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Everything posted by emmny

  1. emmny

    AINS AINS AINS AINS AINS AINS JOIN THE CULT OF AINS also david skull no records/zoisite and donut records (RIP)
  2. emmny

    i fell in love with vk through bands like deadman, studs, dir en grey, d'espairsray, malice mizer, sugar, rentrer en soi, tgads, emmuree, amber gris, 9goats, lynch. so it was kind of frustrating when i joined here to find bands that sounded like those and there were none. i ended up opening my mind a little and instead of thinking of "metalcore" bands as a guilty pleasure i started to genuinely enjoy their heaviness and sugar-sweet choruses. mind you, if these bands weren't visual i wouldn't listen to them but i still am kind of fond of them. because of this i've opened my mind to groups like nega, unsraw, kuroyuri to kage, dezert, avelcain, grieva, the black swan, D.I.D., MBHI etc, all of which i enjoy quite a bit. so vk is still awesome for me, i've just had to adjust a little.
  3. emmny

    lowkey just threw up all over my keyboard WHAT A FUCKING AWESOME SETLIST WOWOWOWOWOWOw vinushka, hageshisa, obscure, saku !! edit: no rinkaku? and fuck the final i wanna hear more ARCHE !!!!
  4. #NEVERFREEFROMTHEAWAKENING seatle tn! im not going im just dying to see the setlist omg

  5. emmny

    that was pretty intense, coooooooll
  6. was this ever a question?
  7. previews sound cool and the new song is interesting, im excited to see how this goes
  8. lol i saw the talk of the porn pool on a meji gossip blog that was so funny whats not so funny is how awful mejibray have gotten lol rip
  9. far east dizain keep fucking it up RIP visual kei

  10. thank you BNT staff for featuring my (veeeeerry long) blurb <3 i think i'll check out the new DIV, chanty and novembers! i wish i wrote something for insert memory by DOF (+1). its easily becoming one of my favourite songs this year
  11. emmny

    their look is divine im so excited
  12. leaving for montreal tomorrow im so excited ^.^

  13. i fucking love the messy vocal layering its so perfect?????
  14. emmny

  15. of course it would be in avelcain's "aesthetic" to make such a morbid, vague statement over karma having a fucking cold or something
  16. emmny

  17. emmny

  18. oh u were probably talking about the preview of the 3 dezert live distributes on youtube 12/16 gotta hurry up and we need some actual promo material for november lets goooOOOOO
  20. theres a little bit of strain in his voice at some parts but i dont mind it, imo its expected during a last live. the band has likely been touring a lot before the show and the setlists are typically on the longer end so i dont expect a flawless performance
  21. suit kei? wtf wheres the smeared lipstick crazy hair and exposed thighs? #bringbackkira in other news im super hype to hear this even though its such a long time away. if chiaki and co. manage to top title nashi then it'll be AOTY hands down.
  22. LOL i think naoki is easily one of the best visual vocalists around, his voice is brilliant. out of all the members i really dont want to see him quit bands, he's far too talented.
  23. their last live was recorded via live house cameras? thats so sad lol well at least its on youtube note that it doesnt include the encores
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