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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    Oh holy garlic. That makes my comment sound sick! xD On another depressing note after that backshot (x'D); losing passwords to anything is the most distressing thing ever. Thank you, well remembering and good keeping of things self, wayta go~ -.-''
  2. beni

    This might be pretty old to bring up so I apologise in advance if this is old news/reviving a slightly deceased thread but I so wanted to speak up on it due to this new found love of mine for it, lol. Massive thanks, firstly, to the brilliance that is prz for showing this in plug where I first heard of it. I already knew who daoko was but now my interest in her works has soared due to this. I had then noticed how much this vid has gotten around on the net like DyE Fantasy (see below). What a meme generator of a MV. XD Pretty interesting track overall, even though I had to keep clicking on other tabs thanks to my mum being present. xD I can't say I'm surprised with how it is, but I guess I'm saying that now only because of how addicted I've become of the track itself. On repeat whenever I give it a listen aha. Also noticed how the single seems to be in 4 actual segments? I just love how so much is going on in it, and how it is like lil' mini tracks in small sections. I don't even listen to much dubstep and I'm hooked. VERY addicting stuff indeed.
  3. beni

    I think I have actually fallen for him quite a bit after seeing his talk and performance on Ellen's show. I feel so bad for not being able to dig him for so long (only gave his 'What's My Name?' album a go so I guess that explains it). xD But anyway, such energy and joy to just hear and see!
  4. beni

    Wishing a happy birthday to Prince Vern and leighla!
  5. beni

    Been playing the 3DS most of the time since Christmas thanks to being addicted to Fire Emblem. This game is now my life, no joke. And because my actual shipping of my own character and other characters in the game can be official, I am having a great time being married and having kids with my video game crush. x') Also, the game Catherine I had got as a late Christmas present I've finally given a go at playing. Just as addicted to this as my 3DS, lol. I must say, this has been my finest choices in Christmas presents in a while!
  6. beni

    Looking forward to this release, mainly thanks to all the showings from prz on this lovely lass. *thumbs up* I need to spend more listening time on her!
  7. METAL FOR ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING~ Seriously though, it can vary quite often, and for different reasons. I usually always listen to a type of music depending what mood I'm in or how I'm feeling because, if I'm not, it becomes quite tricky for me to bare with it if it doesn't correspond to how I'm thinking at that moment. So, homework wise, if it's something like maths, I prefer some ambient/classical music. Just gets me more relaxed and focused. Dare I say it, even some math genre listening makes me focus on the task at hand, aha. Or no noise at all if I can help it (I'm a music-holic, I'll need music for every chore if I can). If it's something more creative needing, like photography or art, then I'll listen to some high vocals or hyper stuff like J-pop or Oshare-kei. Thumbs up for thread revival Pho!
  8. beni

    Finally got a spark of motivation in me to try my best in work after being shown this motivational video in assembly at college today. I don't say this often but, thank you for encouraging us lazy students to try, school. I did well up, okay? I admit it. You did well, Senseis. I am happy.
  9. beni

    Dream ship is strong ;w;
  10. While I will always favour and love her old works much more than her recent singles, I am SO hyped for this!!
  11. beni

    iTunes. Before I first found out about any such thing as downloading from the net, I'd be on the iTunes browsing 24/7. In the same way I'll get attached to the first listen of a song/album of a musician more so then any other later heard work, I'm like this with finding musicians. My favourites I had first found on iTunes have never changed from my top spot over the couple of years I've been listening to this area of music. Managed to keep this story short for once lol. xD
  12. beni

    Happy birthday for today Halcion_ ~
  13. It has been a few days since he has responded, true... BUT. I won't ever get over Sho having replyed to my FB message. This ship is real; offically married, yes, thank you, please, good day to you, bye~

  14. beni

    Happy birthday to ryoustyle for today~
  15. Do I hear a mini plug session happening after the long ass one last night? Hell to the yes. https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven

    1. enyx


      Plug everyday~

    2. kyoisKILLINGME


      that was actually fun we should do that again xD

    3. beni



  16. beni

    Even more birthdays!! WOOP WOOP! A very happy birthday to the lovely batch who are; Uglymouth, Kazuuki, Minori, Tsuki, Fin Paulux, Vitne Eveille and WelchTied ! ~ (Almost didn't see the last two members. Now THIS is the ultimate Bday xD)
  17. beni

    Glad you could make it! To anyone else coming here, plug has been going on. COME JOIN~
  18. beni

    Happy birthday to zu-chan for yesterday and Pochi-san and SisterStrange for today~
  19. How did I miss this news? ;; HELL YEAH. Thank you for the news as always! Thank god for more releases from them, ahha. :'3
  20. beni

    Looks like the OST one is on, defo. Awesome guys, thanks Cat!
  21. In reply to CAT5's question~ I will be sure to edit this once I have given all their albums a go because then I bet I'll have a personal top 10 fav song list but, for now, my main stand out track which caught my full attention and the one I continue to repeat most is 'Beautiful Circus.' The opening track to i'mperfect.
  22. I still have so much of their discography to listen to but I'm excited in doing so. I also need to have a ling listening binge when I can! I find them so enjoyable and thrilling, it's difficult for me to say anything bad or point out any flaws about them in general in all honesty. Sure, the vocals are something else but sweet sugar, is that what makes them so captivating! Overall, a very impressive band from the few tracks I've heard of them. (Just the i'mperfect album one tbh x'D) To answer Pho3nyx's question, and as probably answered somewhere above with my response, I address them as ling pretty much all the time. The bolded text from both posts are just me admitting that is where I first found them... lol. xD Abnormalize is perfection. Actually, the whole i'mperfect album title gives off the wrong message, it's actually lying itself. Such a flawless album~
  23. beni

    Late Christmas present finally arrived from America. I am more then excited to play it but... Should I be worried instead? xD
  24. beni

    A happy birthday to kazumayz and any visitors as always!
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