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Everything posted by beni

  1. Picked the four I said I enjoyed most in the review thread. If I change my mind on my favs after another listen, I will come back to edit my votes. Also, I applaud you for making even more discussion on the band and album, aha.
  2. beni

    7 day tracking! (already into the 8th day but it just pretty much went past midnight over here, aha) 1. LM.C / 33 2. Lycaon / 19 2. MEJIBRAY / 19 4. PLASTICZOOMS / 14 5. bomi / 13 I gave mostly new listens recently so that's why this turned out as it is. Also, upcoming LM.C review; which is why I've spammed them to high heaven for me all of yesterday, lol.
  3. The first stage was hard enough as it was lol. x'D Not a long enough list! : P Real happy to see a response, appreciations and, of course, the lulz from you guys. ='D Had a great time and looking foward to future activities. Also, I hope the list was helpful to members and visitors. Thanks for looking.
  4. beni

    I'm really happy to know that then! Ah, if you'd still like to talk (which I am real glad to know), would you like to stay in touch on Last.fm? I know we both have each other added there. Of course, as -k∆- has sensibly said above me, your life and happiness with everything comes before anything else! So please go through with things the way YOU want to! It's always amazing to know that MH has made you happy, even if it's for the time you've spent here. I'm happy it's given you a time of happiness and I hope that continues in the real world for you. And it's understandable, that. Happens to us all, surely. But it's okay, we all have our differing tastes. Just, if you're ever in need or want to get back into this type of music again, we're always here! ^^ All the best lovely~
  5. We've had too many plug breaks recently dearies~ https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven

    1. beni



    2. kyoisKILLINGME



    3. beni


      Did I do better today, love? x'D Aha, sorry, I had to go sooner that day. ;;

    4. Show next comments  189 more
  6. beni

    Such style. Such colour co-ordination~
  7. beni

    I understand if that's how you feel. If you think it's best for you and you'll be happy then I won't try or force you to stay. This is just really upsetting news to read because I'm really fond of you. I'm happy to know you've enjoyed your time here, and I hope you can at least visit us sometime. You will be missed, not just by me! So good luck with everything; you've been an absolute pleasure and joy and will definitely do much with your life. Be safe, happy and look forward to the future dear. < 3
  8. beni

    Yes, mother. xP
  9. beni

    Just finished listening to it and I completely agree with all of your review. Just something I noticed; Kyo's vocals always gets to me, but this time, the instruments did too. I'm not usually like this when it comes to just paying attention to the instruments as much as the vocals, but with this release, they really did catch my attention. I'm very impressed because of this. A brilliant release and review. As expected! Just remembered, I really do love how it's called a 'mini-album' with that tracklist. XD
  10. beni

    Happy birthday to ZML., R-Blast and Gretyl for today!!
  11. Leaving my initial thoughts here after having finally gotten round to listening to the album. The SE's were pretty interesting and really just further enforced an eerie feel to the album which was really highlighted in the first few seconds of the first SE. There wasn't too little or too much of these lil interludes, and they were, in themselves, enjoyable breaks. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing the singles whenever they appeared, since they are a batch of singles I really love. With all the new material, I was actually worried I'd feel the same way to this album as I did with MEJIBRAY's lengthy one. However, this was not the case. It went so quickly, and I wanted more. I even disliked no tracks! Even at 18 tracks in length, I found myself in disbelief when I got to track 16, knowing it was almost over. I am highly impressed with Lycaon for managing to do that. It's already a number one release for me for this year due to this. Songs that stood out to me on first listen were, of course, the ballad track at 12, 'アネモネ,' track 8, '君を壊すガラスの衝動,' 'Rouge' and 'marionette.'
  12. beni

    Crube, mate, need your own thread dedicate to just all your brilliant GIF/image/vid inserts and responses. x'D
  13. beni

    Plug happening now guys!! <3
  14. beni

    Happy birthday to those of yesterday and narita1981 for today~
  15. beni

    Should be, as always! Personally am a bit busy to be on at the usual time today. Photography deadline in a few hours; for tomorrow. I'm sure others will come in thanks to your status, so, enjoy!
  16. beni

    That was a very interesting read. I had read things such as her being lazy and just going with what was in at the time of her music releases to get the attention. It's really too bad she was all over the place now that I think back on it. It was pretty obvious she had no idea what she wanted to do or who she wanted to be. What you said really rings true, and definitely bringing up her age. I haven't heard much about her or from her now so maybe it's time others have realised too? Ah, well, you've just convinced me I don't even need to listen to her self titled one. xD My mum always called her vocals 'whiny,' and I can now hear it after growing so out of her. It was fun at the time, and she really captured how I felt most of the time. It's a pity when you can see the whole picture after a while. Ah. I take my last comment back from my first paragraph. xD This tune, it sounds promising! I've always enjoyed her slower ballad like songs but, as you said, dayum Lavigne, what took you so long!? Thanks for showing me, I just really haven't wanted to check her out at all in recent years, lol. And I'd agree with your last sentence.. if I was still around 16 aha. I hope she continues on and grows up in the music career the way SHE wants to. And lmao, rant away my dear. It was very informative!
  17. beni

    I favor the vocalist in a band most due to my attention being mainly on them. I enjoy the vocals more than the band playing in all honesty, and see it as the main attraction. This is probably due to my massive fondness for reading lyrics and hearing them sung. It doesn't take me more time to get into instrumental though, I just adore vocalists more. And it might just be me, but I can never tell if a vocalist is a "bad" vocalist or if the instrumental is "bad." Even if it might be bad, it's something different and still enjoyable. Hella hard to put into words xD
  18. beni

    Yay, Aferni! < 3 Have a great day petipei~
  19. beni

    I love you dudes. Alas, my family decide now to take the computer. -.- I will be over as soon as I can! Enjoy~
  20. beni

    Haven't seen much plug action happening for a bit recently. Been busy with coursework and such so I've missed doing the daily plug session statuses as of late. Am up for a free session today so, any other takers?
  21. I agree with the splitting up to a VK and non-VK/general news area. Even if there's not much J-pop news to include, I think this general idea can cover all areas apart from the VK territory, unless there's more incoming news than expected. It'd be awesome to see the news area expanding since it's such a massive help with finding new updates and staying tuned with it.
  22. beni

    A very happy birthday to previous birthday partiers~ For today, LOOK AT THAT LOVELY LIST OF PEEPS; cruel-crucible, MY BFF HEIDI, Mind of the sun, ryuten, nanairo_face, VisualDeathScene, and, of course, hitsuji-hime~ Have a great one you guys!! And a certain kitty cat's mother~ : 3
  23. beni

    *awkwardly walks in alone to dead thread* Ehehe. Lavigne was my number one artist for years before 2012 when I first got into Asian music, and exclusively from that point onwards so Lavigne was left on my CD stack forever more since then. So I haven't actually given her last album a listen at all. But I have heard the singles on it on TV and I've realised I probably would have outgrown her by that year. They just sound so... so silly, in a way. 'Here's to Never Growing Up' just makes me think I'm listening to some newly debuted teenage school singer, not a mature adult. I guess I'm being a hypocrite since I don't really complain about any other artist who are also just like this but I think it's because of how much I looked up to her and how she seems to be unsure of who she really wants to be. Or she's actually being a hypocrite herself and just going with the music style which is in at the moment. I read somewhere about a fan's input in this and it seems very obvious once you think about it and that really sucks to read. I really looked up to her during the 'Under My Skin' time because I connected with it so well. But this latest self titled album of hers really just looks and sounds so unappealing in a way. Goodbye Lullaby is beautiful in such a honest and delicate way, being up there with 'Under My Skin' as my favourite records of hers, but I guess, with a change of music taste and having grown up a bit, my idolisation for her has disappeared. I actually thought I'd enjoy Hello Kitty just a bit, but... I just can't. xD Edit: I just noticed Marilyn Manson. Holy pancakes. And that Chad... >.>
  24. Doing Photography for A level right now! xD I suck at it but it's such fun ahaha. I find it easier which is my favourite from the covers and that's E. Simple, yet still very nicely done and not too much. Not distracting and has got just a little bit of the colour which I prefer. I mostly favor D and F for the backs. It look artistic because you've got a bit of design on it more so then any of the others to me while also not going overboard with any of it. I'm also going with the teal btw. Just for voting sake and so you know!
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