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Everything posted by beni

  1. This is a redo of our first poll since ARCHE is out now. Will the results be any different? To submit a poll for the MH POLL OF THE WEEK, P.M. @CAT5 with your poll question, choices, and state whether it's mutiple choice or not.
  2. beni

    What? For the last time!? D': Yeah, plug is on now, so guys, COME ON IN! < 3
  3. beni

    Banned for having an avi featuring two of my favourite things. Gimme him and that gasmask! : 3
  4. beni

    Thanks to CAT5, I gave this album a listen because of the lovely song sample and that adorable album cover. I enjoyed it a lot and will return to it again. There's just so many great indie pop musicians to discover and listen to but she's definitely one not to miss out on. Also, as you said, Aoba is amazing too. Recommending them both. Great and nice of you to review her album. Simply lovely. *thumbs up*
  5. beni

    Think again~
  6. beni

    :'3 Aww yeah~ < 3
  7. Having already got some knowledge of your music listening and favourites, I can quickly say you've got a range of likes and interests in many different genres and styles and can see you really mean it when you say you'll try anything. Not surprising to say I can easily spot indie, many rather undiscovered and/or underappreciated/underrated musicians in particular, but you've also got a bunch of popular musicians as well (hi there Dir En Grey, GazettE). So many listens on all too! And those two top spots, *thumbs up,* TK/ling and TN ftw!~ And with so many added artists, it shows how long you've been listening and how well you know these music fields. It's awesome to look at too because I've spotted some artists I also enjoy of which I had no idea you liked too, like Jill-decoy Association. Good kitty. xD beni's jams
  8. beni

    Banned because, one day, your glowing divinity will KO me.
  9. beni

    Is genuinely a 'freaky fox.' play on your name if this is actually what it means xD
  10. beni

    Cute avi and intro!~ Glad you decided to introduce yourself now, never too late! You write better English than me hon, and I can only speak that lol. No worries on that. Lolita fan too? *HIGH FIVE* VK 4 life as well haha. I hope you discover more music you'll enjoy here. Nice and different favs there, thanks for telling us. Kokusyoku Sumire is love, yes yes!
  11. beni

    DD: MISSED IT!! lol, I know it's only one and I was busy but, it's the only party I like attending, haha. Thanks for telling us Jig, hope you all had a great time.
  12. beni

    Because looking at the DJ history there, it looks like there was a little session a few hours ago at the time. Must have been when the chat had so many people. Maybe?
  13. beni

    More of a comic book reader since it's easier to follow, imo. But I'm rereading the only actual full length, proper thick (in my terms, thick) book which is called Girl, Missing. First heard it in my primary school class and is the only book I've reread. Only ever actually read another book, a smaller novel length one, only recently actually, which was written by a Japanese author (because, these days, I'm biased and things have to be Asian based for me to be interested enough to try xD) and I got through it in one sitting. I doubt that'd happen ever again!
  14. Mobile bill usually around £12. Incoming bill amount text message this time shows £50 total. Prepare my burial guys, it was nice knowing you.

    1. PsychoΔelica


      No, he's just scatterminded often. I think it got worse recently. I shouldn't police him though (I do it anyway but heh).

    2. beni


      Sorry I misundertood. xD You go husbdando!~ Haha, police him. It's the worst time now for keeping heating down too, but I hope you haven't got too much money and things on your shoulders.

    3. PsychoΔelica


      Kinda xD Our house it like a damn ice box haha

      I don't know... Not in the meantime. I don't really wanna think about it.

    4. Show next comments  210 more
  15. beni

    Had a plug happened today? *feels withdraw symptoms* xD Damn family games!
  16. beni

    Totally not relevant to anything at all, just happened to me a couple of seconds ago and KEEPS happening *dramatic music*, When you hear a car door slammed nearby outside your house: ^ Reaction. ;_; Seriously though.. at night when the door hasn't been locked, a mini breakdown happens. Someone save me plz. I can't be the only one who has this!
  17. 'I'm turning Japanese, I think I'm turning Japanese'~ I mean, just the word 'Japanese.' ^^
  18. beni

    We're probably thinking the same thing then at times. xD I vote for 'not weird!' I like to own smaller electronics than the more modern, big ones available. Such as the iPod shuffle and the smaller screened DS, and even small TVs. Am I weird for liking these more?
  19. beni

    I really did do that list too soon. xD Discovered some new favs and given ones recently released this month a listen which should be there somewhere haha. I guess my choices will become obvious after the 'EOTY' list but, I'm posting here again just to remind me to actually get a good one up. It'd be great as a personal sum up of this year's music highlights to me. Awesome work at narrowing the choices down to those who have completed it! Would be interesting to see so many others' choices. Big thanks to Zeus too for that rundown of 2013 results! Too bad it won't be happening for 2014. At least we get to see here from others.
  20. beni

    Let's imagine a 'Sendai Kamotsu disco' (oh, the horror for you! : p), you'd see me there: *Dancing on my own to their tunes* xD I have nothing new to bring here once again but I couldn't keep ignoring this when there was no support going for them. Because I have much love for them, haha. Guess it shows that it's not exactly an unpopular opinion, right? x'D Oh actually, this might fit rather nicely into the above quotation. Another unpopular opinion, maybe?- I like 'alter-ego' bands (/side projects) more than the 'serious' foremost band most of the time. It might just be because of the whole different styles and musical direction which is a really awesome contrast after having listened to the actual main band's discography for a while. A band I can confidently say I prefer over their main one is 'My Dragon,' alter-ego band of Kiryu. I enjoy their funny PVs, silly music and appearance choices a lot more than the latter version of them. Same goes for Sendai Kamotsu. Maybe it's just because I'm becoming more of a fan of the colourful, crazy and comical bands and I just don't know it yet. Another one which I can dig quite easily is THE MAD LM.C. Then again, I can never get enough of that duo. I just enjoy looking into any possible alter-ego bands than, I'm guessing, the majority of others.
  21. beni

    Grapes! Yum yum~
  22. beni

    OFFICIAL (LATE) MERRY XMAS to our user whose birthday was Christmas day. Hope you had a good one! Happy birthday to those who had a, hopefully, lovely day yesterday (or now coming to an end of today?) and a woop woop to Spectralion for the 27th! Hope you have a great day~ Junpei'sGirl, I see you too, enjoy! V That was too sweet and cute in itself. x'D The least we could do! Hope the birthday gals/guys see the shout-outs but just have a great day overall! Much love and thanks to everyone who chips in and wishes the same.
  23. beni

    Is writing fanfics of these said 'lies.' ; )
  24. beni

    Oh ho ho, my my my! Someone now has to carry my body. I've fainted. I'm out right now. :'3 ( thanks for this ; ) )
  25. beni

    My top English album + single of this year Paloma Faith - A Perfect Contradiction / In This Moment - Big Bad Wolf /
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