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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    Just starting up Animal Crossing has made me become addicted to it again damn it. If only my real social life was like the me in that! Also, on the DS, started new Pokemon profiles on Diamond and Pearl just because I've completed both and need to feel nostalgic about something at this moment in time. Next, Spyro. : 3
  2. beni

    I feel like having my nickname as 'banana' now after certain users have noted of the resemblance. xp (Upset about the above happenings so I try to say anything else ><)
  3. NOPE. He better be found! I remember reading about a different band's vocalist going missing and he was found seriously injured. Forgot the whole story but he was found and safely recovered. Main thing is, people, you've gotta take better care of yourselves please. We worry, damn it.
  4. beni

    I was just getting interested in them and now this... these bands disbanding will be the cause of my death if so many keeps happening damn it.
  5. beni

    BORN - Deep Affection
  6. beni

    Banned for being wrong on that silly statement.
  7. beni

    Welcome back to the scene and welcome to MH! Glad this community was recommended, no looking back now haha. Nice band list, I hope other music sparks your interest here so you can discover more. Everyone's lovely so be prepared to make great friends here and have fun!
  8. xD I was merely joking on that one hon. Should have used those GIFS if my smaller remark didn't express it was just a joke haha. So, my mistake then. To each his own I say on this. You were waiting for a 'butthurt fan?' xD
  9. The time for Christmas avas is upon us and I am more than excited for this and anything Xmas related. Missed Halloween opportunity somakes the most of this one early. xD

    1. beni


      Embarrassing ava set. 8D

    2. Tetora
    3. PsychoΔelica


      Yes councellor Tetora :D

  10. beni

    I feel rather shallow for saying this but most of the time I'll check out a band because of the way they present themselves. That's how I got into Visual Kei. The attire and makeup as a whole interested me greatly but obviously, I continue to listen to the genres and scene because of the music. I like to think we're all into other/various areas of music because, damn, do we miss out on so many different and unique musicians if we're just focused on one music area in particular. I'm not saying those who have one particular taste in music are wrong, it's just discovering and enjoying so many different things you might enjoy, and maybe even more so than your current library listening. I think those underappreciated bands is the same with those indie VK bands you may or may not have heard about. It's all the same, and that is, indeed, unfortunate. And I think it's the same with all music. If you're good looking/presented attractively, then of course you'll get in and have more of a chance just because the majority of us look at that at first. And I mean no offense to anyone here, I'm just thinking about modern artists these days too, how often they're complimented for their appearance over the actual music itself. It's nice to compliment, obviously, but ignoring the main factor, the music, is just.. missing the point. I'll put my hand up and admit I'm guilty of what I've already said. I mean, I didn't even know about NB until they turned VK. xD I can safely say I don't 'rival' other musicians with my favourites though. I can just fangirl... hard. Sometimes. Yes, I'm really lame. Please, move on. It's just unfortunate visuals is the most important factor to some. You're missing out! But, since as we grow older, everything changes, including our music tastes, it'd go further and evolve maybe into some of this we're talking about, outside the VK scene. *celebrates thread revival*
  11. beni

    WHAT!? It's an ACTUAL genre? D: Oh my god, so, there are fans of such movies? Wow, wasn't expecting this. But to each his own. I just can't understand seeing anyone or anything getting hurt as entertaining. And no offense to Americans here, but foreign countries do take the cake for such things. I was thinking more Asian, since I have seen some messed up clips from some movies, but obviously not so brutally out there as Saw. I just thought such movies like that are a bit empty, making such thoughtless violence. As you said about those movies having more going on in it, I'm all for that. Just mindless 'fun' like that's a big no for me. I better add those to my watch list then. Those sound interesting. And thanks for the response explaining it!
  12. How can you get sick of all the beauty you see here!? D': JUNK!? REITA LOOKS 'DAMN RIGHT SILLY?' You can't see me, but I'm shaking my head in disapproval on this. No offense but.. why you do this? Here? And on your last question... Yes. Yes, you should. In all seriousness, if it's just the look you've gone off of, that doesn't stop you from enjoying the scene right? Had to refrain myself from spamming so many GIFS on this one. xD
  13. beni

    Spider decides to jump scare me in the middle of the night. Had to move out to the stairs and sleep there. ;_; Damn those beasts, you're okay if you're not in my house!
  14. beni

    Banned because you and your art are too pretty.
  15. beni

    Banned for being too 'divine.'
  16. beni

    No. If you could, would you travel to outer space?
  17. beni

    Witnessing any Christmas ads of any year <3
  18. beni

    What manga isn't strange? xD Maybe I'm not the best at explaining and expressing just how good it is but it's definitely entertaining.
  19. beni

    I'm all up for helping out. If I just PM'd you what you need, no email is needed right? Mine are quite embarrassing.. I'd have to do it after college tomorrow since I should be asleep now aha. So if there's no rush, I'm here.
  20. beni

    Yeah, hopefully! *crosses fingers* Wouldn't be the same without everyone joining in.
  21. beni

    Those videos are too precious. xD Any of the slowed down sections made me lose it completely. This is like, misheard lyric galore! This is just too amazingly random. In all honesty, most of the things I find ridiculously funny are just texts I find on the internet. Like, the fanfics of VK musicians, or even Tumblr posts that, like the videos, twists words or pictures for comical effect. Those 'macros' or GIFS you see on Tumblr sort of thing. Makes my day. About the fanfics, I'm all for shipping people, I genuinely do that to people in real life. xD But, those intimate scenes fans write can be a bit, hey, wow now. Ahem. I just love fans of bands who put together funny compilation videos haha. It's these that makes me think, what dedication and love so many have for such weirdos. xD
  22. beni

    The one time I can work while joining in, Cat can't be here. D': Hopefully someone else can lead it for today.
  23. beni

    Watched as many clips as I could before trying out some Saw movies today and... damn, no thank you very much. This is horror? More like violence porn, geez. I love seeing so many different horror movies, most of which I've never even heard of before so Bear, you're totally cool.
  24. beni

    ^ Monsters called Yoma feast on us humans and even disguise as us. They roam around a rather old fashioned Earth and the only thing that can kill these are called Claymores. Mainly a female cast (they'll explain why), they're half human and half Yoma. They must fight but be aware of doing so since by using too much power (Yoki), they'll turn into the monster. One of my favourite series.
  25. beni

    FF7 FTW. This franchise is all I talk about in here. xD I'm becoming a FF manic fan recently...
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