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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    We did have a theme with mixed gender vocals, if I remember correctly. That'd mean that's a different theme. I guess if the female singer is the more vocal one, that's totally cool. CAT5'll get back to this some time in case I'm mistaken. I'm so not good with time, but it starts at 8PM over here. Looking at this converter, it looks like that's 1AM where you are. Can you make it? And, can anyone who can tell the time just correct me if I'm wrong please? >< I AM mistaken, ignore me please. xD
  2. beni

    Also to sansamour20, have a great day. Happy birthday!
  3. beni

    Excited for this. I'll pop in when I can because I know I'm going to be a stress head since college is starting again tomorrow and work still isn't done. x'D Ban me from MH and plug for a while lol.
  4. Looking at my iTunes purchase history to find out. It looks like I was first into J-pop in 2012, but later, in the same year, I also started listening to Oshare Kei, bands such as LM.C and An Cafe. I'd say it all started in 2012. (joins the party last x'D)
  5. beni

    Well, a few years back, it'd always be physical discs I'd purchase. This was the time when I listened to only English music. That'd mean I'd buy them from stores. And it was always Amazon. I rarely would (and even now) buy from stores in walking distance, like HMV, but if I'm in town (which is rare in itself), I'll check out that store if I'm nearby. I actually still purchase albums from Amazon from time to time if I can afford them but not as often as before. This is mainly because, now, I only purchase digitally, only from iTunes. It used to take forever waiting/finding the musicians you want, but they seem to have a lot more popping up now. At least, the ones I search for, they're a lot easier to find then previous years. And at the starting point of this, it'd always be me getting single mp3s, on their own. Be it album/single, I'd just spend 99p on a load of random songs. I take a while at understanding anything. xD But because iTunes seems to put a pricey total on many albums I'd like to get, I just do without it or, if I see it pop up here, I'll give it a listen and see if it's available on Amazon. I would get physical albums from CDJapan if I could, since Asian music is all I really listen to, but mum's against paying a lot of money for shipping if it's not Amazon. *Awaits for when I fully become an adult.*
  6. beni

    The show (thread) must go on~ Just me?
  7. beni

    Banned because I should be asleep right now or doing coursework. D':
  8. beni

    I must change my avi to Satoshi next. I can't see any love for him in the Lycaon 'new look' army (reserves the Satoshi one). Satoshi, you ARE loved, okay?
  9. beni

    Has a wardrobe leading to Narnia.
  10. I'm a Cancer and I found this interesting. I find these star signs interesting in general. But I like to think and I hope I'm not considered to be 'moody.' I have certain dislikes which can annoy me but I never get moody about it. Sure, I'm not laid-back either, however, having found the definition of 'moody' = '(of a person) given to unpredictable changes of mood, especially sudden bouts of gloominess or sullenness.' ... Yeah, okay, maybe a little. Unpredicatable? Nah. People seem to read me very easily when they want to. And depending on my mood, it's quite obvious when I hide something or not. Just, not unpredictable in any way. That'd mean I'm careful about things, right? More like, very predictable. But when it comes to the mood changes, that can be unpredication, can't it? Hmm... Self-pity? ... hmm... 'excessive, self-absorbed unhappiness over one's own troubles.' Okay.. fine, you win... It's interesting because, depending on how you look on it, you can fit into the star sign that is said to be yourself even if it's not so clear at first. But reading those compatibility results hurt. Cancers are clingy? Sure, when it comes to hugs! (Only me?) Emotional? Private? ... Yeah, alright. >.>
  11. Introduced to me by my lil sis, I've just tried 'em, and I'm loving 'em.
  12. beni

    Really looking forward to Lycaon and SuG as you've listed. Didn't even know about an upcoming Silent Siren one so that's just made 2015 an awesome start for me. And ling. Of course, of course. Any release of theirs I'm looking forward to seeing/hearing. Seeing sukekiyo listed has reminded me yet again I need to give them a proper listen. >.> Onto my choices... I've just read T.M.Revolution is releasing a new album this March. *fangirls* xD The 'Mondai Girl' single (I'm sorry, this isn't an album release >.>) by kyary. Because I need to see more PVs and hear her singles more often hehe. Also one of the ones I'm most looking forward to so forgive me on this one please. Newest album from Chara, 'Secret Garden.' CANNOT WAIT, GIVE IT TO ME PLEASE. The only TBA one I can remember I'm looking forward to is Abe Mao's upcoming release. Even though it looks like in one source she's revealed the album info, it's not been officially stated anywhere else. This better be a new album. Knowing me, I've forgotten so many so I'll have to just wait here patiently and be reminded every time. ''^^
  13. beni

    xD I hope you get to their album some time soon. No way I'd not put them in this somewhere, so I'm glad it has served as a reminder. Yeah, you mustn't miss out listening to that! Hehehe, they've really got me hooked thanks to that single!! lmao, I know right? xD I only noticed when I finished it that the female section can pretty much be called 'my the picks in J-pop.' (And that VK male choices x'D) Ahaha, I'm actually quite surprised myself with how many picks I've chosen of the women. I seem to favour female vocals and I don't even know it! Mine's pretty straightforward and really doesn't have many obscure/new found artists for anyone like every other ORZ' lists, but that complimenting of everyone's is really great of you to say. So many different styles/genres everyone prefers! Too awesome. 'FUCK YEAH!!' Indeed. Still need to give a full listen to their newest mini-album!
  14. beni

  15. beni

    Looks like everyone is impressed with the NERO album. I must give that a listen as soon as possible. My only fear in doing so is that I'll regret not putting it somewhere on my list. xD I knew most and heard the albums of the majority in the Japanese section and I must tell you, awesome picks Jig! You've pretty much sealed the deal in my having to hear that record of BUCK-TICK's, I don't give these guys enough attention. I feel horrible to admit this but, all those artists in the non-Japanese post I have never heard of... Still, having given them all listens, I'm really digging St. Vincent (DAT BEAT) and Goat (too much wow, wow). Awesome PVs at that too, and those art covers, goodness me! (The Flesh Prevails one in particular!) I've heard of Azealia Banks actually, but only because of a certain feud, admittedly, but she's actually got a very good voice and catchy songs. It's such a varied favourites, great music taste as I had thought. And you've structed this so neatly and clearly too at that. Awesome job Jig. I look forward to looking into more of these artists and I hope you enjoy their upcoming releases.
  16. beni

    LOOK AT ALL THOSE BIRTHDAYS ON THE FIRST DAY OF 2015! < 3 A very happy birthday to you all!!
  17. Happy New Year to you all~ Hope 2015 is a better year for everyone and, to those who are out atm/planning to go out, take care, you read me?

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Celebrated with a friend, her dog and a bunch of strangers at her house :'D

    2. beni


      Awww, good time! I hope you lot enjoyed yourself. And the way you use 'strangers' sounds a bit worrying lol. x'D Hope you have a great 2015 husbando~ (we are still one, right!? >.< xD)

    3. PsychoΔelica


      Kinda... Well it was weird but that's ok. At least I wasn't alone, that would've been depressing. You know what we say, you'll spend the year the way you greeted it xD You too waifu-chan, sou desu ne =)

    4. Show next comments  207 more
  18. *Looks to board statistics* I'm guessing many are getting drunk right now? xD

    1. PsychoΔelica


      You won't make me :P

    2. beni


      lmao. xD Guys haha.

    3. paradoxal


      i just woke up and i think i'm still drunk...

    4. Show next comments  207 more
  19. beni

    Awesome thread my friend. I'll have to check out all these PVs, I never seem to watch many at all... but, this one, god damn, I could watch it every single day of every single hour, minute and second. WINNER FOREVER~
  20. beni

    Waaay~ This is great! : 3 Nice going guys, so happy this has been done. Best group on FB ever~ However, seeing all your faces is like being in the 'show yourself' thread, which I try to avoid stepping into because ya'll too pretty. NOW I'M TRAPPED. x'D
  21. *innocently interrupts profile feed* DAT AVI <3

    1. doombox


      Ahahah thank you! <3 I was thinking you might appreciate it, since I think we like similar aesthetics.

    2. beni


      :'3 Too beautiful, I need to distract my eyes with something else. xD You got that right!! ender, queen of avi picks!

  22. beni

    ^ The thought which counts. Don't be so hard on yourself Rocketeer, you're lovely as you are. Have a very brilliant birthday, Seimeisen, AkatsukiYami6, and everyone~ *cheers*
  23. beni

  24. beni

    You've just reminded me to join the official MH Facebook one so thank you for this and the link Zeus. I'd also like to +1 this. It'd be great if we could all come together more. I'd love that a lot. And, if it makes others feel more comfortable doing such a thing, then even better!
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