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Everything posted by emmny

  1. emmny

    This is killer god bless soty kind of shit fr how can they melt faces with each single but put out a trash mini album wtf i hope that trend wont continue. takashi's look is so damn sexy im DEAD
  2. emmny

    i saw screamo thinking it was trve screamo but this post-hardcore isnt that bad they're catchy
  3. emmny

  4. I FUCKIn love the look its so random it works & shout outs to san and rame for looking stupid pretty and the single sounds great i might start following them tbh
  5. emmny

    #broke and i cant speak japanese cool i hATE MY LIFEEEEE
  6. he looks so much younger without makeup lol its probably the lighting--either way, ryo is fuckin pretty.
  7. smells like SHOEGAZE
  8. emmny

    +1 respect 2 XiL for attempting kyo's hardest song (imo) all y'all are some amazing singers!!
  10. emmny

    shinya is so incredibly beautiful i want him to smash me in the face with a lamp
  11. emmny

    the best bands RN imo are way underrated but honestly im not sure how 2010's visual kei will recover from losing moran and amber gris in the same year; they were the only bands that had no peers in terms of sound. emmuree, avelcain, dish, DIMMDIVISION, lynch, lament, DEZERT, angrayse and stereo C.K. are all phenomenal bands that are still active so i haven't lost hope in visual kei since my old favs usually continue with amazing bands and a new face pops up here and there and the cycle continues.
    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Buy them a j-rock CD of The GazettE or Kra.

    2. Sakura Seven
    3. herpes


      no one has ever bought a kra CD

  12. their look is a mix of dezert cocklobin and amber gris.....perfeCTION
  13. emmny

    ....and you took the words out of my fuckin' mouth. this review is the truth and the whole truth. i liked unsraw not because the members were all proficient musicians, but because yuuki wrote tight, simple metalcore songs that banged pretty hard for the time. that brutality (br00tality) is completely sucked out of this release and it sounds like soul-less noodling wankery on their instruments. DOAK is lacking all semblance of emotion, and unless they magically pull something out of their musical hats (which is possible, given that its not their first rodeo) then they're doomed to fail. bring back the masks!!! bring back visual kei!!!!
  14. emmny

    toshiya needs to take off all his clothes thats all i ask
  15. the new doak is AWFUL oh my god

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      emmny giving Doak dat reverse promotion. "OmG Try this it's sooooooooooo badd!!!!" Sales go from 12 --> 95

    2. emmny


      ^anything to put food in my beloved bandomen sama's belly.

      and i dont like it because its unoriginal generic and goes nowhere tbh not because of the unsraw thing, i realize that was mostly a product of the time, but stil, yuuki's compositions were sooooo much better back then. eris was the only optimistic turn, but that sounded like a second rate 2007 unsraw copy band :(

    3. lichtlune


      I thought it was a solid first release. I'm sure they'll get better. Yuuki's voice was at least sounding better than it did on the previews for me.

    4. Show next comments  402 more
  16. cool thanks for ur thoughts satan...now the real cool japan money maker will be a gackt-era malice mizer reunion so stop complaining lil gakuto and DO IT!!! save cool japan! spread the love of visual kei overseas!! but srsly a naruto stage production? whos dumb enough to have thought of that? i hate naruto but would any actual naruto fan wanna see that???
  17. emmny

    ^what poll was that? also they played blue velvet AND shizumu taion in the last show i would have fainted omfg
  18. emmny

    that is literally the most random combination lol
  19. how'd i just see this?!??!1 lol emmuree had 2 live only singles this year so far xcuse me?!!??! hopefully they'll make their way onto the new album buuuuut i doubt it.
  20. emmny

    i've seen the guy in the middle-front all over tumblr he's actually gorgeous ohmy goD
  21. this and the kiwamu thread are the best things on MH tbh
  22. im someone who doesnt say anything until its apparent and even then im usually wrong so i'd say hold on for more cues/signs etc or just confess and whatever happens i have a fabulous sad playlist 2 recommend u!
  23. ...they didnt want anyone relevant at the sessions??? l o l
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