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Everything posted by emmny

  1. emmny

    ^thats pretty quick lol they should have put it off until later but they havent put out new material in a while so yeah
  2. emmny

    curious 2 see how guitars sound lol
  3. that was miles better than recent deathgaze wow that hiatus worked wonders for ai's compositional ability
  4. emmny

    bauhaus? kewl ps after grieva i appreciate shitty en grey more LOL idk what it is??!?!?!?! i like their shitkei kote antics though so i'll is cute in my books.
  5. emmny

    they're getting weirder and weirder, obscure and aint afraid to die? awesome.
  6. probably some dumb gaijin at a live thats likely all
  7. kinda forgettable but awesome ps that break down was cool af LOL dogma watch and leaaaaarn !
  8. emmny

    all bands steal from each other--pretty much every visual band in the late 00's ripped off a few DEG songs, get over it. guilt trip has its own merits too, i like the bass line a lot more than zakuro. jin is active in The Black Swan ray is active in DEAD CHILDREN san is active in BLACK GENE FOR THE NEXT SCENE yuu is retired from bands as far as i can tell.
  9. this whole single has a really kote vibe which is simultaneously a mess and very fun to listen too
  10. ...i interrupted my lecture for this LOL that was oddly poppy...? i love the old school influence but heavy avelcain is the only avelcain!
  11. emmny

    ^ the pledge made my top 20, i love that song a lot.
  12. that song is awesome, amazing old school touch with a modern vk edge but those lyrics...please god...
  13. emmny

    oh my god thats the fav part when the drums are going berserk but that lil twangy psychedelic sounding part is playing in the back its my SHIIIIIIIT. I can agree on jesus christ RNR thats fucking annoying, but a lot of the songs of kisou are equally annoying and go nowhere. i only like the inferno for the headbang value, it still sounds like a bootleg decayed crow. i've always wanted to list my favs lets do this!! (no particular order i rated them cuz im a fucking nerd duh) going through my last fm to see these tracks made me happy, no matter how much i roast DEG, i'll always think they're fucking amazing. PPS: Pretzy KNOWS *100 emoji*. DEG (and their fans) take themselves too seriously so i love to comment on their looks and make shit a lil more superficial hehe
  14. being in love is so against my aesthetic but i totally love (lol) the idea ^^
  15. emmny

  16. bring on the shoooooeeegaze lets go die sama
  17. erk i like rasen a lil more but this band's cute. them and malisend are totally on my new indies radar. edit: tooka is so cute like wow he's actually unbelievably pretty lol double edit: IM GOING TO FUCKING EXPIRE AND DIE BEFORE THIS COMES OUT I CANT WAIT UNTIL DECEMBER
  18. its oddly satisfying when emmny comes on shuffle like LOL thats my username!!

  19. emmny

    OK die's smile is cute and his hair is very pretty i'll give him that
  20. emmny

    not without makeup boo, toshiya has a hot chistled face and sexy man arms to smack my ass the bass with. ps i love being in the very small minority that likes decayed crow, i love dancing to it while laughing at how much everyone despises the track
  21. emmny

    well this is a new look lol edit: i just noticed what they were wearing...um...wyd
  22. emmny

    toshiya is sexy i dont care how he play the bass fuck that
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