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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    Thought it was just me. xD Thank you very much! That Limited edition cover is a total win to me but... dat Regular edition one... sure? *swaps pic to Limited one* x) Only joking, cover art is always awesome so thanks eiheartx, and for all the updates guys!
  2. beni

    The album covers aren't appearing for me but... that tracklist and new look... TOO BEAUTIFUL FOR MEH EYES.
  3. beni

    Have a lovely birthday ricchubunny and Seraphinne!~
  4. beni

    Jig being awesome as usual, thank you bringing up a band I am new to. I just realised they are listed as 'similar artists' to Togawa on Last fm! I need to continue searching most artist there. Would've missed this gem! Thanks for reminding me, and for the rec and vids. I'm loving them very much! It's even better it's a male singer btw, I'm more of a female vocalist listener so this is perfect. 'Run by the vocalist from Uchouten.' Awesome, didn't know that! A lot of info there is new to me too, thank you for this! I'll spend more time looking into this music era now, sounds amazing. All those band names you just gave me I'll have to check out too. I'm looking forward to doing so! Extra kudos to you for including Togawa, haha. I'm very appreciative of both your replies and recommendations!!
  5. Look is beautiful. :'3 Now just anticipating a release!
  6. beni

    Either the refresh really hates me at this moment, or it is the one I had instantly noticed yesterday. x') The Tokyo Jihen one? : 3 Now that one is certainly eye catching in the best way against the darker lot. So pretty!
  7. beni

    Indeed, it is a shame about THE NOVEMBERS. Thanks for telling us. But then again, that'd make my tie choice even harder if they were available. XD Didn't know if I should go with Pura or Ling but I know CAT5 had wanted the latter for a while now mostly, and it'd be awesome to see a banner of them now so I decided on them. Honesty would love to see them all featured so happy with any outcome, hehe. Thanks again. I'm a bit too greedy when it comes to any pics of musicians, please don't be mad. x'D
  8. beni

    How exciting! Thank you so much on all the work, effort and time you both spend on making them and the site look so fab. Both of you, amazing stuff as always, and thanks for informing us on this too.
  9. beni

    To RoaringintheDark for yesterday, hope you had a good one! And to idealnite and _Uruki_ for today, enjoy!!
  10. beni

    Is the Lycaon group now complete and all ready to march to the 'Camera obscura' beat? xD Late to the party, but better late than never right!?
  11. beni

    I had been wondering if anyone could aid me in finding some new tunes in relation to an oldish musician I really adore. I'd prefer if it was from around her time, like the proper old (it's not even that old xD) lot because I think I listen to a bit too much modern/new musicians all the time. Just to note, this time period is around 1984. It'd be awesome to go into and try something new/different for a change, with the music I'm enjoying more and more. I left this until now, and felt brave enough to ask only now because I haven't been able to make recs to anyone else and have felt bad about that so... please bare with me and I will get to someone. ;; So, I have recently gotten into anything and everything Togawa Jun related so any music similar to her bands/solo/collabs, I would be highly grateful for! Any recommendations are always appreciated. Sample track:
  12. beni

    Edit: Maria-chan, you always look so adorable. ;; I try not to spam in this thread so much because I just want to compliment everyone ><
  13. beni

    Is located in 'the lovely state of Illinois.' Not calling where you live crap or anything, just as you say x'D
  14. beni

    Much love to you ender for making this thread happen. Look at all those glorious bands! :'3 I don't have many new recs/contributes to add, (lmao, I had more than I expected x'D) since I've spotted all the ones I wanted to put up but, at the bottom are some I've remembered having gone through a section of my music library quickly. I'd just like to give a thumbs up to a load of my favs already listed so be prepared for some scrolling (I won't spam this too much with a load of quotes so I'll give some shoutouts to the original poster) Responses EDIT: Mabuta, how the hell did I miss yours? xD Thank you for liking ender's last post so I re-read through the thread again and got to yours! I don’t think Kokusyoku Sumire belongs to J-Rock, but can’t we categorize her into vk? For more ‘J-Rock’, I like NOBARA: Her voice sounds scary, haunted and beautiful at the same time, and her guitar lines are pretty cool. She used to be in a band called Obscure but now I think she’s on her solo project I adore Kokusyoku Sumire, I need to listen to them more often. I wanted to mainly quotes you just to say you won't hear the end of me complimenting you and your new avi now! x'D NOBARA is new to me though, so I thank you a lot for bringing her up. : CROSS VEIN had been a band I've been interested in hearing for a while, so when I spotted the album newly put up here ( shoutout to that user too (; ), I jumped for joy. A really great heavy band, as I was expecting. I can say the same for GANGLION too. Both have some really catchy songs and deserve a lot more attention. <- I mean this with every musician I bring up, to be honest. Itsue is one I've heard of before, and seeing as you're a massive fan, I better get to listening to them sooner then later! HEAD PHONES PRESIDENT is one of my first female fronted bands I enjoyed too! To think Anza had sung the complete opposite at the start of her career. HPP are amazing, no joke! And SHISHAMO, HELL YEAH! I need to continue listening to them more often. @TheStoic: Your list is pretty much all the ones I first thought of too! Nice choices! But, just one thing I'd like to bring up on this, if I may. How can Olivia only be mentioned without her lovely sis Caroline? The Lufkin siblings are two of my all time favourite singers! Her music is a lot more dreamy like. SCANDAL fan here too~ I think all three of the other bands you've brought up are still active, and awesome choices. I particularly love Chatmonchy because of the vocals, and Kinoco Hotel because, well, DAT WHOLE STYLE~ I am quite jelly you've seen the brilliance that is Tsushimamire live! Great mentions all out! @CAT5: I am so pleased to see UNLIMITS there! You've reminded me I need to continue listening to everything Yumi Nakashima related. me-al art's a great one too, and no surprise with those last couple of favs, haha. @paradoxal: DecoLa Hopping is one I was going to bring up! Nicely done!! And I see you listen to the two that needed no introduction. Really awesome. @DeithX252: Brilliant you brought up aquarifa! And you've actually spoken of a lovely new batch I need to give a listen to as well. SCOTLAND GIRL sounds so good! And what you said below... Too right, I wanted to bring them up too so I'll just quote these awesome lot for a +1 on them heh. : I know right!? Silent Siren deserved a bring up too so thanks for that! I can't believe I haven't heard of AJICO before, wow. Clammbon = approved. And YES TO MY OTHER WAIFU. Everything Togawa related; flawless. yapoos and ヤプーズ included. Thank you for that. You've made my respect for you sky rocket lol. No forgetting Ringo, prz-san! x'D Picks So, hello there, if you've decided to skip to here. xD If not, then have a cookie for still sticking around. These gals are also worth mentioning to me: Pop picks Aural Vampire is a electro duo who really kick ass, made up of female vocalist Exo-Chika, and male music creator Raveman. little by little is another female/male duo musician act I had found when I first got into Asian music, thanks to anime in all honestly. With cute vocals and catchy rhythms, there's a lot to love here. I have yet to bring this girl rapper duo up, and I should have done ages ago when Charisma.com came up as our top album release of 2014. HALCALI also rap, and while not as outstanding or as catchy as Charisma.com, it's very reminiscent to these two. They can do really fun and happy songs, or sad and heartbreaking tracks, all including very easy going rap. And finally, Zwei. Another girl duo~ So rockin'! Not exactly pop but they now do anime/game songs unlike before when their work was a lot more individual for this reason, I believe. Still, I love 'em. LOVE PSYCHEDLICO is a band with that slow, rock tempo kind of style. I saw a similar band mentioned so I really wanted to reveal this treasure. They're said to be popular not only in Japan, but also in Taiwan and Hong Kong, but I rarely hear them spoken about at all. If you're into some laid back pop, I cannot recommend them enough. Sung most often in English, they're really catchy and sweet. savage genius, much like little by little, is a pop group I found when becoming addicted to an anime opening. I don't love them as much as the latter, but they're just as talented. Seeing as UNLIMITS were brought up, I'd like to speak up on 7!! (oops). Those vocals, this pop, that kawaiiness. <3 Everything Yuki Kajiura and Yasutaka Nakata related as well. Vocals are on point with the music genres and both deserve even more recognition for their work. Everything Tomoko Kawase related too, as well as her band the brilliant green. Because she has two 'acts' (alter-egos), she can do pop/punk and rock. A lot to love for a woman who tries and does so much. Heavier sound LIV MOON and Light Bringer have two of the best female vocalists I have ever heard. Along with already mentioned Dazzle Vision, they're all tied as my all time favourite female fronted bands. Rampant was one of the first heavy bands I gave a listen to who are Japanese. Their vocalist has departed sadly, but their album 'Choice of Life' is worth every second. AREA51 definitely are worth a mention. While the vocals are something that might take a while to get into, or not at all, the intruments are stunning. The gallhammer gals are my children. They don't seem liked all that much, but just give them a go. Their album 'ill innocence' is a masterpiece. Don't give me that expression, I'm not kidding. No mention of BLOOD STAIN CHILD yet? The shock!! Vocalist Sophia (one of the first songs to feature her as their new vocalist back in 2011) is delightful. There's too many I want to bring up and so much text already (cut down from before ><). *fans self* I apologise. lmao, ender, I had more left over than I thought. x'D
  15. beni

    Banned because that's what I want. : 3
  16. beni

    Have officially fallen in love with Sho Asakawa. Gomenasai Meto-kun. <3
  17. DAT TOKYO JIHEN BANNER. <3 *claps enthusiastically*

    1. Spectralion


      Motion carried!

    2. beni


      xD Oh yeah, I know I was the one late with my replies, but I've messaged you with that Tokyo Jihen sig GIF btw. ;)

  18. beni

    While I'm more into modern music (can I say 'modern?'), I enjoy musicians because of everything I hear, as well as see. I admit to that. The visuals and styles really do catch my eye, I don't ignore it because I love the whole VK style. That's how my love for VK started and grew, because of the visuals, clothing, hairstyles, accessories, make-up, e.t.c. The older I get, the more I'm trying out different things, I find. This also means I'm going back in time with music, pretty much, at a slow and steady pace. So, because I can't draw clear comparisons with past VK styles and the newer VK styles right now, I just end up enjoying pretty much anything and everything I try. That means, I think VK fashion/style is just a bonus for me, in all honesty. I literally like anything. And I think, with the differences, it's quite nice to see/hear over the years, because it shows just how much music the has progressed. Of course the things you'll love will be missed, but I personally feel you can treasure such things even more if there's a change. I also see some active bands, as you've already said, like Versailles and Dio (okay, not 'active,' but I mean of this age ><) really fit in with what you miss, so there's always those bands that do successfully bring back the past, you know? It's nice, to me, that VK has grown and altered so much that there's a lot more to find and enjoy for many different people. As TheStoic and Ikna have said.
  19. If I'm not mistaken, sometimes it has to happen, so 'usually' is right. That doesn't mean to say Versailles won't do this then, right? Like, I remember a band splitting because they didn't sell enough live tickets. Many disband because the band members want to follow a different music direction. I didn't want to leave your question unanswered but I personally feel there are many reasons as to why disbandments happen, sometimes things are said or are even left unsaid, you know? Meaning, the members don't always wish to avoid one another. Personally, I really do hope they'll come back together. It's not a disbandment, true, so I can hope just a little, right? I love all three music acts, so I don't really mind. I haven't been disappointed with any release I've heard by any of the three musician acts, so I enjoy anything these guys do. I guess I'm just more into how it all started then moving on (as I've said before with band vocalists going solo), that's just me. I can't help but hope really. I had missed your response. xD Thanks for that. And nicely said. That sucks for all La'Mule fans, wow. ;_; And Lin, I hadn't actually noticed even though I've listened to them before haha.
  20. beni

    Is fabulous. And has cousins I would very much like to have myself. x'D
  21. beni

    I am grand, thank you for asking. How are you doing? Nice to meet you, and welcome to MH! Wow, now THAT is a whole books worth of listening experience! Nice~ Your teacher is cool! And such awesome bands as well, you gotta love 'em. I see you like Jupiter as well as Versailles, good man aha. Any love for solo Kamijo? All your picks are too good! And your avi... <3 Yes, yes aha. And wow, you can play drums? Very jelly right now. x'D Just brilliant. Have a great time here and see you around!
  22. beni

    Ohh yeah!! Great to read, I hope you enjoy the activities going on! Glad to have you on board, woop woop. Every Sunday, and sometimes, with a theme as you might've noticed yesterday. So, whenever you're not working, we'd love to have you! I thought I was the only one who prefered the original Ayabie! Still, can't complain when we have such amazing music from both but, yeah, that disbandment. =.= I'm a Pokemon fan. xD Which is why I mainly got the 3DS. But I also purchased Bravely Default and it is so damn cute with the art style. x'D Amazing story too, of course, of course, not all about the characters lol. Love the RPGs! Awesome you updated it by the way! Lovely to get to know you more, and amazing taste in video games might I say as well. I must play more Mario. And I NEED more Animal Crossing games!! :'3 Not at all! That's very sweet of you. I hope we've all (I can see that everyone has so, hugs all round) made a warm elcome so that you can look forward to joining in even more. Prepare to get addicted to MH, aha. xD
  23. beni

    It's fitear1590's birthday today, woot!! Have a lovely birthday as well as miyavizeddiru18!! Have a great one you guys!
  24. beni


    'Another Italian,' exactly what I was thinking aha. Be sure to check out the 'International Lounge' in the odds & ends section of the forum. I remember DivineSuzaku encouraging Serox to come over so don't forget there! Also, come join in the chat with us all whenever you'd like! Glad you're enjoying your time here already and I hope you can continue to do so. I see you like Sugizo. Will never get tired looking at others' avis aha. Any other favourites?
  25. beni

    Welcome to MH! I hope you have a good time here, and can discover new music and make friends. Join the chat whenever you'd like and plug.dj on Sundays for a lil mini party! Awesome favs by the way. UVERworld brings back memories. Now you're making me feel emotional about Ayabie! More of an Ayabie fan than AYABIE lol. And Alice Nine are always superb, yep! A high five for being a video game player too, haha. Obsessed with the 3DS recently ehe. Enjoy the forum and community! See you around~
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