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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    omg, you guys. ;; <3 (Avoiding more double posts xD EDIT:) So today, I tried to join different plug rooms and, oh sweet cupcakes, was it scary. xD Please, someone, partner up with me before the new adventuring ahaha.
  2. beni

    Excuse me for double posting please. I saw your one night VK theme ender above and it gave me the idea of an international/foreign one, so anything not Japanese. We can even have a Korean one, seeing as I've noticed a few of us do enjoy that here and it can introduce many new listeners to some they might actually enjoy in different genres. Another thought, songs featuring only one particular language really, that'd be interesting. I know this is a total me saying this but even some can be of a certain music genre/style. I was actually thinking about an indie focus. Or just random ones I thought up like 'band members turning solo works' and 'musicians with the craziest visuals.' Just some random thoughts/ideas I promised ender and Pho3nyx above me. Also thanking you two massively for the input and discussion. Many thanks lovelies! I'd also like to ask, is another free for a bit of pluggin' today? It's become a daily need, I apologise!
  3. I actually selected a lot more than I was expecting... While I enjoy going onto ones like Pinterest and, occasionally, the Vine one, I had no idea they could be put into this so that's interesting by itself. Because of real life friends and friends made on here, including the MH Group, I can't ever abandon Facebook now. xD I use Last.fm and MH (can this be the 'other' for me like nostalgia.?) quite a bit for messaging but honestly not as much as Fb. I have the same relationship with Twitter as I'd have with an Instagram account if I had one. Literally; get excited making the profile, and then never use it. I used to be mega obsessed with Tumblr before MH. Many tragic months. So bad, I did even less work then I am doing now! XD I still use it now though for my newish music one but a lot more less, luckily. Never even heard of LinkedIn, and LiveJournal was one I've been meaning to actually try for years lol. Also ticked vk.com, even though I'm just browsing on it, heh. Edit: Thanks to all the guys who chipped in on this btw. Nicely done as always CAT5.
  4. beni

    Wow, look at that lovely batch for today! Happy birthday to each one of you guys; RED RUM, Dead;Stam;Alive, GazeRockSnob, YukiHanaNyah, zerosan!!~
  5. beni

    But.... the reactions. x'D Reminds me of one of my worst habits; never twirl your hair whenever you're outside/with others. Even when someone isn't talking to you or you're not looking at them, they WILL think you're flirting with them for some reason.
  6. beni

    This has made me more than happy. Blimey. HURG. X'D
  7. beni

    Sorry I had to go so early! D: Hope ya'll had a great time! Are we still on for the 90s sound one today guys? NO THEME TODAY GUYS! Come join~ Also, about when the themes should be, I believe it'll always just be on Sundays so no worries about not having enough time to sort out the playlists I guess. If a theme is rather limited, we can always just push that one forward to a later Sunday.
  8. beni

    KEEP! So cute~ Sunglasses?
  9. beni

    10/10. I love anything with the word 'hime' in it and how the letters are similar sounding/repeated. Lovely to just speak it in general.
  10. I must apologise to fellow Lycaon avi lot. I changed so soon because I needed some Sho loving. x)

  11. beni

    ...I really thought it was only me who had that. ;; Well, this sucks! Hopefully your home page loads quicker. I always had the trouble when browsing tags. -.- xD Oh wow, I wasn't at all! I loved your xmas May one too! x'D I'm guessing you're a fan of Top Gear? I apologise if May is in something else because that is all I know he's from haha. My nan'd get along great with you if this is true. xD (thank you for the bigger version btw, I find it hilarious!) It's like you've summed up my life. o.o Great approach you have on this though. Keep it up!
  12. beni

    Tumblr has finally stopped with the loading posts always crashing on me, yay~ Also, Crube-san. ^ I said it once in the chat and cannot stop looking at it because; that avi, 10/10. xD
  13. beni

    I'll repeat this from the chat. Mabuta, awesome music taste. ; ) Also, about SNow, don't worry that she's more pop. ender had explained in the beginning, and I had personally talked mainly about pop picks lol. I was going to respond a while back to your question about SNoW, ender, but then I saw how this convo has flowed so nicely. x) ALI PROJECT are still active, yep, and they're also a fabulous music duo to look into. They recently released an album, if I remember correctly. Still going strong after all these years! xD I'm glad my inclusion helped put this thread forward so thank you for that! Haha, yeah! I remember hope playing one of the AV's songs in plug and I just had to give their song 'freeeeze' more listens after. xD They just never falter, as you've said. I'm going to have to listen to them more. One of the best electro groups to me. I had also mentioned/brought up LOVE PSYCHEDELICO in the plug. A VERY smooth band imo. lmao, thanks to everyone for doing that to us all with all the newly discovered musicians needing to be listened to with so many others! xD So much to get through, haha. I'm glad you managed to find a couple you enjoyed in that list! About BSC, I only got into them with the female vocals, I had no idea they had a male one so thank you for bringing that up. I was upset when it was announced Sophia left because she was the reason I started listening. I'm going to have to check out more of them now. lol, you're welcome! ='D I'm so sorry I rambled on so much. x'D Yay for the J-music gals! I do have their latest album on my computer but I have yet to give it a listen. I'm also always happy to hear of someone enjoying them because all I usually her is 'good god, she should get another job. What the hell is up with that singing?' -.- I'm looking more forward to it if you're saying it's good so thank you for that! I had no idea about that with Sachi so I thank you for saying that too! It's really awesome to know she lead you to the VK scene because that's definitely not everything to know about the scene, haha. Blanc Chaine is new to me by the way so I'm intrigued. Shout out to Pinkmakona, and many thanks to yourself for all the posts! I had her in mind when I was doing the list and she somehow slipped out of it towards the end. -.- Thank you for bringing her up! She's just too cool with that drumming!!
  14. beni

    I might just be really naïve but I am looking forward to this release, even if I've already listened to and enjoyed their 'VANDALISM' album so much. I wouldn't even mind paying for another album of theirs if this is it. I can only hope that this is actually like a 'foreshadowing' of a possible regroup. I like the added tracks/re-recordings being included (obviously xD), but, I'll probably end up thinking it is just the label being greedy if the release is all that's happening, and I don't want to think that. DeadRose above me pretty much sums this up for me. ;;
  15. beni

    Happy birthday to brilliant members Slsr and RinFukurou~
  16. beni

    Banned because I can't make out what your sig text is without highlighting it. Damn eye sight.
  17. beni

    A VERY happy birthday to the wonderful kyoselflove~ Have a awesome one hon!!
  18. Anyone else free and up for a bit of plugging? (Tis Friday, a late night tonight for me, anyone else?) https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven

    1. beni


      ;; We should still be on even in a good few more hours. I'll sitll be on for another 5 or 6 hours or so. Can you make it? I'm sure some of the others will also stay that long or more so.

    2. DeithX252



    3. beni


      x'D I had to leave before Everval, oops. Pluggin' alone in the PLUGOCALYPSE.

    4. Show next comments  201 more
  19. beni

    Happy birthday to FictionTheory and to any visitors on their special day.
  20. beni

    Sure thing, that'd probably make many users happy with your thinking too, about moving the female vocals (2) to a later Sunday. Everyone agree? I'll go brainstorm a couple ideas myself and then, maybe, we could mix it up and put some more possible themes in the middle of this so that the female vocals theme can be later on. I'll stop lurking here now. xD Off to bed! WIll come back tomorrow with something too, hopefully. Thank you both for the help and feedback and to any others who also post in advance.
  21. beni

    OH YES. I've got a particular singer in mine for this I'd spam, *winks at perez.* xD Thank you for coming up and saying one ender. Am happy you have! This one is another to think about guys! I'm all up for this one too, both 80s and 90s. And if everyone likes the idea of the 80s too, then sure thing! Sounds like it could even be a timeline event, haha.
  22. beni

    Banned because you really must be getting high often with all that music listening.
  23. beni

    I KNEW I'd make a mistake. xD Edit that now, thank you. I got so confused thinking back on which one it was lol, 80s or 90s ( please don't hurt me Saku, I have a crap memory D: ). Hell no, you just aided us all, and very quickly, on a dumb mistake I saw coming haha.
  24. beni

    Couldn't make it back in time to join in again so I apologise for that. I hope everyone had a great time! And thanks to Piisu for the status!! This had been brought up in the plug session and suggested by @Original Saku. For those who are interested in this and for those who aren't, just post in here whether or not you're up for this theme. The theme will be (Saku!! Please correct me if this is put wrongly), 90s sound. After this, because of popular demand, we will have another female vocals theme the following Sunday if the 90s music one is wanted by the majority who come to plug. I look forward to responses and more plug sessions with you all! And guys, seriously, if any of you have any theme suggestions for the Sundays, just speak out here! Edit because I have the memory of a goldfish. A thousand thanks to Pho3nyx for the correction. This is not a strength of mine. xD
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