    +1 on disposables entire comment. there are some nuances in the live performance which are so notable and i remember specific parts of the live part for examples how the vocalist alters the melody during certain sections and i sing along differently to the live version; its almost like they're 2 different songs with a life of their own. this doesnt make a lot of sense but its kinda complicated and i'd kill for certain live footage, especially during the start of bands' careers like u mentioned for the gazette.
  16. how did uruha manage to make christian dada look like a 2013 tsuzuku stage costume....im so sad...
  17. this is such an awful photo my BELOVED bandomen sama ARE NOT OLD MEN JUST YET! URUHA LIFT THAT CHIN UP YOU'LL LOSE LIKE 5 POUNDS OFF UR FACE.
  18. emmny

    live albums for me are essential in visual kei/jrock. i love listening to live versions of my favourite songs, and considering they've outlawed all recording (audio/visual) at lives its the only way i get to connect on that level. i only have a handful of live albums in my japanese library (its a lot more popular in western rock) but audio rips of DVD lives serve the same function for me.
  19. nice se??? wtf avelcain fans will buy anything and praise the gods that created it. i love them and all but rlly????
  20. emmny

    ^^thanks for the info
  21. emmny

    i swear me and aferni hijack this thread like 3x a week to act emotional and subpost someone i fucking love kesshou hana like i want to scream and profess my undying love of the song im in disbelief lycaon wrote a song so fucking good but will visual kei cure my ever-present loneliness good question
  22. if you love yourself listen to the new DEAFHEAVEN. face melting guaranteed.

  23. emmny

    ^^omg im so excited to hear it ^.^
  24. im just hoping it has some oldies songs in there. didn't they play a setlist recently of all royal order era songs? lol
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