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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    me-al art~ A lovely and varied list! I spot the interesting looking Arctic Monkeys I have yet to listen to even after my British/American rock phase years ago! And also SuiseiNoboAz and 撃鉄, pretty awesome. SADS too, hehehe. Apart from that.. I got nothing else I have any knowledge of. x'D it's a good looking list either way! 1. 樹海 - 咲かせてはいけない花 2. Halcali - Look 3. MELL - In The Name Of Love 4. Sadie - MAD-ROID 5. BABYMETAL - Do・Ki・Do・Ki☆MORNING 6. BENI - TRUE LOVE 7. スピッツ - 青春生き残りゲーム 8. YOHIO - REACH 9. PLASTICZOOMS - Rubbers 10. Lin - World In Flames Even on shuffle, female J-pop never leaves me. xD Playlist almost ended perfectly with PLASTICZOOMS, (easiest instant favoured track ever!), but a pretty... random list, yep! MELL comes second for most liked track because I love her lengthy and slower songs. And I personally can't see anything wrong when it comes to YOHIO, aha. Again, this is on my Japanese music only but, the whole lots worth of about 8 weeks listening. -.-
  2. beni

    Very long time listener indeed, and that's awesome. I see you like the classics, wow. I'm a bit of a modern listener, I must admit, but I know these guys are hella loved here. I love Kiyoharu's and GACKT's solo works, but like all your other listened muscians, I have so much old classics to listen to, aha. Thank you for sharing, including your Last.fm link! I've sent you a friend request~ Interesting and awesome library! Hope to see you around, take care and enjoy. Ah, that's his name! Fails at even thinking to use Google xD My sis loves drawing his works, they're ever so interesting. Awesome movies at that too, yes! Everything about it deserves all the recognition and love it has.
  3. beni

    Welcome!! Glad you decided to join! Lovely to have you on board and I hope you enjoy your time here~ It's totally fine not to give out any info, no worries. But dayum, you've been a listener for so long!! I do have one question if that's okay. Any favourite bands/singers we might know of? ;D Always nice to get to know everyone! Awesome avi btw~ Too bad the artist is deceased, his work will never be forgotten though. Dat film franchise!
  4. beni

    Happy birthday to iraphant and to our lovely new member, catborja!~ Happy birthday to the visitors and members from yesterday as well. Slow birthday wisher here~
  5. beni

    Welcome to MH~ I do hope you enjoy your stay here! I noticed your English is actually very good! No worries at all. I only speak English and fair warning to you; typos/misspellings everywhere~ xD Plastic Tree is one of my favourite bands too!! Awesome knowing what you like. My goodness, all your favs are most of mine, haha. GACKT, HYDE and Utada were the first lot of my first Japanese music listens and still up at the top for me. The community is amazing with all the news updates and such from everyone, yes! Glad it can be beneficial and I hope you can find what you're looking for or find new interesting news~ Also, dat avi!! <3 Beautiful. ;w; Ah, 'a hug?' :'3 I am a fan of hugs, you have been warned on that too~ xD
  6. beni

    All aboard the hype train~ I am as excited as my dog chasing the air when the hair dryer is on. And that is when the always hyperactive dog is most excited. It's gonna be brill!
  7. beni

    xD We can discuss when that theme'll be up and make it happen Champ! Others are pumped for it so it'll happen, defo. As ender had said in the plug chat, because of the great turnout with the OST theme, would it be a good idea to do it again another time like the planned 'Female Vocals 2?' Also, it's another day and it's gone a bit over the usual time but I'd usually put up a status a while back now. I am free and lurking in the plug and not only me, so if anyone else is up for a very lil' session, don't mind popping in for a bit. My aim was to make this a daily activity, but I understand others can be busy and bothered by how often that'd be, so please don't mind me.
  8. beni

    I put Agato up because, as noodle has pointed out, it's his vibrato. It can be pretty overused and exaggerated, don't you think? Obviously we all have our preferences, and as I said above, most of my favs are ones mentioned in the 'bad' section lol. I see no problem in any of these guys, I just think others might so that's my contribution. I love the band and his voice because of this anyway, it's different but it can surely be called bad by others. It's a good and bad one for me personally, haha. And good gravy, noodle, ESIE is epic! x'D
  9. I have to admit, while I do like cocklobin and give them a listen from time to time, I first heard of Develop one's faculties thanks to the draft of your review Zeus! I've just read the band member connections, such as Chemical Pictures. Awesome! It's rare I'll give a new band a listen if I'm totally honest with you now. I prefer waiting for an album release or, at the very least, a mini-album. Singles end way too quickly!! I'm listening to the single right now and I'm loving the opening beat and progression throughout the first track. I might actually have to spin this on repeat some time! The second track is just as chill sounding, and I'm digging yuya's vocals. Your review is brilliantly done and I agree with the rating. I think I'll have to look out for more releases from these guys, and also, new bands in general. I need to give singles more chances and first listens.
  10. As Aoi Mochi said, brilliant writing and response to an album you didn't even enjoy all that much. Quality reading! Well, even as I type this, I'm re-listening to CLASSICAL ELEMENT. I had already guessed I'd favour this one over THE HISTORY OF GENESIS and I'm not surprised I guessed that personal preference rightly. I was honestly not expecting to hear and see how well received KAMIJO's solo work was in contrast to Jupiter's at the start of these two releasing their works. But now, having given them both a good and fair listen, I can see what everyone means. As said much better by CAT5 and Zeus, I felt the album sounded rather samey. Sure, it has that epic and majestic sound to it, but it ultimately falls flat to me. Others might find that surprising in itself because I also think this album of theirs has more going on in it but, for some reason, I didn't feel tired or distracted with their first album unlike this one. This is not a complaint on ZIN though. I actually like his vocals, so that'd probably the one point I'll have to disagree with. It's not as misfitting than a certain band which comes to mind... Just give AREA51 a listen! ZIN's vocals are actually quite fitting, clear and strong, even if it's not as captivating as KAMIJO's or portrays any sort of emotions most of the time. But I guess, this is also why I felt the album kept at the same sort of mood and tempo throughout. I do have one request of ZIN; please do more high vocals! There's no outstanding point I personally heard when listening to it in one sitting. The only actual thing that stood out to me was the female vocals in 'Red Carnation,' which was pretty attention grabbing after 7 tracks beforehand which didn't really have any sort of climax at all. And even ending the album, that was my highlight of listening to it. I'd like to say though, 'Luminous' at track 12 might be my favourite song by them at the moment. It caught my wavered attention towards the end at least, and definitely reassures me of why ballads are my favourite sort of music. So in the end, even comparing to KAMIJO's Heart album, the contrast and dissimilarities are pretty large. I enjoyed KAMIJO's debut solo album because of how many directions it took in sound and style, and while THE HISTORY OF GENESIS sounds like it did a better job in this department then their first album, I just couldn't feel as attached to it due to its exhausting length and similar sounding and all too familiar instrumental playing throughout. This is one album I know I'll probably keep at the back of my mind when wanting to revisit already listened to albums.
  11. beni

    We hope to see you there! Be safe and take care please, and we sure will. But obviously more so if the whole gang'll be there so no worries and we'll see you either today or next time!
  12. I was mega excited seeing this news but had forgotten to reply with an over excited post with caps lock being on. xD Doing this now so I don't forget to like and thank you for this. My first anticipated release of 2015 and it is perfect. So happy hearing more from them, I need moar from you pls Pura < 3
  13. beni

    Happy birthday to Tony for yesterday, and a happy birthday to sinoptik and bada9412 for today. Have a good one guys!
  14. beni

    Best Otto and Okaasan. x'D
  15. beni

    I have literally done nothing but look forward to the plug all day. COME ON 8 O'CLOCK~ Excited to hear what everyone puts up, such a great theme to do. I'm sure it'll be pleasantly surprising with others. But I don't think I'm prepared for Saku's, lol. xD
  16. beni

    xD No prob lol. I had no idea the FB app doesn't let you check messages, wow. Well, when I ger home at 4ish tomorrow, I'll message you on FB and keep you updated there about what's happening. I hope you can make it in time, but if you can't, we can always just have a no theme running for a bit until everyone comes in.
  17. beni

    I think around the usual theme time is for the best so everyone knows. But if it happens earlier (due to what usually happens, if there's a few of us in there, I'll put up a status saying it'll be an early session, but the theme itself can wait until the usual time as it did once before it started earlier). So, if it does happen earlier, I can message you on FB. If you're out and have internet access, you can simply visit either here or the FB site to view my message. If you have no contract/internet, then please do download Messenger and I'll get to you if the time is earlier. We WILL set it for the usual though! (8 o'clock over here).
  18. beni

    xD omg, this was what most of my FB newsfeed looked like a few years back during school. Us girls, just... TMI sometimes lol. I believe you can block some friends' posts on FB? I apologise if I'm mistaken since I haven't tried such a feature but I think it's possible. But yeah, just quickly scroll past it if you can't. Pretend it's like Tumblr! x'D
  19. beni

    Thank you for the review and link to hearing it. I hadn't given these guys a listen in ages, but I keep them in mind because of those brilliantly awful vocals from Agato. x'D I'm interested now having read you said it's an improvement and wow, you weren't lying. It's a lot more bareable then past songs and flows surprisingly well in all 3 tracks. I must have been listening to their worst tracks! They're all pretty awesome in this release!
  20. beni

    ME!ME!ME! ;'D
  21. Totally hyped. Even more so after having fallen for them even more thanks to the ChristMHas list. I'm actually digging it quite easily because it does sound 'lighter' as Jig has said. I just prefer that sound I guess. I'll look out for more future releases of them!
  22. Everything about this news has brought me eternal joy. Pretzels is the best pretzel ever.
  23. What time is it? https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven Yes, you read that right, AGAIN.

    1. beni


      xD I'd ask to continue through the night but that'd be mean to Bear, lol. Have a great afternoon~

    2. kyoisKILLINGME



    3. beni


      XD OOPS. I'll be right with ya'll in a bit! I swear!! <3 Have fun~

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