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Everything posted by emmny

  1. emmny

    yay PREVIEWS TIME TO LISTEN edit: heard a few and this is amazing DOGMA hype BEEN real!!!
  2. +++++1 on this i hate djent and it sounds like asshole but mbhi were brutal enough and still combined it with awesome choruses which made them one of my fav visualcore bands so im pretty sad to watch them crash and burn like this meh there's still dezert, dadaroma, avelcain, TBS, D.I.D. etc i'll live.
  3. emmny

    oh true. karasu was one of my favs because of how aggresive the bass line was. baretta is also good, but he was better during their indies era wheras he's totally in the background for most of the alt metal/dubstep era.
  4. emmny

    i never liked reita's bass work lol the fandom loves him but i forget that he exists most of the time
  5. emmny

    +1 +hazuki slay yeah this rip is rlly rough but HOLY those riffs are some serious SHIT \m/ tbh im just waiting for DEUX, thats all i really want to hear at this point.
  6. ok uh the only part i rlly liked is the guitar solo sorry this is a no from me their recent ballads have all been amazing (stay strong, ring, ballad) and this is kinda flat.
  7. deer god that look is hideous justin bieber hoodies are officially visual af tho
  8. emmny

    jigsaw comes clutch with decoding ruki's psychobabble!!
  9. emmny

    aw i didnt know my shinya bby made insta im gonna follow speaking of shinya uh that botox is starting to show but shhhhhh
  10. emmny

    lol y'all bringing up this dark age thing lol i completely forgot did ruki ever say what that was???1/!?!
  11. eternally missing RES & D'espa :(

    1. Kaleidoscope


      Same, I'm thankful that I could see D'espa two times before they disbanded :( Still holding on to the hope that they may one day return

    2. saishuu


      girl, same ):

    3. Licio123


      D'espa... =(

    4. Show next comments  390 more
  12. that look is amazing thats for sure^^
  13. im with everyone else on this last fm update like...uh...lol wat dis

  14. emmny

    kazuya's back?!??! i havent kept up on him but i dont remember him being active in a while
  15. emmny

    lol katatonia wut no
  16. emmny

    lmao i didnt know chaos was gaijin. he accepted my request on last.fm and i have a feeling the rest of their releases are going to be mad awesome, i'd totally follow them if i was in tokyo rn.
  17. emmny

    i remembered when i was listening to the previews that there was no slow acoustic/light guitar ballad. im sure there's 1 or 2 ballads in there, they're just heavier than what we're used to
  18. emmny

    i just realized honestly WHERE DID THE BALLADS GO!!!!!?!?!?!?!?! im mad
  19. how did my name become yellow wow im so giddy over this ^.^

    1. CAT5


      It's a benchmark for reaching 400 posts

    2. emmny


      thanks yakihiko

      and i get it now LOL thanks cats

    3. Tokage


      you have been blessed by the magical golden shower of kisaki-san

    4. Show next comments  390 more
  20. emmny

    thank god lol they're fucking awful. raya needs to turn his attention towards ANGRAYSE because their releases are absolutely amazing.
  21. emmny

    SIIIIVVYYYYY SIVVVYYYY SAAANNN i love sivy in any band yas
  22. emmny

    lowkey i love sally even if they have like 4 fans and even if the vocalist is too cool to follow me back on twitter
  23. sounds ok but nothing special, especially considering this is 2/3rds of aliene ma'riage
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