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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    Missed so many chances to see any of the bands I like and now, this. D': Not close enough to me at all. *cries* Hopefully other fans can grab hold of this chance. Anyone going here, enjoy!!
  2. Awesome you did this and glad to see you've taken the approach to join and let us get to know you. Glad your friend recommended here and that you joined! Only hoping, but am sure, you'll have fun here. ^^ I see you've gone to Japan, quite jelly! Ohh and sharing a birthday with a singer, and Tenten at that!? Yay! And high five for that cat lover fact! And single as fxck? Don't believe that. xD No worries, there's a relationship section for that lol. There's nothing too complicated here, even I got the hang of it soon-ish (I like to think ehe) Any questions or worries, don't be worried to ask. And come into the chat whenever you'd like, it's pretty energetic in there sometimes, like a nice mini party aha. Take care, see you around and enjoy!
  3. beni

    Is looking festive with an appropriate and too cute witch kitty avatar. : 3 (And just noticed, how fitting Cat)
  4. beni

    Half way through Lightning Returns and it is fab and I don't understand the hate. FF harcore fans, please, clear your head of the 'masterpieces' and give it a go and enjoy! (Might have to rant about this on actual online articles of it lol) Slowly playing through DMC on xbox too (convinced sis to let me try it), there's too much kick ass and hotness for me to bear hah.
  5. beni

    I remember having watched Shaun on the Dead when I was younger and I was terrified of it even though it's the classic parody/comedy take on an actual horror movie haha. Ever since that, I've tried to not scare myself with watching many jump scare horror movies, even though I'm preparing my future self to sit though as many Asian films as I can. I love a thriller and mystery one though, like, Psycho (classic, thanks Film course) and The Shining (gotta admit, I laughed through most of the film because of the good and bad acting haha). Even though I'm a right scaredy cat, I love anything horror, especially gore. I just need to put any audio on mute so I don't have a heart attack. xD I'll usually just check out a trailer and not try to watch a proper horror film because I'm easy to fright with sound (not playing or watching anyone play 'The Maze' game again, holy cabbage) Oh yeah, and a rather new/modern one I've managed to watch with the company of sis to help me through it was Sinister. Rather interesting, apart from that ONE jumpscare she decided it'd be funny to see me jump damn it. And I really enjoyed The Strangers, even though it's made me fear even more of answering the door. D: And on the topic of recent films, that Horns movie with Radcliffe starring in it is already making me laugh. I can't unsee Harry Potter, I'm sorry Rad.
  6. beni

    Yay, finally won first at something (for a short period of time hehe). ='D Feel like being one of those spammers on YouTube or Forums with the '1ST COMMENT!!' comments. xp
  7. News broadcaster out for the time being, already missing your posts ehe. Relax, enjoy, and take care! All the best.
  8. beni

    -Best Album: GANGSTA (please don't hurt me, I have yet to actually finish listening through most albums ehe) Now have listened to Rhapsody in Beauty, also up there. -Best Single: theatrical blue black -Best PV: - (I should really check out more PVs.. ><) -Best Rock Band: Very pleased and impressed with both 12012 and girugamesh this year. -Best Rock Act(visual kei, live performance): - (Same response with 'best PV,' can't make a choice yet..) -Best Solo Act: KAMIJO, defo. -Best Rookie(debuted in 2014): - (Need to check if years are correct but, either way, siding with Elazmus on this one. Will probably be reminded by others' comments on this ehe)
  9. Actually tried to do some college work recently but even having stayed away from the computer, I've still managed to distract myself with other electronics. Damn it.

    1. Tetora


      Make a day plan, with thehours you will spend on work and study planned out. Put the plan on your fridge or door. How did your math go btw?

    2. beni


      Cat, unfortunately. ;_; Haha, yay! kyo, lol, happens TOO many times with me ehe, have done a bit more today than usual so I'm only blaming myself. And Tetora, I go through what I must do as soon as I get up, it all just goes out the window and I sit on the computer all the day instead lol. Used to be focused.

    3. beni


      About maths, was going to message you. I've been using the site you showed me and the one my teacher has asked to go on to keep track of out progress. I'm also actually understanding what she's telling me in lesson by asking and yes, I never actually ask for help in class. It helps to do so haha.

    4. Show next comments  249 more
  10. My nana always does the cooking for me and my sis. We've offered to do it ourselves but she enjoys it and likes doing it to feel like she's being useful around the house. (she's the most loving, hardworking grandmother I've ever known) We think, at least. Embarrassing to think about again but, a few years back a girl in my class asked if I'd ever even made a sandwich before and I said no without thinking, even though that's the truth. Everyone giggled, pretty much.. Things haven't changed that much even now. I can make little cakes and pancakes if mama or someone else is helping me, but alone, I'll just enjoy a loath of bread. I didn't know which option to go for because of this but went for 'I don't mind it,' since I'd cook for myself if I could, but honestly.. even with a recipe I'd mess up. Only recently learnt how to turn on an oven by myself. And I've taken cooking lessons in school before. Intelligence in the kitchen isn't my forte.
  11. ...All of them? : 3 I first discovered Rose Noire and was obsessed with them for a short time. I've listened to the majority of them but I can't really decide a favourite from that label.. I love them all equally. If I really had to pick just one, I've been listened to Tokami a lot recently. Their newest vocalist always kills my ears in a good way haha. I don't understand either.
  12. beni

    The usual. Counting how many times someone'll knock on my door, which is usually none on that specific day. It's a pleasant surprise if that actually happens. Actually, more like terror with me whenever someone knocks on the door (watched too many cliché horrors), so it fits the event rather well I think ehe.
  13. beni

    I voted yes. I'm always interested in interviews and that'll make for a nice and easy navigation and storage of information I'm sure many are interested in as well. Like Zeus said above, untranslated interviews might not be as wanted, since the majority of us (I think), can't read Japanese. But just referring to the site and showing a 'sneak peek', (just like a small extract/copy & paste), of it, as you've explained, would be perfect I think. Asking the original writers for permission about it, I think, might have to be checked. I've seen things like blogs warning against their translations being sourced elsewhere, so I have to say, maybe checking with the sources that often and continues to post things should be asked about it. I'm sure they'd appreciate that. Anyway, good luck with it if it happens. And I'm all up for helping out in any way by the way, I'd love to contribute somehow to this community.
  14. beni

    Playing FF13 again to remind myself of the events and to get in the mood to start FF Lightning Returns once it arrives. I love this trilogy and I've heard the third is the best of the three so I'm looking forward to it. Better try out SE's older FF games too soon, it's taking me ages to play through their most favoured games.
  15. beni

    I know! They must think not many students would want to stay on since they're being this strict when it's supposed to be a college. Haha, I'm not the only one failing, it's mainly us sixth formers being late, bigger numbers than the school's students lol. I have only one friend who prefers being in school then anywhere else. Those few special students are so rare ehe. Edit - By the way, I've been replying on mobile and only now have the home computer. Just wanted to say, I can now see your avatar is a GIF and I just had to laugh. xD So cute.
  16. beni

    The one I go to is part of a school and they're getting strict on attendance and at this time it just so happens to be the time where I'm being late for six form a lot now lol. They're even thinking of making us wear an actual uniform -.-
  17. beni

    Clearly took it the wrong way lol, clever blackdoll. Thanks for clearing that up, I'm super gullible.Random but, today is my first day of getting a detention. College treating us like kids, never been this annoyed lol.
  18. beni

    Such bravery! Thank you for not inserting a pic or description. xD Puns can be too scary..
  19. beni


    Welcome! Glad you could join and I hope you enjoy your time here and see you around much. I love you for that introduction haha, gamer of RPGs too? Awesome taste I can see as well!
  20. beni

    Because I'm a fail and I don't know how to copy and paste the desktop itself to insert it here, I've found the pic itself: Chosen because, for the most obvious reason, I love them to death, they look so fab. And secondly, and more importantly, when visitors come round, my mama is super embarrassed when they see the family computer desktop wallpaper. >xD She loves me so much haha. It's so funny because Yuuki's clothing and pose is probably the most sexual thing I'd go as far as to display on the computer lol. Mama's proud.
  21. beni

    It was only because of those rumours (I don't even know if it's true or not, I don't delve too much into someone's personal happenings) that he had plastic surgery. Exactly, he is just too radiant for a human being! WHAT is that sorcery!? Also, his 'counterpart' (At least in Moon Child, let a girl ship sometimes lol). He looks more cute here ehe, but still, there's too many J-rockers with amazing smilies. ><
  22. Ivy from 'Soul Calibur' (Because of the colour match and chain looking like her weapon)
  23. beni

    ELLEGARDEN - Stereoman
  24. beni

    I can understand where the above (now previous page lol) is coming from, with the vocalists being mentioned, but I also don't think they sound girlie. I think it's because when I think of a male girlie voice, all I can think of are the crazy, rather high-pitched Oshare singers. Sure some others sound rather feminine (to be honest, I've always thought that of Shou and Mao, not just for having distinctive voices). And about Asagi's and Ryo's voices, I can only describe them as bloody beautiful, seriously. I guess, as we can see above with the replies, it's all about how we hear them ourselves. Rather interesting, we all determine and label certain words differently.
  25. beni

    This thread makes me ever so happy. I love this thread. Contributing one of my favourites again, I've had this gif saved for ages, not a freak.. I don't care if people call him just a 'plastic doll/Ken,' they're just horrible (or just my friends lol). I think he is such a beautiful man, inside and out.
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