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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    I'm sorry this has nothing to do with the above anymore but I'm letting out some steam... I went out today, which I never usually do and this is the reason why I don't try anymore = People need to realise staring and talking about others you don't know is rude and annoying. Don't chat away and continue to glare at someone, looking up and down at them as if they're not there and especially to strangers. And ESPECIALLY if it's something not nice. Just because they have a problem which you DON'T know about, don't start making judgement, good god. Keep it to yourself, mind your own business and enjoy the company you have there! I'm so happy to be home and on here if you hadn't notice hah.
  2. beni

    Welcome to heaven~ Good to have you! I was also wondering what your favourite VK musicians might be? And also your hobbies and interests! Nothing like a lengthy introduction telling us all what you enjoy. ; )
  3. beni

    I just never noticed and thought it's just me. >< And my hair doesn't hide it so I'm really paranoid now haha. I wasn't bringing it up so others had to share their pain with it too so I'm sorry I reminded you. ;_; Me, you and kyo are going to have to start putting books on our heads while on the computer. x'D Dimples!? Such a beauty, that's correct. Don't say you're joking when it's true. But SEVEN? Mate, give me some! :'3 Ah and kyo~ NO MORE FAILING PLEASE. < 3
  4. MEJIBRAY had originally caught my attention because of their eccentric and attractive Visual Kei image. I feel their second album captures their style almost to a t. Being one of many indie Visual Kei bands on the scene with such massive adoration from a healthy fanbase, the anticipated album doesn’t fail in delivering the juicy goodness of MEJIBRAY’s sound we all know and love. Compared to their first album, it flows a lot better, with a preferred track placement this time. Chocked full of brilliant singles and new songs, the album is a thrilling ride right from the get-go. The opener, “IDEA,” has a futuristic and eerie feel to it, thanks to an electro current going high and low in pitch. It’s a quick and fitting welcome to THE “420” THEATRICAL ROSES, and this is again delivered by the suitable, instrumental closing track “COPERNICUS.” We get right into the flow of the album with their newest released single “シアトリカル・ブルーブラック AI Ver.” which further offers a new sound to the album, making this release even more refreshing as these ‘AI Ver.’s are altered ever so slightly. “シアトリカル・ブルーブラック” was already a personal favourite of mine when it was released. The song, much like any Visual Kei single, follows an expected pattern. This can obviously be an issue for long time Visual Kei fans, but MEJIBRAY hits the nail on the head with this particular track. The chunky guitar and crazy drumming is super energetic and addicting. Tsuzuku’s vocals offer us what we’ve always received from him; a mix of clear singing, screeches, growls and screams. And let’s not forget how well MiA really works that guitar of his in his solo parts! “DiefiL” is up next and is a very enjoyable track even after such a excellent single backing it up beforehand. Like track three, “Hungry Psychopath” doesn’t slow down the energy, actually sounding more melodious than previous songs. Its repeated guitar chunking after the chorus is highlighted wonderfully before leading into the chorus which is ever so harmonious due to the swift change in tune. Tsuzuku’s higher pitched vocalisation is something to treasure in this track. The album seems to keep stepping up after every track for now, next with “Mr.レインは死んだふり.” The song falls and then rises to intense heights as Tsuzuku’s vocals alone accompanied by piano which continues to play along with the band into the chorus. Another ‘AI Ver.’ follows, this time of ‘RAVEN.’ Nothing can beat MEJIBRAY’s singles in my book and ‘RAVEN’ certainly doesn’t miss the mark. Dramatic and smooth, the chorus is even more pleasing to the ear compared to the highly enjoyable “DiefiL.” The steady and gripping pace of this single definitely shouldn’t be overlooked. Following tracks “埋葬虫” and “Contagion” continue to deliver the punches without exhausting the album. I particularly enjoyed “Contagion,” which takes on a slower tempo against the first load of rough tracks but still keeps Tsuzuku’s signature vocalisations in. It’s actually quite pleasant. Following in the ‘pleasant’ description, ballad “Echo” comes next. It’s unfortunate this album promoted track is the one ballad in the album, but already a problem might be spotted by a few listeners. At over six minutes long, it’s a lengthy track in an already packed album. But even if it looks unappealing, you better give it a chance. My view on MEJIBRAY’s ballads is that it’s the best produced songs of theirs. Tsuzuku’s voice is fitting to such a song and the instrumentals definitely compliment and drive this along, making it an emotional and smoothly delivered performance. Now, after nine tracks in, the album seems to exhaust considerably due to its big running time. This becomes increasingly obvious after this song as every other tune follows a similar formula to all the other previous, first half high energy songs, no longer sounding individual. As a massive fan, it’s disappointing to admit. Even though we've waited a while for a full-length album, it may be a bit too much. So, while every track packs a punch, the album itself may fail keeping listeners gripped from start to end, not managing to impress newcomers or even long time listeners. But this album is a definite step up from their first. I look forward to the band progressing further and finding their place and sound in the scene before being seen as unoriginal or uninspiring. With an eye catching album cover and beautiful detail to attire and music delivery, you've gotta give these guys some credit at least. Step up lads and prove to us all your worth!
  5. beni

    Well this is... grand... This user, I checked out the account, doesn't seem to use it much at all. Not many activites done on it. A troll maybe? Having read the links, I was actually blaming her because if she's continuing to harass the band member, she's just adding more fuel to the fire. Is he just joking? Trying to scare her off? He surely must know joking about it on the internet anyway is risky and silly. And if he's been saying it so much and not actually doing anything about it then it must be just a sick joke. Hopefully. Maybe they both just want attention, I don't know.. On another note, Seimeisen, your avatar is always so fabulous.
  6. beni

    Every Japanese track pretty much. So... everything I already have on my iPods. xD I honestly can't delete any of it, I just end up buying more mp3s if I run out of room. But some I'd definitely not ever delete because I've got either all/most of their discography on it are GACKT, T.M Revolution and Hyde. VK bands such as Lycaon and MEJIBRAY too, as well as Awoi and 9 GOATS BLACK OUT. I just can't remove any and all of the stuff I have of these guys. I actually have more J-pop unremovable ones haha.
  7. beni

    I've only actually tried out OGRE YOU ASSHOLE because who could ignore such a name? xD I really am fond of them and should listen to them more, but seeing as LOSTAGE is winning in the poll, I'm very much intrigued in them more now. I've heard of them, I just haven't gotten around to checking them out. For now, since I really like OYA, I'm voting for them. Indie bands are way too precious.
  8. beni

    Banned for having a rather naughty ava. just the nudity xD
  10. beni

    x'D I'm laughing but crying at the same time because I don't want anyone else having a problem with their spine but I'm imagining us two together in that Disney film of it. But damn, please come on and try to sit up straight, don't forget that like me!! <3
  11. beni

    I already know I have the worst posture ever but, my friend pointed out my spine sticks out from my neck and said nobody has that... I feel like I could go on embarrassing bodies, I'll be the hunchback of notre dame. xD
  12. beni

    While one of my favourite singers, I didn't steal her name before anyone suggests lol. xD Good way to support her, in a way. :'3 It might just be an advert but it's a total win!
  13. beni

    I'm just leaving this here.. *waves* ~.~ Because who doesn't want to see more useless reblogs of VK spam? xD
  14. beni

    Honestly, at the moment, I have only two songs I can contribute with. xD So Cat, come on in anyway, no worries! Oh my god, it's on the 'Announcements of Awesome,' OH YAY~ OFFICIALLY AN INVITE TO ALL!
  15. If it's true that the more we spend staring at a computer cuts down our life span, I really should already be dead.

    1. Jigsaw9


      wut if we're all dead and this is akshully heaven :o

    2. beni


      xD Life twist: MH has always been our grave since we joined.

    3. kyoselflove
    4. Show next comments  222 more
  16. beni

    I'm all up for that as I said above if everyone else would like to as well!
  17. beni

    KEEP. A house plant.
  18. It's a very enjoyable album, but as I also said, I fully agree with you. The comparisons can't be helped with this band, and what you just said makes it sound like very little was their own inspiration. But then again, it's that what happens with most bands? I lot of influences might be more obvious than others. But I think, like OOR, they'll grow a lot. They've already got what it takes, in my eyes.
  19. I talk way too much *sigh*

    1. Zeus


      i find it cute

    2. kyoselflove
    3. beni


      I've been told a lot that others hate talkative people so I try to tone it down but it never works.. Thank you for the reassurance. hope and kyo, <3 And Zeus-san, I'm pleasantly surprised. >.< Thought I'd irritate you most!

    4. Show next comments  222 more
  20. You're not alone in forgetting mate! But I'm glad you got the time to try them out and even enjoyed them. About the 'small doses' part, I said that as in it's a pretty lengthy 2 albums to listen to, making it a lot to take in if you're listening to it without pausing, at one fell swoop. I, personally, prefer listening to such heavy bands in parts so that a lot of the similarities I might hear aren't so obvious. Such as their first album became a bit tiring as I said above. That's probably not what Jig-san was saying, I guess. And there's no such thing as 'immature taste.' xD Just the way we prefer when listening to them.
  21. I've been very fond of this song ever since I first heard it. Hadn't given the lyrics a look before so thank you for putting it up.
  22. beni

    Is in a pretty yet problematic sounding location.
  23. ^ I hope you find something to enjoy then. And if anyone else doubts they're enjoying one of the albums, then just give the other a try. You'll be surprised. I just noticed I got confused with which album you were talking about xD *buries self*
  24. Zeus-san expressed how I felt with the album above, I really was 'positively surprised.' I gave one of their albums a listen ages ago and was blown away. It was just unfortunate I'll stick to the first musicians I got into more. >< I can agree with the 'taking in very small doses' part with this particular band. But that I can only actually say for that first album of theirs in this double release. It's a lot to take in on a 1 hour listen, but as I already said, it was totally worth it in the end. I'll be going back to both albums soon, I'm sure. But I can't recommend their second album enough. It's a lot more easier to get into, in my opinion, since it's not a full on metal hour like the previous one sounded. But I'm going to stand up for them on that last part. I didn't find any track boring at all. Exhausting is a more appropriate word to me, if I was any other listener. And damn son, guitars and sound was weak in the album!? You listen to some flawless metal! ^^ And yay to being honest and giving your opinion. It's the first time on here opinions on one of the releases has been so split!
  25. beni

    Welcome to MH~ It's great of you to finally join us! You've got a very nice fav selection there, you'll feel right at home here. ^^ I'm going to have to check out your bands now, that's awesome. And we could get along with video games and fashion. :'3 And as Ito-san has said above me, that's how every forum starts out at first. Don't give up if it's something you're enjoying and dedicated to! Have a lovely stay and I hope you have a great time here.
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