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Everything posted by emmny

  1. emmny

  2. emmny

    imo some bandomen are so funny to shade and kisaki's never ending trolling is soooo fun to roast honestly between kisaki, mia, mana, kiwamu, gackt, kyo, shinya, ruki and ai there is so much giggles to be had. i love roasting kisaki for being a maniacal yet broke crackpot but he's expired now or at least until he gets bored enough to start more drama. currently ruki's trash clothing line and mia's messy plastic ass label whoring take the cake; eh at least they're making some kind of money.
  3. emmny

    fuck, the show looks so epic on ZEPP's stage. im hoping for at least 3 costume changes seriously. probably another live i'll never see [cries in art kei]
  4. emmny

  5. that was a partial joke tbh, moran are irreplacable in so many respects [creys]. i still love them for their unique take, if they continue with this sound as they continue on the careers there's no reason not to see another brilliant band to rival moran. im not much of an optimist nor a DOF fan but ruvie and fatima were rough and look what ended up happening.
  6. iori dipped fast, i wonder why he wasted his time in the first place. i hope yanagi's compositions are as strong as his work for konig, its a shame hes not also playing guitar.
  7. thanks for posting my blurb again yay! im dying to hear the new yazzmad EP, re:halcyon was awesome. i think i'll enjoy this last one a lot more than their prior releases, reminds me of old yazzmad (remakes, duh) i'll try the umbrella release, sounds like they're improving a lot. i've been out of the loop with mono's recent output but i'll be sure to give that new split a listen as well. as for stuff i'd recommend this month, the new HIGH FASHION PARALYZE was very interesting albeit hella messy sounding. im a sheep for all things nagoya despite how improvised they sound but the 2nd track is one of my favs for this year.
  8. emmny

    (following refers to jap music only) i listen to a lot of visual kei that i wouldn't listen to had it been sung by a native english speaker this esp goes for metal/deathcore/alt metal styled visual kei; i prefer not to really understand what they're saying, the lyrics suck most of the time. but good lyrics make a postive difference, i wouldn't be so obsessed with deadman, amber gris, moran and kagerou if they weren't led by such brilliant lyricists. on the flip side, bad lyrics tend to make no difference cuz ignorance is bliss i have no clue what they're saying/screaming; however, there's an occasional exception of shitty engrish that is just too grating to ignore.
  9. emmny

    assisting chi in reviving the thread bc tomo's no makeup face for that recent in store was easily prettier than most bandomen with makeup
  10. prolly gonna suck, im just following cuz kurimu is adorable and their look is pretty sick.
  11. -fight to the death on who won the ains compilation ensues-

    1. Jigsaw9


      well, there's no real competition I guess... *sensually whispers 'Grieva'* ;<

    2. Elazmus
    3. Takadanobabaalien


      even though i like kuroyuritokage to death i think their songs were the most boring on the v.a.

      Grieva's was best, followed by Gossip

    4. Show next comments  339 more
  12. emmny

    rip, shoutouts to any of his fans if any of my favourite musicians was to die like this it would really burn.
  13. emmny

    i wont live. i needed a live version of kesshou hana and i'll live the rest of my life cursing lycaon for never recording it.
  14. emmny

    im really loving KRAD, they have a really dark and heavy sound thats thrown around a lot, but they're not rawr rawr heavy but their guitar sound is so low and doomy, the chords played ring out in ~~despair~~ its hard to describe without sounding like an idiot (honestly^) but they're super interesting and cant wait for more!
  15. reach the weeaboo orgy in chat for casual trauma and bandomen gossip

    1. Chi


      distress and trauma

  16. reach the weeaboo orgy in chat for casual trauma and bandomen gossip

  17. ^tfw when u get hizumi or ryo to do ur album cover
  18. emmny

    <3 thanks for condoning alcoholism u animals <3 im the bitch at the party dancing on tables but i'll go home and listen to swans my life ISNT a meme.
  19. emmny

    lemmie finesse u dat link
  20. emmny

    ^literally me tbh #sadgirlsclub never ends also i get why people drink alone, i tried it tonight and it was oddly exciting and equally pathetic. take care of yourselves cuz thats not fun at all.
  21. emmny

    the bassline to zakuro is my all time fav toshiya bass line. everything in that song works so well, its dir en magic dawg. and it makes me cry like a lil bitch so theres that added detail. imo dir en grey toshiya > DIR EN GREY toshiya (bass, not looks)
  22. emmny

    inb4 tape drama round 2 i doubt anyone from MH has access to any tax records so i guess this will stay ~forever~ a mystery really tho the sleuthing from the kisaki tape thread was A1 u visual nerds really know ur stuff.
  23. emmny

    thanks for the link jiggy wtf kind of sketchy shit LMAO whats a secret label anyway?!?!! hmmm....innnnnteresting. its been reported before but its interesting how the upcoming VA is listed under universal's D sublabel; why would yukkika not want diaura's music to be distributed under a major label?
  24. emmny

    i didnt know of their website until, now; silly me. thanks for bringing it to my attention^^ yeah their webshop doesnt even distribute any other bands beside the major 4, im super confused lol.
  25. emmny

    howdy! like many of u visual fans here, im a big fan of AINS, they constantly churn out quality material from main bands diaura, kuroyuri to kage, gossip and grieva. someone mentioned the sublabels, and im confused as to how the label is managed as apparently malisend and mediena are on the label but i didn't know as they're on their own sublabels??? wtf is hoodwink or mad wink or whatever?? if someone can correct me and clarify what they know of how AINS is organized then it would be quite helpful. what wild ex-bandomen turned indies record mogul is behind the ~illusive~ label?? im simply curious as to how they structure the label; behind the scenes visual kei scoop is super interesting (more often than not it involves some fun illegal shit but i wont get my hopes up for AINS). i asked like 203048 different questions so dont kill me but any insight its appreciated^ tl;dr wtf is ains whos behind it what bands are on it how are the sublabels structured
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