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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    'I hate you but can't stop loving you' = Relationship with sad songs. </3 On another note, there needs to be more introductory threads. Totally made my day waking up to seeing new members.
  2. beni

    Oh noo, missed a day! >< But merry late birthday to the two yesterday, remembered I had seen you around so you might see this so I hope you had a lovely day. And Koike-san, MERRY BIRTHDAY!!
  3. beni

    Parents found out about a certain, not so great, issue I have so I've spent more than an hour trying to explain myself. Just brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. : /
  4. Wanted to join in again and link my one here once this time since the one time I did so on here was just saying it's in my sig and now I don't have the chart at all. xD So add me if you'd like! Koike-san, dat name. :'3
  5. beni

    xD I think some of us nutters here can't help but fangirl haha. But hey, no harm done! As long as it's not like 1D or JB fangirls -.- it's okay to let out your love and adoration for others and your hobbies! ^^ About your reply asking the question, sorry for having not explained. It'll be obvious once Sunday comes since Jigsaw9 or another lovely user will link us all to it but this is the website I'm referring to. Just make an account and you're all set. You can DJ your chosen playlists or just listen, watch and dance to others' songs. It's really awesome as so many of us can join. It's like a mini party! So come on in, all is welcome! And don't forget, if you can't then and on any other day, the chat is always open. : p
  6. I'm biased about Royz since I'm honoured they have a song titled as my real name. x) So I gave LILIA a listen when it first came out and it's up there with my first favourite song of theirs; Teardrop. Having listened to the Tears album only once and a bit of CORE, I think I can safely say I'm more into their singles and PV songs than any album tracks. So I agree with the above statements.
  7. beni

    Yay for another! These guys just keep on giving, don't stop lads. Thank you as always Trombe-san.
  8. beni

    : ) Really glad it all worked out, even though I'm a lot more gullible than everyone else with what I was believing in. Just staying positive helps a lot I think. I'm just glad she wasn't what some and, after having read above replies, myself, were thinking of her.
  9. beni

    I'm sorry this isn't working out. ;_; But thank you Zeus for the explanation!
  10. beni

    Kings of Leon
  11. beni

    xD Well done on your research by the way. Determining which sexuality you fall into can be really confusing but as my other asexual friend has always said 'people shouldn't have to label themselves.' It doesn't matter, I just wanted to show the original poster that they're not alone here hah. No worries on that by the way, I seem to just attract the lads who're desperate for any gal to love them. Too bad I can't love them in that way they're wanting haha. But thank you for that, but I get the last laugh again; he's now 'engaged' to this girl he's been on and off with since school.. at the tender age of 16 lol. I wish them good luck. I mainly wanted to reply in responding to your last sentence to be honest because no one has found it funny or at least said it is. xD I was going for humour with the sig for xmas so I'm glad someone thought so! :'3
  12. Time to pull an all nighter for ICT coursework completing. Going to miss you MH.

  13. Not gonna lie... I actually prefer the Engrish versions. XD Of course that's not stupid, people can't stand Riku's or Satoshi's right? We all enjoyed different parts of music more!
  14. beni

    I remember this boy asking me out just because he was desperate to have a girlfriend and his only question before asking was 'are you frigid?' And I just had to laugh and say 'Just asexual mate. Sorry to disappoint you.' I wasn't trying to be rude but actually having someone only take interest in me for intercourse itself really hurt and scared me. I'll be honest and say intercourse does freak me out, I get way too embarrassed about it. I'll try to avoid watching or seeing anything sexual and/or even romantic. I'm getting better at talking about it, at least. I, personally, could never touch anyone that way and I've never been sexually attracted to anybody. I like hugs though so... you are welcome to hug me, okay? : 3 In short, and in answer to the thread question... hi there.
  15. beni

    Instant like for just noticing the thread is all about the fabulousness of Madam Oomori!~ I have yet to give this latest album of hers a full listen but have heard her previous two and, oh my god, she is so damn flawless. Flawless, in a way, I'm sure, many would disagree. As you've described it, I'm also one of the proud bunch of '“bad” vocal aficionados' out there. I find her vocals super intriguing and unique, setting her apart very well from the typical J-Pop scene as a whole. What makes it even more interesting to me is that she's pretty much 'Anti-Idol.' The way she sings, the way each and every song is structed in contrast with the actual idols, it's much more tuneful and out there. As one has already said, her appearance surprisingly and nicely contrasts with what she actually delivers. I also love her influences as you've already pointed out. My love for Togawa continues to grow with every day, that woman's a gem. And Ringo, I think we can all agree she's a queen herself too. And just check out Oomori's 魔法が使えないなら死にたい album cover. Now where have I seen that before? xD Thanks for the review and for reminding me I still have to listen to it! Have been listening to it as I've typed this up and I just can't be disappointed in her. What a star, in her own way.
  16. beni

    True but, that makes me realise how alone I always am haha. So, I'm rejected even on the web? D': What you just said is my whole school life summed up. Seriously, when I was in a larger group of a friends circle, they all got together with one another, and then... there was me. xD I feel your pain on that, damn young friends!
  17. Can I just say that ever since I saw this particular artist/album banner, I think it's absolute fab. It really expresses asobius so much to me, really fitting. So, about the album! I forgot at what point and where I found asobius but I gave Starlight a listen and was instantly hooked. Good thing they put that tune at track 1, it's way too catchy to not get into the feel and mood to listen to the full album. They're the kind of band that, like I said in the small blurb, really makes magic with music I think. It's just so highly enjoyable to listen to them, I can't imagine anyone not liking them, I really can't. I might be sounding too positive in them and album itself, but they never fail in brightening up my day whenever I give them a listen. I only hope others will try them out and may feel the same way, it's just totally worth it.
  18. beni

    Saying 'Monica from Mexico' sounds awesome. And yay for another new user introductory! Lovely to meet you too, and you shouldn't worry about your English at all, it's better than every English friend I have, seriously. We're terrible with our own first language, the only language, we know haha. Glad you stepped up to do this! And oh my, nice favs~ The majority of that list is the definition of cute to me haha. See you around! Have a great time here and don't be afraid to join in on any threads and the chat. ^^
  19. beni

    Welcome to MH! Lovely to have you join us, finally! : p I approve of everything you've just said haha. The fangirling is strong within this one. : 3 Awesome list too, spotted Lycaon and you're automatically fabulous for that! Enjoy your time here and remember to feel free going onto the chat and looking forward to events and the plugs on Sunday. ^^
  20. beni

    I'd love to know which members were which stereotypical character, as kyo-san has just started to ask pretty much. xD
  21. beni

    I don't mind being single. It's just, most of the time, I really need someone to hug but everyone I know either hates hugs or has some kind of excuse when I ask to be hugged. D': Oh my god, nobody wants a hug from me *cries*
  22. Hmm, so she has some clue? Well then, I really think, like I said above, it's okay to tell her directly if you'd like to that that is. And about that, no worries, I'm asexual. Not like anyone'd even try with me anyway so I'm safe haha. Hi there kyo-san. xD So I replied thinking I could help with advice but I'm probably the worst haha. I didn't say anything bad did I?
  23. beni

    NEGA - 2012
  24. Oh... Well. ...I clearly paid no attention in Sex Education or something, I had no idea. I thought it didn't matter. Intercourse is intercourse, maybe you were just too good? Thank you for the explanation. I feel enlightened. Less awkward with such discussion aha, my innocence is lost! Why am I still typing? xD xD Totally worth it for the free food and Hotel! I think in any situation, that's a given hah. Haha, you just want to inform her of the truth about her ex, that she got it all wrong. xD
  25. I had heard of chouchou merged syrups. thanks to our lovely Cat but had yet to listen to them until yesterday after knowing today is their place on the chart. I'm an easy target with any female vocals so I just had to give them a listen at that point. I can't believe how many musicians I've pushed aside for later hearing and forgetting them! Having listened to clepsydra now, they're one of my new favourite indie bands. The vocalist's voice is just so perfect and really gives me those typical indie vocal vibes to me, her pitch and performance is just brilliant to me. And the music is so awesome, I instantly adored it with the opening alone. I found it interesting to read that cinema staff's bassist is involved in the group, and seeing as I'm quite fond of that band, I looked forward to finally trying it out. It's just too bad the album is so tiny, but that gave me more encouragment to download a few other of their tracks. No regrets!
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