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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    Yep, I know and expected that haha. I always pick songs which maybe aren't the best first listen choices. And the oldies are the classics right? Thanks very much for the suggestions, I'll check them all out.
  2. beni

    Too many beautiful smiles, I just can't..! I'm smiling like an idiot at the screen in response. xD Anyway, my vote goes to... < - : 3 of course hah
  3. beni

    ^ I was going to reply with a sarcastic comment but then I thought, better not, since I don't want it to come off as being rude when it's just a joke. >< Anyway, I'll post another 'unpopular opinion,' which, I'm guessing is unpopular, seeing as how popular these artists are. I listen to them sometimes, but I can't understand why/how they're so popular or famous; X Japan and Miyavi (and a couple of other populars but I don't want to be a hater xD). I know, I know, preferences and personal tastes, and seeing as how they were such influencial music acts.. it's just, yeah, I don't know, I guess I can't get into them as much as others. I bought What's My Name by Miyavi and it's the only album I've regretted getting.. >.< Just because of his vocals I mean, and I know I say I always love a vocalist who isn't that great at singing but I just couldn't enjoy the album for some reason, apart from the instrumental parts (he is a fabulous guitarist, no doubt about that!).. On another note, Yoshiki definitely isn't helping me fall for X Japan haha. xD I should give them another listen actually, probably change my mind if I listen a lot more and to their classics.. Too much hating from me at the moment, sorry sorry, shutting up Scratch out all that bs!! I knew I'm always wrong. xD Already like his indies work, why'd he change style so much? Again, so much learning I'm in for. Ignore any more posts from me lol. Loads of old works by musicians I must listen to now.
  4. beni

    Need to train myself in taking breaks from spending so much time on the computer due to constant headaches and migraines ouchy >< And probably turn down the 100% speakers when playing music..
  5. beni

    I remember wanting to reply to this thread after reading it a couple of times, and I now know what I have to say with my unpopular opinion, since I had typed up one of them similar in another thread. (Hoping replying to a none-lit thread is okay..) So the first is, I guess, liking Yohio and Seremedy. I've read a lot of responses and opinions on them, but I can't help but enjoy the music and vocals even if they're a foreign music act. The other one I can think of right now is liking vocalists who aren't exactly skilled in singing at all (for example, Tokami's Agato and singer Kana), actually preferring them over a lot of the more experienced/recognised artists. I know it's about personal taste, but I suspected fans/listeners would prefer a vocalist who could hit notes and be listenable the majority of the time. xD
  6. beni

    I'm probably going to get hate for this but.. Yohio and Seremedy have a couple nice songs. >.< So yeah, I've been spamming the replay button of their songs such as Our Story and Always By Your Side. But for a while now my main band obsessions have been both Lycaon and Mejibray. :'3
  7. Will be getting my sister's mobile which has internet so I'll be able to come on during college. Me happy. :3

    1. Tetora
    2. beni


      A bit late with having a mobile with internet but yeah haha xD

  8. beni

    xD Exactly my response, I also got Jun! Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed it. : 3
  9. beni

    Thank you so much, I feel right at home here now, really am more happy than I'd have expected. I see lovely darling Meto as both ava and sig! :'3 I think I had instantly considered you a friend anyway just by seeing your fab sig and profile pic haha. xD I'm so glad to read this, knowing you're also having fun! I look forward to seeing you around and hopefully messaging you again, your last comment is very sweet, I'm glad my natural rambling isn't too bad seeing as you and others enjoyed reading it. <3
  10. beni

    Even though it's a version of the Japanese song, and this might be a pretty unpopular opinion, but I absolutely adore listening to Versailles' Love Will Be Born Again (English Version). (I can't find a video to link, can be found as a single mp3 track though, don't know if I'm allowed to link..) Even though I find Kamijo's Engrish really funny at times, I enjoy the melody and song no matter what language it'd be sung in. Still doesn't beat the Japanese one though! x)
  11. beni

    ^ Totally seconding both these two tracks. I'm not really a fan of intros/outros but when it captures the mood/style of the whole album, it really gets you excited and prepared for what you're about to let yourself in for. So I'll be adding two of my own choices, because I doubt I'll be able to choose another two, sorry, sorry. While I prefer Hide and Seek #3, I have to choose Hide and Seek #4, by 'Pura' on their same titled album because that fits the criteria. Even the original tracks from the original album are just as eerie and mysterious, making for a wonderful and fitting close to both album versions. Also, their Ink intro and outro are just as perfect for the opposite effect of making us feel melancholic and rather lonely (imo). <3 My next pick is scene:RAM, from vistlip's THEATER album. Sounding ever so similar to their same album closer, scene:KISS, both songs make for a magical and exciting sound. It's uplifting, in my opinion, and both tie in very neatly to the next/previous track, making a positiviely coherent album as a whole. Ooh, me likey! I always love a build up in a song, it's really enjoyable to listen to and makes you want to continue listening even more. I've been meaning to listen to that album of theirs for ages, wow, you've just got me hooked!
  12. beni

    : O How fabulous, that's the exact wallpaper I have right now! They always look just too god damn good! My mother dislikes the VK style so much, she's embarrassed when friends come round and see it. xD All the more reason to keep putting one on haha.
  13. beni

    I hope you aren't too bombarded with too much work and things, it's lovely to have you. I hope to see you around then too, it's a pleasure to have spoken with you. ( Haha, I MUST check it out already then damn it, I'm always so late with everything! Will do now that someone has highly recommended it ( : ) Haha, I thought you might be joking about suc a long message! I'll try to prevent myself, it seems I have a lot of crap to go on about most of the time. Anyway, I really look forward to contacting you again then! xD I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling that way at times. I'm more than happy everyone will support each other here so I'm no longer worrying. Trust me, you join in so much, it's really encouraging! Haha, we'll both be doing that then you know. Oh yeah, both those bands were the first ones I checked out and will always be ones I'll keep listening to. Seems to be them for most listeners huh? I can see why! xD I HATE those bands with the weirdest names, with silly symbols not even on the keyboard! I love them really actually, just, not when having to type them up. xD I understand your pain. Let's enjoy Hizumi's god like voice together (it's seriously too bad his voice became damaged, he'll always have one of the best voices in VK) and I look forward to seeing more from you on Last.fm, thank YOU for approaching me. I love discovering new bands so I'm delighted you don't mind helping me out with any that might catch my eye, ta very much. Hope I don't embarrass myself. >< Ooh oooh, another fan of Pura? : 3 I won't let you get away either haha. Thanks very much for the welcome, I hope I'll be able to reply to you again some time, all the best. Oh yeah! Seriously, there's so many fans, this is great! Thank you, don't mind if I do, I hope I'll be able to join in a bit (just blaming myself, not any of you guys). Ah I see, that's why you're a different colour! Just a bit slow, sorry, I understand now, I hope I won't be a bother. Thanks very much for telling me! I hope we can see each other again, take care now. I remember reading some 'shout box's' and a few arguments in them. >< I feel like if I speak my opinion, it's either completely wrong or completely dumb. xD So yeah, that's why I logged off before even trying.. I'll take note of what you've just told me and feel now I feel like I can do it so thank you for your comment. Of course I understand that, I just have no one in real life to talk about the music scene, so I wanted to actually join in for a change somewhere on the internet and I felt I could be happiest here. I've probably repeated myself so much on just this thread so I better stop now ehe. Get going then and catch him before it's too late!! I son't usually ship people in real life but.. xD Haha, it's very funny and sweet. Thanks very much hiroki. (I hope replying now is alright too, sorry) I see on last.fm we're compatability is only in the middle huh? Well, this is a first for me, it's interesting. I love Yuya, he's one of the few male solo artists I enjoy listening to (I don't even know many actually xD). <3 I see you like vistlip as well? Their vocalist is a fine singer, seriously. : 3 You too! I hope we can chat again, goodbye for now.
  14. beni

    My brother thinks I'm mad when I show him how many times I've heard certain tracks (which, in my opinion aren't even that much) on iTunes. I know I'll definitely be listening to them for years to come since, to me, they really are classics in my library. A repeat feast on my ipod. xD So here they are in order of how many listens have been counted (only top three): GACKT - Flower (364 times) LM.C - 88 (262 times) Asian Kung Fu Generation - A Town In Blue (173 times) Others I will listen to almost every day and I believe I will always have to to get through the day are: Dir En Grey - JESSICA D'espairsRay - 夜空 vistlip - 音のカケラ
  15. I remember reading this thread a while back and wanted to reply, even if I am a bit late. So, here I go: As the title inquires, if you didn`t have Japanese music (VK, Indie, Pop, Idol, Electronic, or whatever you like / love) what would you be listening to, and how would your life be different? I really believe I'd still be listening to the small amount of British/Rock pop and rock I had listened to about 2 or 3 years ago. It doesn't seem like such a long time, and I don't exactly want to be called a 'weebo' since I read somewhere that only listening to Japanese music would make you be labelled one but having listened to it, I just can't feel anything special for the bands I used to listen to in America/Britain. I can't even hear the English anymore in English speaking songs now. xD I feel like if I didn't enter into the VK scene, I wouldn't dress in the way I am. I don't dress that out there, but I purposely and unsubconciously (sometimes, I guess) dress differently compared to those around me because I want to feel individual in a way. If I didn't see the way VK musicians dressed, I feel like I wouldn't try doing anything different with my style. I only hope to dress even more out there, and end up looking like Meto or something. xD How much does Japanese music add to your life? I don't want to sound neutural or negative at this part, but trying to face and answer this sounds a bit tricky. I feel like I enjoy Japanese music on a whole much more than anything else I've ever listened to. It's made me even more interested in Japan, looking up things like even artists/painters or smaller areas of the country. I've always thought, without music, I'll literally be wasting my day doing nothing at all. I feel at peace listening to music, and even better being able to talk to others about it now after having joined. I feel A LOT more confident about myself because, like I said above, about dressing up, I think of a few VK artists as my role models. And I want to continue being more confident in being the person I want to be through this. I want to try more things like my favourite musicians do and, eventually, accept that not everyone are bad like I've been afraid of thinking and believing. Would there be any benefits to not having it, like a heavier wallet or bigger bank account? Or is it just plain worth it? I used to purchase as many records I could on iTunes, but the recent ones I want and have found over here are so expensive, my mother will ban me from her account after I purchase just one. I MUCH prefer having a physical copy of an album, and I know their are websites that you can order from overseas, but I'm not lying when I say my mother is very strict with money, and she always says buying from somewhere else would be far too expensive. So I just get tracks from YouTube or different sites I can find, since I want to join in and understand when someone talks about a particular band/singer. I really do believe, if you're also a fan, then you're sure to say it's plain worth it. It's the same with every hobby/love, I believe doing the thing you enjoy most is just worth your time and money and enjoyment. Do you have irreplaceable friends you found through Japanese music? Having started on here, Tumblr and Last.fm, I feel like I am able to make friends who enjoy the same music I do finally. I know no one in real life who likes Japanese music. I only had a friend who knew about Korea's pop groups, that was the closest I got to having a friend who enjoyed Asian music. But I feel like I might be able to have irreplaceable friends on here, hopefully. I just want to chat about Asian music and learn more about it from others. Has it opened up your life more? Gave you an interest in Japanese culture? How would your interests change if you didn`t have this music? Like I answered in the second quesiton, it certainly has! After speaking with a career advicer, she told me if I have an interest in Japanese music, I should expand on it to help me out with my CV and future job hunting. So I now enjoy reading books by Japanese authors, trying to learn a bit of Japanese, and look at the culture and art. I definitely wouldn't have ventured into this in a wider way if I didn't start listening to it, that's for sure. Note: beware of the typos.. ><
  16. beni

    Well said, I really can see the attraction of them as a music act. I might just be a slight hater on the most popular acts outshining others or something hah. It's clever I think, to do something so different, doing such a gimmick. I'll be supporting them to continue doing their best anyway. ( :
  17. There are too many comments I want to like, damn it! (Still passed quota)

    1. doombox


      This happens to me all the time, too. XD

    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      fun fact, I've never hit the limit before :x

    3. beni


      Trying to comment sensibly to get it back up (I'm guessing that's how it works ><). People here are too clever when commenting, I laugh and am impressed by too many comments haha. Wow Saku (am I allowed to shorten down names? ><), how!? I need to stay under control oops. I want more fun facts!

    4. Show next comments  264 more
  18. beni

    ^ Fabulous random list you have right there! Apart from one Korean group you've got included, I know all of them. I see some pop, rock, dance/electronic, a really nice mix of all genres. Like you said 'a decent (I think it's fab) list with a bit of everything.' Because one of my ipods has very small space on it, it only fits most of my rock/VK playlist so I used that one for now: 1. Alice Nine - 蜃気楼 2. Para:noir - Re:gret 3. The GazettE - Filth in the beauty 4. Mejibray - Sadisgate SM Ver. 5. SuG - Lollipop Kingdom 6. Gackt - U+K 7. L'arc~en~Ciel - HEAVEN'S DRIVE 8. GOATBED - THE ROLLING RUBBER BALL 9. Plastic Tree - 真っ赤な糸 10. D'espairsRay - Lost in re:birth I know because of my reason above it's a pretty restricted song shuffle selection but I'm not embarrassed by it in the least. At least it wasn't my J-pop ipod. xD
  19. beni

    Thank you for dropping by just to welcome me Aferni. I'll be thanking everyone else when I can later in the day (I need to go to sleep haha, and I've run out of 'like this's,' no idea how to say it xD) since that's the least I can do. Please enjoy all the moments you're on here too, see you around! Well I won't be letting you go any time soon now that I've got someone who can share the same love of Pura! Aha. Oh yes, sorry about that, I just want to carry a convesation so I say whatever comes to mind when I type quickly, I just mean I read a few debates on the internet about such a thing, I never meant you'd think that way, but thank you nonetheless. Haha, I used might so I didn't sound too freaky but yeah, I don't want to take up anyones free time with my almost essay length messages, so if you don't mind, I only hope we can chat again a bit. ( : xD Aha, we're perfect for eachother then haha. Please, join in on loads more threads as well! I feel more confident too thanks to your comment here, so thanks ever so much. (I see a OP character, right? I need to start reading it, there's so many fans of it!) Please continue to contribute and have fun here too. : 3
  20. beni

    I saw about 9 users on just recently and was going to join it but.. I felt like I'd be intruding. >< But now that you're inviting me, I'm chuffed, I'd love to join! Haven't spoken this much to anyone in ages wow aha. You KNOW you had the time of your life if your shoulders and neck hurt! Only, just, prevent yourself from headbacking for a bit now, keep your head on, you know? Aha. Hmm, what, what? WHAT. Probably overreacting a bit, sorry, but, there are angels on Earth. ;_; I'll be sure to thank kyoselflove too, it appears the sweetie is following my Tumblr. :0 Thanks so much, I'll be dashing over there and soon as I can! Really excited! You're too kind! No longer afraid now, I've stopped shaking seeing as I keep commenting on any thread which isn't too old (Might be wrong but, I thought you can't do that..?) So yeah! xD Really happy to be reassured so much and to know everyone enjoys their time here. I would hug you right now, you know? I haven't spoken to a Plastic Tree fan before, and they've been my favourites for about.. two years? Again, I know I'm a bit of a late listener but they've always been that special band. So I am ever so thrilled to finally meet another fan I might be able to talk to?
  21. So happy I make myself sign up on here. I haven't felt this well in a long time and it's all thanks to being accepted into such a welcoming community. Thank you.

    1. kyoselflove
    2. Metoichi


      you're lucky, you seem to be very appreciated :)

    3. beni


      ^ Thank you Original Saku, kyoselflove. <3 Metoichi, trust me, I'm never lucky. xD I just needed a lot of reassurance coming on here and I'm really grateful others understood. Everyone's appreciated, I'm no different apart from almost crying at recieving messages. xD

    4. Show next comments  264 more
  22. beni

    So.. we can literally just type up a random thought? Ooh, this is my kind of place! ... Oh, just remembered, I should really do some coursework...
  23. Definitely any and all of Gackts' ballads. I cry every. God. Damn. TIME. Especially with Flower. For some reason, the translation of that song kills me every single god damn time! I hope you don't mind me copying and pasting the lyrics (with link to original post of course), I just wanted to show you what I meant, since it's about loss and love and just so touching (just the last part of the song, not going to kill you with a wall of text, hopefully ><): The earth goes on forever, everything is beautiful the season when you closed your eyes is passing by Even now, the sadness won't vanish, but the world I longed for is beginning At the end of my sadness, I found it at last I held the flower named "you" close The love overflows and it overwhelms me...⁴ If I am reborn, let it be by your side You are the irreplaceable flower Also, after reading about what created The GazettE's' (I KNEW I kept spelling it wrong, thanks digitalbounce, my damn use of the only language I know is shocking) Taion, I can't listen to it without feeling so sad and dreadful. It's also the same feeling I have with Dir En Grey's Higeki Ha Mabuta Wo Oroshita Yasashiki Utsu, since I read somewhere it was written in dedication to a fan who commited suicide. It probably appears I've just written three songs I think are just plain sad but really, I personally feel the reason why the artists had written them is the reason why I hold them very close to my heart. In memory of someone, dedication. I can't help but feel even more melancholic when I listen to such tracks. (I have probably left out so many, sorry)
  24. I remember when I was totally obsessed with Mr Simple, they are kick ass! So much energy! I really can understand why they're so popular. Good on them. They are actually the only group I've managed to speak about to someone in real life with because she adores them. Because of Kayes' comment, I'll be checking out Super Junior M. I noticed they had.. sub.. groups? (Probably wrongly labelled, sorry) Still not enough for all the fans I bet! My first Korean boy group and will always be the catchiest in my opinion due to that haha.
  25. beni

    Happy they're coming over for all the fans again, but the only thing that upsets me is how people will only focus on one particular group, even if they are different for whatever reason. I actually listen to BABYMETAL at times, and I enjoy it, and I think it is unique because it's a new, fresh idea, mixing two genres together. I know laods of bands do this but damn, is this rather special haha. But what I'm trying to get at is, I have a few friends who have heard and even listen to BABYMETAL, but that's it. Nothing else. They won't even try any of the other sub groups of the cute girl groups in Japan, or try the harder sounding metal groups we all love. Not being a hater at all, just me letting of some thoughts. It just upsets me when groups get the spotlight when others who try just as hard or even harder don't get as much recognised. But I guess it happens all the time. Anyway, most have already hit the nail on the head with great explanations about their popularity, I just wanted a say too, they're doing very well anyway. Oh and, RoseOfHizaki, and anyone else, have a fabulous time seeing them!
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