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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    Yes. Do you still watch kids TV? or is that just me at times?
  2. beni

    Literally what I was thinking and was going to post about. The poll is there as a fun activity, if you have any opinions about what is reviewed, we're all certainly more than happy to get as many replies on this thread here as there so actual discussion about the topic is being discussed with the whole community involved. The poll options do go in stages and steps, Zeus did a great job as always there and obviously, as shizukasou has explained above, they're kept short and sweet so you can just quickly click on the one you agree with. Just explain to us there about it, it's a lot more enjoyable when discussing it, don't you think? I personally feel more attention should be on what else has been said, and I'm not just saying this as someone who contributed with the reviews. Everyone takes their time and spends a while doing it. And obviously it's awesome when others suggest corrections, I'm grateful people do, helps massively on everything. Lets just enjoy the album together and share our thoughts and opinions on it together.
  3. beni

    Merry birthday to Fina and Gregg_Prince!!
  4. beni

    ^ Was also going to reply, but I worried Serox wouldn't understand. I apologise if you do. You've got some classy favourites I can see there! Thanks for stepping up to the plate and for introducing yourself, it's a pleasure to meet and to have you here. I do hope you can enjoy spending your time here and making friends.
  5. beni

    R.I.P. I'm really sorry. I was expecting complaining like as I do here, not something of this scale. This is dreadful. I've only ever lost pets the natural way which is really hard to come to terms with, so I couldn't even begin to imagine how it must feel to lose your own pets in such a way. I hope whoever thought it was funny and clever to do such a thing gets what's coming to them. Disgusting being. I hope this'll be the only post of such news and you can recover and feel better.
  6. beni

    After three years since their last album, DIR EN GREY returns to the spotlight with the highly anticipated album ‘ARCHE.’ With a running track of an hour and twenty three minutes, it may appear overbearing at first but don’t feel intimidated. For an album with sixteen tracks in total, adding another seven tracks if you include the limited edition, there’s a lot to get through. But you won’t be joining the ride just because of the sheer hype. DIR EN GREY hasn’t disappointed. In fact, they’ve exceeded expectation, at least to me. For a band that has delivered every time, they’ve still managed to produce a beautifully balanced and highly addicting album this year. What I can quickly bring up about this album is that its atmospheric factor is spot on. Not only do the album covers do this justice, but the opening track, ‘Un deux’ really pulls you in. With an engaging chorus and bridges, it’s structured beautifully with brilliant guitar and drum soloing. We definitely know we’re hearing the Dir En Grey we all know and love with this fine opening song. Coming in at track two is ‘咀嚼,’ and with a more melodious and steady tune to it as well as high and low notes from Kyo, it keeps the album going strong as well as nicely contrasting to the loud opener. It follows up wonderfully to ‘鱗,’ which is just as thrilling as the opener, if not more! The inclusion of ethereal choir singing caught my attention against the rougher tone of Kyo’s vocals and instruments. Now coming to my favourite album song, ‘Phenomenon’ really is phenomenal. It’s the kind of track which really shows off Dir En Grey’s eerie sound. Creepy and haunting, it stood out and kept me anticipating the rest of the album. Possibly the most disliked track from the album, ‘Cause of Fickleness’ might be a lengthy filler to most, but it’s a lot of fun and a rather random placement which breaks up the unnerving feel of the album. I found that quite appealing and a nice addition. ‘濤声’ brings us back to a gloomy mood, with an emotional and sorrowful delivery. Another track I’m addicted to as much as ‘Phenomenon’ the more I listen to it, it’s got a warm yet cold feel to it. In a way, I found this track mesmerising; it’s both depressing and comforting. This is actually how I felt throughout the whole album, caught between mixed emotions. At seven, ‘輪郭’ is another lengthy track which is even more melodious as the engaging track ‘咀嚼.’ Kyo’s vocalisation is my favourite element of this track. As you might have noticed, my favourite part of the whole album was definitely this section. But Dir En Grey keeps the energy with lovely contrasts in tone and style with each track. ‘Chain Repulsion’ is energetic and strong, even if it’s the shortest track of the album. ‘Midwife’ is highly enjoyable, and I especially adored those precious onslaughts of Kyo’s frantic shrieks and screams. What a track. Even coming this far in, to track ten, the band continuously delivers contrasting tracks beside one another, some sounding brutal and unforgiving, while others are of a haunting beauty with a slower tempo and calmer mood. This made ‘ARCHE’ truly appealing and engaging to me. Stand out tracks from the later part of the album for me where the final three songs. ‘The Inferno’ is a super powerful number, while ‘Revelation of Mankind’ is a brilliant album closer and the single ‘Sustain the Untruth’ is one of their many songs I’ll return to many times. I found it difficult to stop the album when I had to, and it certainly kept me hungry for more as I continued listening. If you haven’t boarded the hype train yet, you’ll only be disappointed with yourself.
  7. beni

    Defo. Would you prefer living in a virtual world instead of here?
  8. beni

    ^ Is genuinely 'Kiwamu's Bitch.'
  9. The human body Just talking about the heart o.o
  10. beni

    ^ (to previous page) Yes, yes! Merry birthday to you all, have a lovely day~
  11. beni


    Not at all, always happy to see new faces and welcoming. It really is helpful, yep! Trombe is flawless with that, including many other members! Ooh, you'll get along with so many with those favs, no worries. Already a fan of you for the Lycaon and DOG love, yes yes. We always have different favourites so I hope you discover even more here. And not a problem, replying here to comments to this thread so we can all see it is for the best. ( : Actually, do that with all with whichever threads you comment on by the way. Didn't want to confuse you.
  12. beni


    Glad you managed to get on here! Many thanks to our God here. And good for you stepping up on here to the 'introductory thread', it's awesome to meet you. So, helloo~ I hope you enjoy your time here! We'd all love to get to know you a bit, if you're up for that of course! So, any favourite bands? Hobbies and interests? ^^
  13. beni

    Don't Worry, Be Happy - Bobby McFerrin. The one thing you can't live without?
  14. beni

    xD YOU CAN DO IT KYO!! < 3 We believe in you~ Seriously though, I know it's tough but just thinks of all the pros! ... I know, there's more cons. xD Just joking, just go out and enjoy as best you can. And even though people can do that, probably do that to us all at times. What's important is those which don't, those you'll meet then and there for the first time, right? Ignore those you find too difficult to socialise with, it helps a lot, it really does. Also would like to note, if I can go out, anyone can. xD Just give them what for and be positive! Have one from waifu to make up for it? < 3
  15. beni

    ...Kick. (Most of the time I'd go with keep but, recently, my friends are becoming a lot more distant and the year is almost ending for some to leave again. But mainly, this means more time with online friends : 3) Vehicles?
  16. beni

    Merry birthday to both rebelstrik and Takatori Reiji!
  17. beni

    Having a mouth ulcer doesn't just cut down my amount of speech in real life, but also online. o.o On second thoughts.. maybe not!
  18. 'Phenomenon' is way too addicting.

    1. shizukasou


      Yes! That and many other songs in the album <3 So happy they're back and kicking ass!

    2. kyoselflove


      That whole album is addicting.

    3. beni


      Too true guys, too true!

  19. beni

    ^ This is my life. ;_; It can still work out though. But I'm taking this two ways, the first possible one possibly being impossible but.. is this a foreign celeb you're talking about, or an online person you've been chatting to? Obviously ignore me if this is personal. We need more kindess in this world so don't change, be yourself. That's the most important part. You'll find that person and you'll know it's them when they don't 'trample' on you. They're in the wrong if they do. We need more positive posts like this is this thread lol. *high five* I think you just need to talk with them a bit more until they understand YOUR feelings. Get your point across; why you feel better if it's not there. Really get it through to them so that they realise and understand. Obviously they'd love you being there much more than a photo, that's just silly thinking the opposite way. It's there as a reminder that you're always with them if they have that photo. My mum does it all the time. She loves to decorate the house with photos of my older siblings with their partners in her room as it makes her happy just as much as your mother does with yours. Since me and my younger sis is single, she likes to put up ones we have with our friends or with the family. Do you have such photos? Maybe you can suggest that? Don't feel bad just because you're single in it, that's just a moment, you won't be alone forever, and you're not even alone. Stay positive.
  20. beni

    Just a joke, don't worry, I didn't mean anything bad. I meant the use of the term 'drug' as in an addiction in music lol.
  21. beni

    ^ The best kind of drug.
  22. beni

    I'm surprised they're asking for money. I mean, is anyone actually buying them!? But DAMN, I NEED THAT OWL ONE. < 3 +1 to this. Edit: Also wanted to check, the xmas plug is still coming up right?
  23. beni

    Yuno-saaaaaaaaaaaaan! Merry birthday!
  24. beni

    *Stares excitedly at the long list of new members* :'3 Edit: realises some actually look/sound the same. xD
  25. beni

    The runners up The Mirraz - この惑星のすべて / Sarah Àlainn - Sarah / Ferri - ∞ / MACO - 23 (Plus) / The mixed vocals Boris - NOISE / 陰陽座 - 風神界逅 / 雷神創世 The honourable mentions KAMIJO - Heart DIR EN GREY - ARCHE
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