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Everything posted by emmny

  1. emmny

    stal so much of the people beefing them for the pic are the same DEG fans who are like how dare u disrespect my beloved kyo sama etc elitist shit like its so fuckin unnecissary they're there basically against their will, if i paid 75 bucks for a pic im gonna do it on my terms; they didn't do it to intentionally anger the band they did it to make the best of a dry meet n greet lol theres no point of sulking along with the members. at the same time i do get the sentiment but its not like that anymore that weird behaviour would make them cancel their tours or some shit. its not 2007 with the fans trying to sneak into tour vans or throwing their panties on stage or some shit like its really not that bad.
  2. emmny

    they're gonna b pissed off either way u might as well enjoy the money u spent on it and troll the damn band lol
  3. emmny

    LMFAO wtf is this edit: thats my tumblr friend on the right. he's such a cool dude but this pic is so fried lmfao aaaand there's already drama on tumblr over the pic zzzz dir en grey fandom stop dis
  4. +1 on sufjan and the national. if i was still an indie head, im sure the national would have made my list. matt's crooning made me feel like i was having the existential crisis of someone in their mid 20's when i was still 14/15 LOL.
  5. nah u understood it perfectly, thanks for sharing! dir en grey do ballads like nobody else...and i mean NOBODY else. theres no touching the acoustic break in undecided, the bassline in zakuro, the drumming in ware yami tote and the solo in vanitas & mushi.
  6. sorry for the gross title, i couldn't think of another way to sum up the topic. there's a thread similar to this for songs but bands are a different matter imo! personal anecdotes and sentimental cheese aside, im curious as to what bands that you feel a strong emotional connection to? is there a band thats helped you get through some difficult moments in ur life or some shit? this thread is kind of dumb and mopey but its always fascinating what a personal connection we make to the music that matters to us so i wont judge ya hehe
  7. emmny

    obviously its hard to record given akane's condition guys give D.I.D. a break lol
  8. emmny

    thanks for the corrections yall ^^
  9. ngl that was fucking awesome
  10. emmny

    yea, i think he's the puppet mammy guy
  11. idk why ryo keeps collaborating with those hollowgram dudes when they dont come out with anything notable ryo x aie is the visual power couple of 2015 tho <3 <3
  12. emmny

    yokusou by kuryori to kage is so much fun to play on guitar i swear it takes out all my aggression i lovE IT
  13. emmny

    setlist (according to setlist.fm) behind a vacant image sustain the untruth obscure hageshisa merciless cult saku tousei vinushka inward scream revelation of mankind uroko the final encore kodou the fatal believer un deux
  14. emmny

    yo apparently kyo did an inward scream last night im kinda surprised
  15. *another one bites the dust plays in the background*
  16. emmny

    in todays #sadgirlsclub news im currently having an intense depressive breakdown thats *Gasp* soundtracked by lycaon. no, not deadman, not kagerou, not dir en grey, not sugar, not emmuree its fuckin LYCAON out of all bands on a less melodramatic note i love the lyrics to SHADOW, they're simple and pretty cool. after reading the translation to kesshou hana i was sold on yuuki's ability as a lyricist, but i still wouldnt consider myself a lycaon fan lol they're just too inconsistent.
  18. minpha twitter princess tbh im pretty sure call me got their fame from how fuckin pretty minpha was, he had a pretty huge following even in their indie INDIE days
  19. emmny

    -comes to start drama over my shade in the disbandment news threads after the constant shady statuses/comments etc- i dont take visual kei personally and im confused as to why other people do. i love to roast people's favs for their reactions, which probably isnt a good thing to do but in a scene thats full of gossip, bickering, drama, hair dye, constant disbandments etc what do u expect lol. the japanese fans dont care, but western fans will roar, cry and riot if someone dare talk about their beloved bandomen sama or honmei band in a bad way. thats why roasting mejibray is hilarious, and i love/hate mejibray and at the end of the day they're a pretty cool band but the members are soooo much fun to make fun of. shoutouts to the fans who laugh along with the jokes instead of weeping as everyone will have their opinions, and no matter how u feel theres no need to ever get ur panties in a bunch over light hearted comments. i cant tell anyone not to take it personal, music is so intensely personal. i just find roasts to be fucking hilarious most of the time, some people think they're needlesly negative but even users like herpes shit talking my fav bands makes me laugh. thats what visual fans dont understand, take a break from the computer, ur bands aren't meant to last nor do they care about anyone from the western fandom's imput unless they're making big bucks off u. tl;dr: enjoy urself visual kei isnt that serious -rant over-
  20. emmny

    did blackdoll just quote nicki's chiraq remix while shading lycaon naysayers?? i love MH
  21. emmny

    *cries sum more bc moran are dead* if anyone ups those live albums i'll deadass offer them my liver AND a kidney.
  22. emmny

    yo those screams r sicccccckkk
  23. emmny

    UR DOODLES R SO FUCKIN COOL MATE the vaguely visual goth dude with the flowers is awesome, i'd love to see ur visual concept for a fictional band or something because i thought the flower guy was 1998 shinya in malice mizer clothes or something lol
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