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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    Don't pay any attention to such people if they do. It's very impressive who you are, not minding and standing by what you believe in and agree with on everything. I could never do that! So just stay as you are because you really are brilliant.
  2. LOVE Charisma.com. It's quite rare I'll try rap vocals (well, not so recently to be honest), but these two, I find, are ever so impressive. Thanks to Zeus for the lyric links, they're even more impressive once you know the topics in the songs. Now I need to spend the rest of the holiday in listening to the other artists which have charted on here. It's been great, and I hope every artist has enticed some new fans and you all enjoyed the countdown.
  3. Merry Christmas MH and you all. I hope 2015 is a better year for everyone. Thanks, and apologies.

  4. beni

    Loving you with those favs. *thumbs up* Awesome of you to join and introduce yourself, I do hope you can enjoy your time here and discover more music to enjoy. I'm also wondering if you like anime because of your avi? Aha. : p See you around~
  5. beni

    I hope ya'll had a fantastic Christmas and look forward to the new year. *hugs all round*
  6. beni

    Thanks for the creation of this thread ender. And many thanks to sai and Ito for the lovely batch of banner creations. Would like to +1 a handful above, such as MUCC, girugamesh, exist†trace, THE NOVEMBERS, DOG, Royz and ALSDEAD. (Pretty much all suggestions!) Thought I should voice out my own like for possibly seeing MEJIBRAY, PLASTICZOOMS and TK/ling tosite sigure ones *waves to CAT5 on this one*. More'll come to mind with time, and I already have some others in my head but are probably more for a laugh since they don't really fit into the forum style or the majority of user's tastes xD
  7. beni

    AWW HELL NAW. </3 D':
  8. I should not be feeling sad at a time like this.

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Why should you be?

    2. beni


      Thank you for your kindess you guys. <3 shizukasou, I hope you don't want those kittens back! Tetz, I'm sorry to admit it but I'd be laughing with you only because of how adorable you'd look lol. Hope it all went well, and I hope you all had a lovely xmas and can look forward to the New Year. *hugs*

    3. shizukasou


      Ah no worries, I could happily part with some if they can make someone's day better c: <3

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  9. beni

    100/10 because GAS MASK and MBHI. < 3
  10. Quiet because, 'Shizuka' = Quiet. : p
  11. Artist: Boris Single: NOISE Score: NOISE? Don't take that as a negative on this one. Experimental band Boris released their nineteenth album, fittingly entitled NOISE, earlier this year. Inspired by punk music at the start of their formation, they covered punk songs in early demos and were influenced by bands such as 'The Melvins,' but Boris have shown they excel in more than just this one genre. They certainly haven’t failed in showcasing their various musical approaches in NOISE. What’s brilliant about the album is that it includes many different styles and genres in one tiny package to showcase their progressive sound. While the album has only eight tracks, it's an appropriate fifty eight minutes long album, with the standout track being "Angel," the lengthy eighteen minutes song! Anyone can easily dive headfirst into this album even if it’s your first time listening to them. This is because of the experimental approach they took to widen their musical feats even more so to entice a much larger audience. There’s the expected rock elements, a healthy slice of hardcore and some sparkling shoegaze to name only a few most noticeable styles. The opening, “黒猫メロディ” (kuroneko melody), welcomes the listener in for an exciting ride. It’s a smooth and easy listening track, yet upbeat and energetic. The sporadic inclusion of aggressive guitars, playful drum hits and quick piano taps creates a wild tune. And when the chorus hits, we hear all these sounds mixed beautifully into a juicy head banging mess. This is just the opening track! All tracks utilise the rock genre Boris favours, while also including psychedelic melodies. Track two, “Vanilla” has a smooth sound to it. Like a grand opening, it’s got high energy right from the start, opening with different, heavy guitar playing from the left ear to the right, suddenly colliding together with powerful vocals. The next tracks “あの人たち” (Ano Hitotachi) and “雨” (Ame) makes effective usage of the shoegaze genre, both being my favourite tracks of the album. They’re atmospheric, dramatic and haunting, slowing down the pace of the album in preparation for the quicker and lengthier album pieces. “雨” is absolutely delightful in the way Waka’s weaker and breathier vocals are used instead of Atsuo or Takeshi’s stronger voices, making the tracks atmosphere even more intense. How Waka's gentler vocals contrast so well with the overall heavy sound of the piece makes this truly captivating. With a neatly contrasting title next, the cheesy sounding jazz influenced “太陽のバカ” (Taiyō no baka) is a fun break from the heavy tunes beforehand. It’ll encourage you not to head bang, but to dance like we’re back in a 90’s party. Its sound is very reminiscent to such a time, with a repetition of beats and vocals. The layering effect of Atsuo and Takeshi’s voices create echoes and a very enjoyable break from their darker side we just heard. This cheerful number leads into the album track masterpiece that is “Angel.” Don’t let it's length put you off - you’re missing out on a journey if you do! The song starts with a lone piano, then slowly building up alongside tribal percussion instruments. It’s varied and takes on many sounds, from black metal to psychedelic and shoegaze. As Atsuo’s voice is introduced into the track, guitars begin to become louder and choppier until we hit seven minutes when things finally explode. Shrieks from the guitar wails and drums thrash for minutes as Atsuo sings, all musical ingredients now bellowing out. The final few minutes is a lengthy, shoegaze finale, ending on a massive high. The gradual escalation makes this a dramatic and memorable piece. The only down side to this, as many might be expecting, is the length of the track. While beautifully created, those who already have to hover over the skip button for ballads may be quickly put off by this one. Another favourite, “Quicksilver,” is exactly what you think when you read the track title. It’s extremely fast paced yet melodious at the same time, making it a very enjoyable and unforgettable piece of the album even after the magical “Angel.” The song has a harder sound overall and nicely contrasts with the journey we just experienced beforehand. And finally, "Siesta" (シエスタ) is a calm, instrumental track which waves us a mournful goodbye. It’s awfully haunting and melancholic sounding, making this end even more emotional. As a whole, the album just keeps on giving, never slowing down and turning many corners when it comes to musical direction. And yet, it never disappoints. Not one track drags the album down, even if the track lengths all vary and it can appear daunting at first. You just can’t go wrong with Boris.
  12. beni

    I know right!? *re-visits plug homepage after every few minutes* Reads: 'Was this a clever plan to get you to go outside for a few minutes?' My reaction: 'HELL NAH! YOU'VE GOT US GLUED TO THE SCREEN IN ANNOYANCE AND ANTICIPATION </3 I'll keep checking anyway ehe. If so many of us are free, we need to party!
  13. beni

    I look forward to mostly albums. If I'm new to a band, I'll give one of their albums a listen more so than an EP or single. If there's news on a new release from a musician, I'll more than likely end up looking into them if it's an announcement of a full length album. I know it's all about quality over quantity, but it just grabs my interest more to be honest. And also, I get way too sad when an album ends, so you can imagine how I feel when listening to an EP or single which ends way too quickly. I'll usually check out singles of bands and singers I'm already a fan of, to insure I give their whole discography a listen. If they haven't gotten a new album out in a while, like Lycaon at the moment, I'll just check out their singles though. Actually, about singles, if I enjoy a PV of a musician, I'll definitely head straight to the single or album it's featured on and give it a listen that way. It's how I get into most artists. But, going back to my main point, it's album for me, defo.
  14. beni

    I am happily free for whenever! Glad to see you are too hope! Hopefully others will reply, or we can get this party started and see? Only seen now it's under maintenance! ;_;
  15. beni

    ^ Oh no you don't. >: p
  16. beni

    A very merry Birthday to Elazmus!~
  17. beni

    In the Churchill dog voice: OH YES. Do you like Valentine's Day?
  18. beni

    Even though it's taking me a while to get into their newer singles, the love is still there which I can't deny. I look forward to hearing it! Thanks for the great news.
  19. beni

    After reading everyone's comments, I feel like I'm the only one who prefered the later half of the album. xD What shizukasou said about Kyo's screams and how there is significally less of this tone within the album I have also come to really appreciate. A very good point there. While I'm more of a screamo fan, I felt all the songs really delivered and made that eerie feeling of the album stand out so well. And about what Shmilly had said on the length of the album; I felt rather heartbroken giving MEJIBRAY's album fewer stars, but that proved to me how well executed 'ARCHE' was in comparison, since they both had so many tracks and a long running time. I never got tired or bored of listening to 'ARCHE.' I'm also finding it interesting which albums other favour. I always, personally, felt that Withering to death. and Kisou are in another league. I actually voted on the poll myself (which I hope is okay and posting another message when I've already reviewed is okay xD), and chose the top choice because I couldn't complain on anything with this one. It's just behind the two albums I adore the most from them.
  20. beni

    VERY nice list. :'3 I'm also a sucker for those 'eye candy' bands hehe. Flawless avi alert. Awesome to have you! Welcome to MH, I do hope you enjoy your time here and can make new friends. Everyone's fab here so I'm sure you'll feel right at home.
  21. beni

    Once Zess ate beans that tasted like shit, thinking, "what the dick?", so threw them at the cat cause he is such a crazy little bastard. After drycleaning vigorously, everything bursted into some form of hypergalactic flames and the couch started transforming into something sexy like boobs which performed lap dances the word placement no one was expecting
  22. https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven The more the merrier~
    1. PsychoΔelica


      That's ok. Came back to my classes today, after the week of mourning that nearly made me go insane. Today was good, meeting everybody distracts me from thinking. And the whole class is really supportive. Though I still have lots of material to catch up :P

    2. beni


      I wish I could be with you and then I wouldn't stop chatting to you! I'm sorry I hasn't been with you at such an important time. You've been so good to yourself and everyone, you know that right? <3 I love the sound of your class, good classmates! You can catch up, I KNOW you'll be able to do it! Just remember where I'm at in college lol, you get to that finish line~

    3. PsychoΔelica


      Thanks hon, don't worry :) I didn't really want to talk to anyone at that time anyway (well there was one person I did but he just let me down). Of course I will, I believe in me :P Good luck for both of us. Btw I could pay you a visit if you want :)

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  23. beni

    Oh my god, you didn't talk down on us! No worries at all! I wasn't saying that, I apologise if I said anything that would have made you thought I was telling you off about that. I just want to encourage more chat on the release is all. Actually, anyone having read all our thoughts on it I am ever so grateful and happy for in just that, since it's quite a lot to take in. I understand this is just about the poll but seeing as much discussion on the release itself would be awesome is all I wanted to express. But reading YOUR opinions is what we're trying to encourage! Seriously. I'm sure I'm not alone in saying this but anyone contributing to the review threads is really makes reviewing it worthwhile. Don't think any input there would 'kill the flow' of our reviews. I didn't think anyone'd think it like that, I'm sorry for not understanding. Ours is just the topic starter, I think you could say. We want more discussion and debate so please, you and everyone else who has an opinion, for better or for worse, just put it there! You can see us lot are very split with it, ehe.
  24. beni

    So glad now after 400 posts I could change my 'title' to what I really am. ; )
  25. beni

    Koike, I love you so much. x'D Glad you had a good time! I'll make sure to put up the plug link from now on whenever it randomly happens so everyone sees. Had forgotten to do so today. ><
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